Paradise defined in a neighborly way...That will help with the transition to a land far far away not to mention its pivotal history... Your imagery combined with Chris's own connection to the Culture could easily pass for 1941... That was a treat...thanks for sharing...have fun out there...
A good friend just bought a summer home on the big island. I guess Hawaii is the place to be! We're making it a priority to go and visit him next summer. Casny rules.
Ryan I missed this. Real Ryan prose. Real Ryan photos. Those photos are nothing short of life magazine perfection and the writing feels spurned on by the loss of our greatest pen. I first thought please make these available as prints, or even a coffee table book of your shots. But really, what this truly calls for. Is a new printed journal. By the new 2022 Ryan.
The photos aren't great... I was too busy being in Hawaii to consider things like reflections and other composition things that became issues. I did shoot the cars digitally... and then exposed 35mm Portra film using the digital images on a 5k postage stamp OLED screen and a raspberry pi to control exposure. The result is pretty sharp images with natural film grain.... and I think that saves my shoddy camera work. I'm pretty fond of them anyhow... As for the writing and Pat, I wrote this before Pat passed. Pat and I are completely different types of writers - main differential being he was way better than I am.
It's fresh water runoff from the mountain... eventually goes to the ocean after dropping down a number of different water falls. This one is about 80 to 100' tall and happens to be in Casny's backyard essentially...
Casney has come a long way since that silver hand built car that was registered as a Nash. Interesting cat…
I'd say... And I said this in my feature, but... I've been around a lot of both professional and amateur hot rod builders in my travels. In my opinion, Casny is the best one-man builder I've ever been around. He does everything himself - fabrication, interior, paint and body, etc... in his home shop... and he does it to a level that's as good and as detailed as any pro multi-man shop.
" Everything old, is new again " A newly redefined " Garden of Eden " Adam and Eve would have been "stylin " if they were driving around in those two kick ass rides! Cool story, great photographs !
What a great story/feature and I've been a fan of Chris' work ever since seeing his roadster. I've been fortunate enough to have gone to Hawaii a fair amount and agree with everything you've described. Place is special and seemingly the ideal place for a talent such as his.
Chris has no fear. Think about the sheer determination it has taken for him to build his cars, make each one better than the last, and do it all on his own. Not to mention all of the work he put in to his previous home near Austin, sell it, put his life in shipping containers and move to a remote island. No fear and purely inspirational.
It takes a special kind of gearhead to be happy in Hawaii. I've been there 3 times and always thought it too small to really be a place to live with cool cars. I hope Chris has room to enjoy his rides.
I spend most of my time on Kauai and I’m constantly surprised by the car scene there… Maui is quite a bit bigger. Just takes the right person…
I dig the ocean. And for you guys that live in such places, mo power to ya. Like Ryan said above can be said about anywhere "it just takes the right person" As I was reading this earlier a thought came into my head. Dangerous I know but, many of us live in our own version of paradise. Some folks are still collecting nuts so some day they can afford their vision of it. I was fortunate and smart enough to set down roots here in the foothills 17 years ago before property went nuts. We cherish every sunrise over the Badlands and every sunset over the Hills. I tyoe this as I sit here designing a steel and concrete bathroom vanity................damn gotta get back on the car porjects instead of welding structural steel!
Some have the ability to do it all, but only a few accomplish it! Darn good write up and the pictures definitely convey the mood. Artists tend to be their own worst critics ( that's what make them Grow). I have been doing reno projects since the first house we bought in 1973 (this is the fourth) and most if not all had a least one part that got a whole lot worse before it got better. It can be pretty daunting and seemingly impossible, but do you Stop. Heck, No! I know you got this, Carp.
Was that shared on here? ...I snooped, not much to see as pics were non existant but for one from another poster, but yes I have seen and shared it elsewhere perhaps not knowing its origins...
100-pound palm fronds dropping from the trees? I bet you gotta be careful where you park them old cars....
You can leave the mainland and get as far off the grid as you want, but you gotta bring your Merc and your roadster... -Abone.