I lucked out in several ways: My 9th grade son talked this morning about watching the CNC go from a blank to the tangible piece in his hand. Experiencing that person really has him thinking - that’s a powerful influence for a kid trying to discover what career path he wants to take in life. Howard took time to give both boys a shotgun ride, that’s a big deal to a kid. Much the same when I was punk 15 kid and Howard listened to me at a car show, that discussion helped led me and dad to building my car almost 35 years ago and got me into this mess. Thanks man! I miss my friends and happy to see them and meet new. It's good to be inspired. Then wondering how the hell to add a church bell to the top of my shop too. Guys thanks for taking time to do this.
Currently north of dallas waiting to see if another shoot is possible here this evening. In doubt obviously... I've been fighting weather all day long, but it isn't raining here at this point - just really windy...
Always a great time. Really appreciate you making the effort to put these together for the rest of us slackers!
You hit a lot of the reasons I agree that we need to do more of this. The cars sitting around and us bullshitting is fine, but forming community over breakfast. The visceral aspect of being in a line of cars cruising around, actually seeing and hearing them all gurgle to life, and roar under the bridges. It’s a totally different thing. Going to new places like the machine shop and the farm. It’s all good stuff and it’s a huge part of why what we do is so cool and fun. @NoSurf had a similar thing going with his annual bbq. We would take a cruise, visit something cool, eat together. And often watch a movie and camp out at the farm as well. This really gave me flash backs to a lot of that I really appreciate the effort everyone involved put forward. I surprised @Austin kays by grabbing him on my way and not telling him what we were doing. I know by the huge grin he had on his face riding shotgun that the run was doing what it was intended to do. Even if we had to leave a bit early.
Was a blast till the old lady hit a deer. Sorry I had to jet so fast. Maybe next time! Sent from my SM-G977U using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I can only cut when the mower is working and it’s not raining... Thanks for letting me know. r Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
There’s always something going on. Was just talking about putting a bug in Kevin’s ear about another kcsp …