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Event Coverage Australia Trip with Pics!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by guthriesmith, Nov 3, 2023.

  1. Okie Pete
    Joined: Oct 29, 2008
    Posts: 5,361

    Okie Pete

    All work no play make for a dull day or something like that . Lol
    guthriesmith likes this.
  2. Close.
    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.;)
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2023
  3. clem
    Joined: Dec 20, 2006
    Posts: 4,352


    Most don’t realise - Almost as big as the USA in area…………
    Australia…….7,682,300 km sq
    U.S.A………..9,147,593 km sq (3,531,905 miles sq)
    I suspect that Alaska is not included.

    How Big is the United States compared to Australia?
    Rawrench, hrm2k, Stogy and 10 others like this.
  4. In the map overlay above, if one of the countries was flipped upside down, I think the similarity in size would be alot more apparent...
    hrm2k, Okie Pete and guthriesmith like this.
  5. The old saying, We have Stations(farms) as big as Texas is not far from the truth.
    Some friends have just been over from NZ and every time they’d ask how far somewhere was, the answer was nearly always ,”just down the road”, they never knew if that was 5 mins or 5 hrs, all relative here.
    hrm2k, 61Cruiser, alanp561 and 7 others like this.
  6. 05snopro440
    Joined: Mar 15, 2011
    Posts: 1,971


    And if you made them both rectangles the similarity would be more apparent too.
    Okie Pete and guthriesmith like this.
  7. 05snopro440
    Joined: Mar 15, 2011
    Posts: 1,971


    Your suspicion is not correct. The land area of the contiguous united states is 8,080,464 km sq, only 5% larger than Australia. Hawaii and Alaska were originally included and are 13% of the land area of the USA.
  8. Harv
    Joined: Jan 16, 2008
    Posts: 1,156

    from Sydney

    Nah, that includes Alaska and Hawaii. According to Wiki, the contiguous states are only 8,080,464.3 km sq., and only 7,663,941.7 km sq is actual land. Pretty close in size to Australia.

    Anna Creek Station is the largest, at 23,677 km sq. Texas is 696,000 km sq. Things really are larger in Texas :D.

  9. clem
    Joined: Dec 20, 2006
    Posts: 4,352


    First search result that came up,
    But yes from looking it up a while back I thought the difference was less than 5%.
    But I always thought Alaska was extra and also much bigger.
    Thanks for the correction.
  10. Anna Creek Station is the largest, at 23,677 km sq. Texas is 696,000 km sq. Things really are larger in Texas :D.


    Geez Harv, you just pricked my bubble,,we drove in through Lubbock, down to Austin and out via the north west, it didn’t seem that big.
  11. Lil32
    Joined: Apr 4, 2012
    Posts: 2,598


    another saying out west is "how far to the next petrol ?"
    answer "a six pack" (beer)
  12. hudson48
    Joined: Oct 16, 2007
    Posts: 3,120


    My favourite when I lived in Sydney was the Hero of Waterloo Hotel in the Rocks.
    hrm2k, 61Cruiser, 05snopro440 and 3 others like this.
  13. I spent plenty of time there as well.
  14. Made it to Canberra and am staying with a mate there that I met several years ago in the states. Sounds like a garage crawl and bbq tomorrow before heading to Sydney. :cool:
  15. Envious!!!

    alanp561, hrm2k, RDR and 4 others like this.
  16. I didn’t realize you were in Brisbane. For some reason I was thinking you were from NZ when I met you at the StratKat 500 in Dewey a few years back.

