Hello, On our many road trips to San Francisco from the 1967 photo shoot days to the 2018 latest long road trip, My wife and I have been to that portion of the parking lot at Candlestick Park. Never to a game as we are not baseball folks, but the location on the bay was perfect for a backdrop for photos. No obstructions, great Bay water view, no trees to stick up out of a car or motorcycle and solitude. And, usually a nice cool breeze to keep things nice during the day time photos. But, as things go, it lived until it was destroyed. Now the new stadium is elsewhere and the cold breezes still come into the land to haunt the barren area. Jnaki There was a GM promotional event with Corvettes and the SF area. So, this photo is part of that time period. YRMV Note: The breezes, still coming toward the now, empty, barren, land.
I am always staggered at how many different brands of gas you had in the US. Was that directly related to how many oil companies you had?