Good morning from Canada. I replace the original fuse box on my Buick with a fuse box from a 1980's Chevrolet. I needed some extra fuses and also not a big fan of the old glass fuses. Nothing wrong with them but the little plastic fuses are easier to replace.. So everything was easy to replace except the turning light relay. The old one a 3 connections the new box has 2. is there a way to change the 3 way into 2 way? Thanks again for the help
X and L is what new fuse box has but not configured the same. Use a test light to find X on your new fuse box with key switch on. The rest will be self explanatory.
I’m not familiar with your Buick. How is the idicator for turn signals configured on the dash? Or are you referring to the modern warning flasher that’s incorporated within new fuse panel?
Oop’s, left out one detail. Use a 3 prong flasher pig tail to make a custom pigtail where wires X and L will plug into fuse panel and wire P will go to indicator lamp in the dash.
I just looked at a Buick dash and it has a left and right indicator. Now I’m lost as to why you need a 3 prong to start with or is there something different since yours is Canadian?
I ran into this as I recall. Put jumper in two prong location then brought hot wire out a wired 3 prong flasher
If you think your canadian Buick matches the US version and I'd guess if these color codes match it should- Connect the original white flasher wire to the X terminal of the 2 prong flasher, the gray wire to the L terminal, tape off the pink wire. At the turn switch- remove the orange wire and splice to the light green wire, remove the tan wire and splice to the dark green. It looks like originally the feed for the indicator from the flasher (pink wire) was switched in the turn signal switch. Changing the wiring as above ties the indicators to the front turns which will work the same.
I may be over thinking that. First try attaching both the Gray and pink wire to the L terminal and see what happens.
Where’s were the tee’d white ends up (brake switch) and pink and gray go to turn signal. Disregard all my other comments. But the custom pigtail did count for something as @olscrounger mentioned. Just wire it per the Buick diagrams
Thank you Johnny , I will try it on the weekend. Car electric is sometimes difficult, Specially BUICK lol but sooner or later I get it to work
You are great, how did you found this out? lol . What I know , there is no difference between Canadian Buick and US Buick back then. Pontiac is different