It's probably been answered lots of times but I'm thinking of bringing one of my cars over for a few big shows for some fun and thinking of selling it over there either before we go or while we are there .this won't happen for a few years but it's a option . What are the rules . It's a full custom hotrod
Was it originally from the USA? If so try and get a copy of the title and it can enter the USA tax free
That’s an interesting question that I have no idea. Might fall under Federal or individual State Government laws. I’m gonna follow along and see what the answers are. Initially I’d think it would be like buying a car in Canada, which I know is done now and then. But then again, no clue why it takes.
Have a talk to Greg Stokes on here as he has spent a lot of time in the US and will know the situation for New Zealand. He was last on here on Thursday so send him a PM and hopefully he will reply in a few days. I think you will need a title to sell the car in the US but some states will accept a bill of sale. Do you have any history on the car and who built it in Australia?
Well, that needs to be quantified. Say he has (but I don’t think so) a 1990 radically hot rodded Camaro, BBC, etc. big tunnel ram, or 8-71 on it. That car will never be legal to drive in 95% of the counties in my state. It would never pass smog, even if it “blew clean” because the parts used on it won’t have a CARB-EDO number. Now I know that example is way OT from the HAMB. Just making a statement that takes the “in general” out of it.
If the car doesn't have a title,you can't get it titled in South Carolina, even if it's for any other state in the USA. If you have a title in your had it's legal in S.C. HRP
Yeah think I few phone calls might be worth it . I assume since it's certified and registered here in NZ getting a title shouldn't be to hard in the states . It's a 1937 so we'll over the 25year old rule but it is heavily modified . I'm over in San Francisco in September so might go to a local car place and see if I can get some info . It's easy bringing them to NZ was hoping it's that easy to send them to the states .
I built it over the last 6 years . It's all legal and certified in NZ . Might be worth me giving him a call some time .
Is it built as a left or right hand drive? The reason I ask is because I think if it is right hand drive then it needs to be converted to left hand before it can be sold / and licensed / registered by a USA owner. Note you can definitely take a right hand drive in drive it around and take it back out of the country but if you want to sell it then I believe that is a whole different story.
Your country’s rules for export along with America’s rules for import will likely change in a few years as will the associated costs - so your question about what the future holds cannot be accurately answered. Jim
Google says it’s okay to register a RHD car. In that search there was also topics on importing cars to the US and compliances needed. Now that wouldn’t concern you (I don’t think for your initial “drive it around for awhile”) but Google should put you on on a clearer path for your quest.
Google search has all the info you need. Start here. motor vehicle that is,at the time of importation. It's got me wondering why you think you will do better in the US than NZ when selling it when cars generally go the other way.
I'm not real concerned about getting more money for it over in the states .it will get the same dollar amount here or there . Just a dream to go over for a few months with it cruise thru different states to some big shows . This is the car would suit the low rider community
Because doing business with a bunch of "broke assed Kiwis" is like 2 seagulls fighting over food scraps
"BZZZZZT!" Sorry, wrong answer but we have some nice consolation prizes for you. Thanks for playing. We recently shagged a 37 Cord supercharged cabriolet (Sportsman) that was built for South African export when new, and it was still wrong-hand drive (RHD). It's since been switched by choice to LHD, not by law.
@Xhumed look up a couple importers of vehicles in the US. There are a quite a few Rover, Toyota, and Skyline importers (among others), who bring in vehicles (dozens+ a year). They will have answers and could possibly help facilitate your vehicle.
Great photos I didn't want to get in the way of people to take good ones . Such a cool event I'm back next year with .