The car is a Ford Mk2 Consul. This was the car Eddie Cochran was killed in while on a tour in England.
@George Klass and @j hansen, thanks for correction about it being transmission. My guess was because I seem to remember Lew having problems with the Pontiac engine on nitro and shifting to Hemi engines.
A couple of Factory Experimental cars that may have been booked in for a match race at US 30. Ira Lichey ran The Gold Agency and always booked in some great cars for his shows. Ed Rachanski and Gary Dyer teamed up and ran the Comet which was purchased from Mercury with assistance from Ed’s BIL who was a Lincoln-Mercury salesman. It got new sheet metal for ‘65 and soon after Gary Dyer left to drive for Mr. Norm. The Chevelle is Dick Harrell’s Z-11 powered car.
NE 82nd Ave. & NE Oregon St. - Portland Oregon - Across the the street from Montavilla Park. Another place I spent much of my youth.
Great article on Drive-In's by Mr Ganahl ...apologies for the few not vintage images. Spent most of my High School years at Bob's in Pasadena so Drive-In's hold a special place in my heart. Just click the link: