I'm thinking that everybody has watched Bring a Trailer. The 2 minute reset on the clock has proved to be very good. All of their auctions has a moderator at the end. If a post is out of line, it is deleted instantly. Auctions are for people that really want to sell their vehicle, not just provide entertainment for the world. If people realize that, this could be a real asset for the HAMB members.
will this put an end to all the what's it worth threads here? like the wise ol owl says, let's find out
No plans at the moment for "Buy it now" sales. I've never really understood why people hate those threads so much. Hell we have a forum for em... *** One thing I should note. After the auction closes, it is up to the buyer and seller to complete the sale. Meaning, we are only taking 3.5% from the buyer and not handling the rest of the transaction/money. Our role afterwards is to make sure the sale goes smoothly, nobody gets screwed, etc...
Oh I'm ready to load up that site. Happy this is happening. I need a kick in the arse to get some cars moved out.
I talked with a fellow club member last Sunday and he ask me if I would post his 1932 Ford pickup on the Hamb, the new auction site just might be right place to post it. HRP
i have bought and sold on BAT and recently bought a car on one of the "copycat" auction sites and learned an important difference between them. when selling on BAT it is required that the title be in your name. (legitimate dealers likely have rules they have to follow - but i'm not a dealer.) the car i recently bought was not in the sellers name and was just "open" from a previous owner that wasn't even in the same state as the seller. after the purchase i realized that i could have set myself up for $$$$ problems but thankfully i now have a Texas title in my name for my 27. i'll also share this about BAT. i sent my car to be listed and they found an error on the VIN i wasn't even aware of. it had been that way for years and previous owners across two states! (it was a "8" instead of a "B"...) so they definitely attempt to vet things. that was last year and i have jumped through many hoops and i still don't have the issue resolved.
Only complete runner drivers? What about "projects"? I'm not talking piles of garbage. But nice collections of parts that maybe aren't assembled completely yet? Or in mock up mode?
on bring-a-trailer the seller pays a "$100 listing fee" (+$250 for the premium service with photography included.) and the buyer pays a 5% of the final price. BAT is popular with high end sales because they have a cap of $5000 - so when you are buying multi million $ toys the fees aren't an inhibiting factor.
Come on fellas.....lets go. Not sure what you are waiting for. FILL OUT YOUR FORM AND SEND YOUR PICTURES TO RYAN. I've already sent my forms and pics on my 55 Ford F100 to Ryan. I've been bugging him and bugging him. I'm ready to let my 55 go and someone is going to get the opportunity to buy it.