So here's a guy that wears high wasted pedal pushers over his thong and no one can see the whale tail. What a disappointment! I wonder if he has a tramp stamp too!
Easiest way to tell the difference is the '55 had round front parking lights and the '56 had rectangular....
posted by @down-the-road The ad for Beany’s Drive-In, the name of the Highway U.S. 101 South led to Hody’s Drive-In and further driving to Seal Beach surf spots, the coastal route to get to Belmont Shore community and the local 4 year state college. But, the interesting thing is the motel sign on the left was for a small coastal stop over for weary travelers. In the following years, it closed and got turned into a very small private college. Now, many years later, it is an off campus dormitory for the 4 year state college campus activities, just a short drive away. Hello, Our pre-teen family adventures always involved the traffic circle. It is/was a wonder of automotive design. Our dad was proud that he mastered the many times we drove on the circle going in all directions and the flow of traffic incoming/meeting in one place was amazing. 3 major streets/highways all heading in normal speeds melding together to move the cars in the most efficient manner as designed. When we were driving age, the Traffic circle was almost a daily occurrence. Surf trips down South were primary on the Highway 101 from our Westside of Long Beach house. In the teenage cruising scene, coming from our house or high school, a few miles west, was also a major thing we did. But, from Bixby Knolls/Lakewood/Long Beach Airport/LB City College area all led to this Traffic Circle and that caused a tense moment for most drivers. For the local teengers or just being a part of the community, Ximeno Avenue going right at the Circle Drive-In Theater corner was a shorter way to get to the main district of Belmont Shore and a direct access to the Ocean Blvd. that led to downtown Long Beach. Jnaki From our house, on the Westside of Long Beach down PCH or Highway 101 led to the Traffic Circle and this particular corner. The Traffic Circle is a nightmare of movement and has been altered to make things smoother in the transition from a three way major intersection of the busiest location in Long Beach then and even today. Just know what you are going to do before you get into the circular lanes. Back then, for all passengers in cars, the big distraction going down Highway 101 South, was seeing the big screen at the Circle Drive-In Theater at night. The movies distract the driver’s eye, but the Traffic Circle at the bottom of the steep sloping road created a major problem for all drivers. Not just teenagers! Today, the traffic circle has been updated and it is a lot easier to navigate. But, for first time drivers in the area, watch out and don’t panic…YRMV