Today I returned from at 3800km drive to pick up my new 34 5 window, body made by CW Components here in Aus, Body is awesome quality - more detailed pics soon. My plan is for a Bonniville style build, here are a few pics on pickup, I will post more when I unload tomorrow. Glen
Ah yes, they are local to me. I've been there and can verify that the quality of their product is very, very good.
That’s a very nice piece,,,,,,fit and body lines look perfect ! Should make a super nice ride ! Tommy
Yeah Billy , That is some slick gel coat,,,,,,which probably says a lot for the quality of the body ! Those guys down under usually turn out some good looking pieces. I’ve bought some engine parts lately that were from there,,,,,,I was happy with the quality and price . Tommy
Unloaded body today, quality is absolutely awesome, doors open and close effectless smooth, heavy, thick and solid fiberglass where needed - not flimsily anywhere, all gaps near perfect. Plans for car include quick change rear, drop axel front, steel wheels, custom grille, bonnet, bonnet sides, louvers everywhere, sbc or bbc - maybe flathead, distressed paint - old skool look. Thanks for awesome comments, Glen
I just went to their website,,,,CW components,,,in Queensland Au . Looks like a very good operation,,,,.with really good products . Tommy
Sure looks like a strong, reinforced body with fantastic door gaps. Good for you. Also, the stance is really good even with your temp axles!
Yep pieces for interior window surrounds and templates for window glass as well as electric window items. Glen
I tried to get stance as close as possible to finished car as Im gunna be looking at it every day - now I can decide weather to fab a grille or go with traditional 34 grille then I can fabricate bonnet and sides. Yes this body is super strong everywhere, I have all the engineering reports / destruction tests for rego - impressive stuff. Glen
Finally got my hands dirty starting on this car, I already had a dropped forged axle left over from my 31 coupe and I recently purchased a new front spring, perch bolts, shackles and a pair of wishbones as well as some heavy duty tie rod ends with weld bungs to beef up chassis end of wishbone to satisfy my engineer, I also have ordered new shocks and lower shock mounts - I already have a pair of bolt on upper shock mounts, I now just need to put it all together, today I fabricated a spring mount and started modifying my wishbones, a few pics Glen.
I could probably keep the current rear axle and go front wheel drive - something to think about. A few pics of today's progress, welded bungs on bones and fitted my lower shock mounts and shocks. Will fit top shock mount when ride height and caster issues sorted - need to research front end setup again before any more progress. Glen
Thanks X38 cross steer is what Im gunna use, I read in another thread your advice on wishbone location using only one leaf spring and chassis weight. Can you explain this for me please or other ways to determine wishbone location and caster angle, Thanks in advance. Glen
In the past I have determined the frame end location like this: Use only the main leaf but add packers to make up the full spring thickness. Frame is level side to side and at finished car rake. It has no engine or anything else in it. I have found this fairly accurately replicates the compression of a full spring in a loaded car. Clamp it in the crossmember and attach the axle and wishbones/hairpins. Have the rear ends of the bones supported on jacks or whatever, but naturally without strain or stress. Verify caster with frame set up at ride height/rake. Observe where the pivot point would be. If too high or too low for proper function, make adjustments to the axle end to get things how they should be. With that done you should have the frame mount location figured. Modify mounts accordingly and tack. I should add, because, you know..., make sure everything is square first. That is how I did it on this and other cars. This one has cross steer (HQ/ 525 box)