These are actually digital shots with a Leica Monochrome and a vintage 35mm Summilux. The only post editing is with Lightroom - just setting the profile for the old lens. Pretty convincing, no? Everything you like about these photos is more about the camera than any talent I don't have. The overcast weather sort of created a Lightbox too... So, I had every advantage really. All I did was focus and push a button.
Really enjoy those. I know it’s unlikely to hope for another print edition of the jalopy journal but every one of these I could see stamped with the jalopy journal script in red and made into a pack of post cards
This show's ethos is the same at a vintage Porsche gathering called 'Luftgekhult' (air cooled in German). They use a scenic location (lumbar yard, old docks, Naval base, etc.) and place the cars in harmony with the background, or to help tell a story. It's far more interesting that just a car show where you're seeing rows and rows of random cars lined up with some non-descript background, IMO.
Yeah, that was the basic idea of the Hot Rod Revolution as well... In fact, I was told that last weekend's Luft venue was actually somewhat inspired by the Revolution we did at the Power Plant. Made me super happy.
Great shots! Me and a couple buddies were just questioning if this show was going on this past weekend while we were hanging out at the SK500. Thanks for confirming.
Rad shots. I like the upstairs peek-a-boo through the dirty curtains. Was the music from the movie going through your mind as you shot? Legend has it Neil Young sat down and watched the movie all the through while he fiddled around in the guitar. Then they started from the beginning and rolled audio tape. Neil laid the soundtrack down in one, long take.
Cool. And don't downplay your talent and artistic eye. Digital can give us possibilities that would have been difficult if not impossible to achieve with conventional film and darkroom techniques. But you have to know when to say "when". Less is more.
Beautiful shots. Personally, I think the 39 Convertible shot should be framed and hanging in an art museum. Mick
So good to see yall again. Thanks for having us man... That's my favorite too... But I'm biased as the owner is one of my best pals. I sat there for 30 minutes waiting for the sun to go through the clouds just right for that lighting... The best idea was this one: This one would have been so cool, but I missed the exposure. I wanted the light bouncing off the barn to light the car... and it did, but I should have exposed off the car rather than the barn.... I bracketed and took this shot 6 times and this was the only one that was even close to right.
Well, you know what they say about opinions. However, I have to say this is my favorite. For whatever reason it just speaks to me. By the way, ALL fantastic. You don't give yourself enough credit for this stuff.