    Understood Ben. This trip is not something I would have thought I would ever have opportunity to do at all much less being able to do some car stuff while here. It’s been a trip of a lifetime.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2023
    alanp561, Rawrench, hrm2k and 8 others like this.
  17. noboD
    Joined: Jan 29, 2004
    Posts: 8,581


    The US may be a little bigger but they have more animals that can kill you. And more weird ones too, like a platypus.
  18. bucketmouth
    Joined: Apr 7, 2006
    Posts: 148

    from Australia

    My first trip to the US in 2005 we went to a hotrod shop in Bakersfield. The shop guys said to meet them at this bar that night which we did. They asked what did I drink and I said what ever you drink I'll have. So Bud Lite it was and I put a heap away but the next day I had a massive hangover. I told them later that day and they said yeah we drank a heap and I replied yeah but it was only low alcohol beer. They just looked at me and I at them. Well thats the difference between you and us,your lite beer is full strength but light on carbohydrates, our lite beer is low on alcohol like 2.2 percent. hahahaha it was a good night though.
  19. Great pictures Jeff, thanks for sharing.
    There certainly are some outstanding rides down there, very impressive.
    See ya in May....
  20. It sounds like you might a need week's vacation to recover from this "vacation" . . !
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2023
    Okie Pete, alanp561, hrm2k and 4 others like this.
  21. Lil32
    Joined: Apr 4, 2012
    Posts: 2,598


  22. alanp561
    Joined: Oct 1, 2017
    Posts: 4,908


    King Ranch in Texas is 3338.65 square kilometers. So yeah, your Anna Creek Station is a sizeable piece of property.
  23. hudson48
    Joined: Oct 16, 2007
    Posts: 3,120


    I was going to ask if you were at Stray Kat in 2018 when I took the Hudson over. Yes I live in Brisbane and Sydney was just a few years in my youth. I had a friend with me at Stray Kat who was from New Zealand.I had my roadster at Yamba. 20231110_151327_resized (Medium) (1).jpg
    Baumi, Outback, deadbeat and 13 others like this.
  24. RDR
    Joined: May 30, 2009
    Posts: 1,505


    We are all enjoying the heck out of our trip here Jeff !
    Thanks for bringing us along !!
  25. Had an amazing day in Canberra today on a garage crawl, bbq lunch, and cruise. Pics to come soon!
  26. I can’t believe I missed your roadster at Yamba! That is one cool car!!! I would definitely have taken a pic if I would have seen it.
  27. Forgot to post a pic of all the wild kangaroos I saw when I was walking around near the river in Perth Friday morning. They seemed pretty tame even though I was right up next to them.

    OzMerc39, mgtstumpy, Outback and 8 others like this.
  28. And, now I can post pics from today in Canberra. First pics are the cars owned by my mate that I stayed with and that organized the day for me. He had the 56 Chevy that he has had since he was 17 stashed away in the corner under a cover, then three Model A’s, the touring, an A400 that he is working on, and a glass roadster that someone before him put a somewhat strange roof on. Anyway, the touring was my ride for the day and is way cool. :cool:

    IMG_8525.jpeg IMG_8526.jpeg IMG_8529.jpeg IMG_8524.jpeg IMG_8533.jpeg IMG_8528.jpeg

    This cool Model A Vicky is my mates dad’s car.

    OzMerc39, mgtstumpy, Outback and 17 others like this.
  29. We stopped by a couple of my mates club members houses to check out their projects but I can’t really post many pics since that stuff was all somewhat OT for here. Here are the ones I can post along with some of the car club folks that also came along for the garage crawl and some driving pics.

    IMG_8536.jpeg IMG_8538.jpeg IMG_8539.jpeg IMG_8543.jpeg IMG_8542.jpeg IMG_8541.jpeg IMG_8547.jpeg IMG_8549.jpeg IMG_8552.jpeg IMG_8555.jpeg IMG_8561.jpeg IMG_8562.jpeg IMG_8564.jpeg IMG_8565.jpeg IMG_8571.jpeg IMG_8574.jpeg
    OzMerc39, Mtn Goat, Outback and 13 others like this.
  30. Next stop was a bbq lunch and checking out more cool stuff. Al had a couple way cool 32’s!

    IMG_8575.jpeg IMG_8576.jpeg IMG_8577.jpeg IMG_8579.jpeg IMG_8581.jpeg IMG_8583.jpeg IMG_8584.jpeg IMG_8587.jpeg IMG_8590.jpeg IMG_8593.jpeg IMG_8592.jpeg IMG_8591.jpeg

    Oh, and a pic to show @da34guy that I got to meet Al and go to his place. :D

    OzMerc39, Outback, 61Cruiser and 16 others like this.

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