I don’t plan on running the hood sides very often so…I wanted a nice way that wasn’t too intrusive to hold the hood down on the side, so this is what I came up with. We use them to hang tags on valves at work tiny cable and crimps and then I just cut a Spring down. Slip the bolt into the hinge hole, and hook the spring to the inner fender rubber pad hole also, I padded the grill area , and dyed the stock cowl lace black, with leather dye. Hood fits pretty good.
One tie down per side is enough?...Was the hood in the pic earlier in the parking lot just sitting on there or were you using a hidden method? Nice Job all around...I hope this is in the rattle can excellence Thread as it really looks good on her?
The early picture I just had those small Micro bungees hooked underneath to the support rods. I drove it on the freeway like that, and didn’t even move. It still has the hinge in the center bolted down on each end. So those new cables and Springs are way stronger. I was thinking about two per side but I’m trying not to steal away from the looks from the engine. That’s basically the whole reason I don’t want the sides on there. Now if I had a small block Chevy in there, yeah I would hide everything. LOL! But it’s a Flathead!! I want to show off its Old School propulsion system.
Pardon my smallblock......they're presentable as long as they have a nice balance of shiny and are Hamb friendly of course...I like the fact Jerry painted the block maroon instead of orange...kinda disguises it a little... The finishing touches. Did I already ask...and I know your not there yet but is there another oldie in the future...I only have one and that's all I can handle but many here have several...
Just Chevy jokes!! I do like the early dress up on them And they look at home in Model ‘A’ s As far as the flatty, if My pops sell his extras before he croaks, I will probably end up putting in a 302 with the Cal-custom look! If mine dies. The Munster coach had a small block, Ford. I’m not sure about a future Hot Rod yet. I really would love to do a 48-50 F1 though
That’s funny I just noticed Rudy in the corner!! I just pulled him out of the drawer yesterday looking for something else and I am like AWWWe poor guy! I need to get a washer rebuild kit for it, so it won’t fall off on me. I tried doing other methods and it’s better, but not to my satisfaction. Besides, I don’t wanna leave Him on there when I park somewhere cause he might disappear. It’s kind of funny cause my dad used to walk around car shows and stuff with him in his back pocket! here you go Stogy just for you! Rudy says hi!
Looks like they are easy to get still! Just got to get the Mrs. Approval! She’s kind of done with me and the garage for awhile!
Just funning 33...it does look good on there...whatever you decide works for me...I'm sure Rudy gets a prime location in the shop where he's just a quick glance away...and yeah there's the mechanical end too...keeping the fluid in the rad. But the great thing is with these Hotrods is you can make simple swaps to change the mood for a bit during the seasons just because...there's also a huge spirit around this car and you. There are a few builds here that have that...
Well… I decided to make some brackets for my 37 bumper guards. (To simulate Nerf bars) I was trying to figure out how I could keep the stock bumper hole but also make it look halfway decent and dropping down the brackets, so the Nerf bars in the center, at the same Time covering the hole. So I think it’ll work out good. I’m gonna take a 5/8 bolt cut the head off sticking about halfway through the hole on my new bracket, fill it with weld and then weld dropped piece on. That way it’ll cover mount for the stock bumper, in case I ever wanted to put them back on or buy a new ones since I don’t have any now!!! I’m gonna be out of commission again for about a month! So I’m trying to get this roughed out at least. Long story short, I injured my index finger in the sprocket on my bicycle when I was a kid, and my fingers been deformed ever sense, but about 10 years ago it started getting some weird growths, and stuff and they cauterized It, froze It, cut it…so now it’s all jacked up!!! so they’re finally going to do a skin graft and just take everything off the top of my finger. ( 1st pic My Finger) so hopefully it look like these pictures of this other guys finger! Sorry for too much information but us car guys are smashing things, cutting things etc. It’s kind of neat! I just hope it turns out like that guys. My doctor says it could couldn’t we don’t know!!!
Been there, done that! I got my right middle finger caught in the chain of my bike in 1966 at 12 years old. Front sprocket tooth up through the nail. Coaster brakes, wouldn't allow crank to turn backwards. We couldn't figure out how to get my finger out. Finally some little old lady came by and said "Just loosen the axle and slide the wheel forward loosening the chain." Beside being in pain and embarrassed, I felt pretty dumb too! Nail is a little lop sided but other than that it's ok. Dave
Rudy's mount...very cool...the Bumperette Nerfs...can't wait!!...the finger...ow!!...I'll bet there's hundreds here with f'd up nails...I have a more recent injury to a nail...I know it must have hurt like hell when I did it but can't remember WHAT I did......I just hope it stays a little off...and doesn't need furthur intervention...good luck with it... That'll need some heavy anesthetic...
My grandpa and I may be with somebody to help on the trail, lift it up the back of the bike and rotated the sprocket all the way through!!
Had to Mock it up! While the Mrs. Went to get her Starbucks. While I was “Peeling Potatoes!” I might extend it out an 1-1-1/2 Kinda close to the fender What Y’all Think? Are you Comatose from Turkey over dose yet?
Holy Swoopycurves Batman!...That looks pretty damn cool... Do you think the Signals obscured by the support may necessitate a reposition?...Most of the time they are looked at from a distance so maybe not...or some lightning holes may help the glow shine through...what's a bracket without holes eh! Kinda like a hood without louvers...Oh oh now you may need another hood... Rudy on this month, then cap back and louvered hood then next month, hood off...Like a Hotrod with many Faces...
Mostly I am concerned about left turn’s across from intersections and such. Which they are highly visible. You cant see them from the side anyway.
Perfect the way you have it fabbed in! Don't see a problem with the placement of the turn lights, both sides will be visible from across most intersections.
Welp! This is my final rough out! I just tacked it all together for final mock up. Might have to tweak it just a little bit here, and there once it’s mounted. but this is pretty much how it’s gonna look. It worked out the brackets being slightly shorter, because I used that three-quarter inch square tubing to make up the difference.I drilled a 1/2 hole, then I took a bolt and tightened it as far as it would go, then I cut off the head just below the thickness of the square tubing. so then I could rosette-fill it, and then I could tack weld everything to that. That way I can adjust it once it’s on the car before I final weld. How do you like them Speed Holes! Gotta love that hole punch!!
I couldn’t wait I had to try them on there! I can’t believe old Hawkeye got the angles, almost dead nuts!!! From memory and a picture!!! They look so incredibly bitchin! I have these little visions, like flashes of how I want some thing this case was three years back! Can’t wait to finish them up!!!