Back in the sixties we used the legs off tables. These were nicely bent tube, with a nice kink near the U bend, and already chromed. With a little care and a few tack welds it was possible to make nerfs without needing to visit the chrome shop. Garpo
I've always liked Nerf bars,first nerf I made was for the rolled rear pan of my full custom Henry J in 1960 ,for the front of the J,I had planned on doing one also. But I came across a Corvair front bumper with only a tiny bend that I could get straight. So that's what it got up front.
Anyone got a pic of the Ermie Immerso AMBR car (b-t-w, he won AMBR 3 times with two cars) that had EI in the nerf? I googled and never found a pic.
Frank, I don't have plans, but after the Spalding is done (this Summer), I am going to build (2), one with a flathead and one with a Chevy. I plan to have a build thread, showing the process and dimensions.
Everything you've done is so spot on. The front and rear views of your roadster are as clean as can be. Great and simple design.
Just saw this thread (yeah I'm old and slow...). More ideas to plaigerize! I can even integrate a step to get in the Whatever project for SWMBO.
It's not exactly a nerf bar, but I built this out of sold steel bar to make sort of a functional push bar/bumper for the back of my A. It bolts right to the frame above the exhaust pipes.
Yeah, I'm rethinking that, btw. Hey it was free. I'm half Scots i.e. cheap, so free is good. At least I have good templates for the next attempt at a floor.