Got Em All Done! I asked the wife if I should paint them black gunmetal, gray or aluminum she said aluminum/silver so here they are good choice I think!!! don’t know if I’ll get them mounted in time my surgeries on Friday. But at least they’re done!
^ those look really nice! Personally I would ditch the greyhound, I always thought they were too restoration and who wants to look at a dogs butt hole all day? Lol
ALL Done With Dee El Nerf’os! I will get some outside shots Later After My Finger Project! The Lights Are Visible!
Yeah, I don’t think I’ll run it permanent like it’s just for fun once in a while I fixed it so it stays on now. Basically it’s for my pops when he comes down to see it, he really was in love with the greyhound. I think it’s cool, but doesn’t really go with my theme so I’ll probably polish up his stand and set him on the shelf.
You are very welcome!!! I love your style of working with what you have or using something that you found at work like the hood hold downs. This is true Hot Rodding and the way I learned how to do this. Your car is so cool with the family history and all the little details that you fabricated yourself. This is still one of my favorite threads.
I'm good for either, whenever you looks right at home in those shots...the should be proud...
Thanks For The cool Comments! Back in the OR again! Pray the graft Takes! I have just as much body work as my Cars Dammit!
Just wait until you get older and the "repairs and replacements" become a thing you never wanted to see or experience! As I have been told and now am living "Getting old ain't for wimps!" Managed to stay out of the change things out part but mean ol Mr. Arthur has decided to take up residence in a few joints........ But never give up, all part of the experience!
Boys experience went good, except for they use nerve blockers on my arm and it scared the crap out of me. It was like a dead piece of meat all night last night. I thought is it gonna die, but this morning it feels pretty good. That’s scary stuff when you don’t feel anything at all!!
I love reading through this thread. I lived in Vallejo until spring of 1990 when I moved to central Washington State. I remember seeing your Aunt Dolly cruising around town in the Doll so it's very nostalgic for me. I used to work at Irwin's Auto parts on Sonoma Blvd and Couch street ( the old roller rink). I was looking at the post about your old dash plaques given to you from your dad. I have a few of the same ones so I attended some of the same rod runs. What year did the Doll make Auburn it's new home? Thanks for the memories. Here's a photo of my 33 pickup. Pat Brown
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! FIXED. Or. Repaired. Daily!! I guess my gas gauge was right I thought it got stuck!!!
Haha I know that feeling! I had to push my Harley over half a mile to a petrol station coming home with my wife after having dinner one time, After mis judging our fuel situation! Fortunately my wife is good humoured!
Funny thing is I ignored the Gas Gauge thinking the sender was stuck! It was fine! Now I know it runs out 1 click above E lol!
Hey Pat. Remember, you showed me these pictures before. I asked my dad if he saw this truck before he wasn’t sure. But Dolly had the 33 for about three or four years. My dad built a new Flathead with three twos for her and she blew it up. I guess? he said. so he made a deal with her and got it from her and around 75. We moved from Vallejo in 74 up to Granite Bay/Roseville. So he drove it all the way up until around 99, 2000 and then parked it on the back porch of his old house. He lives up in Sutter Creek now. I got it in Christmas 2019.
I hope you drive the wheels off of it. You have done a great job bringing her back. Aunt Dolly would be very proud!
So I had to go to the DMV to renew my license. And my favorite DMV gal Shannon, was there to help me get my plates on the car, registered and all that. I gave her a ride she was thrilled!! She was filming Everything having a blast!!! She said, “I’ll never forget the 33’Doll!!” I got a picture of her sitting in the car, but took it with her camera!!! And I forgot to take it with mine, so you just get to see the back of her!!! oh well!!!! She was the coolest DMV gal I’ve ever met! Four years working with her. I said thanks for a pleasant DMV experience, you’re my favorite DMV person ever! She said… ”Don’t let it get out!!!!” Lol!!! thanks Shannon!!!’
Been awhile… Not much to report. We have had lots of rain on and off for a month or so.. Did an early morning Work Run while its dry. Headlights are nice and bright and actually straight! for old-school 7 inch seal beams.
Back on Jacks! Third times a charm. Well, the transmission throwout bearing already is dried out good old aftermarket stuff! so I found Ford new old stock, heavy duty bearing with the grease fitting. so I’ll just have to cut an access hole like factory, just make it look clean. But I need to pull the tranny anyway to put the old Synkro assembly back in and fix a couple things. Keep it from popping out a second gear and adjust the fingers on the pressure plate to get rid of the chatter. Why does it always happen right before Hot Rod season! Wish me luck! my Pops says I’m gonna be a top loader expert after all this!!! at least he didn’t say “you should put a T5 five speed in it!!” The surgeon has his table ready!!!
The bad thing about big bearing, with a grease fitting, on an early tranny. But all the bearings now that are non-grease-able, ones you buy, are dried out, because they got old sitting on the shelf. At least this way I can flush it, clean it add grease to it and then plug it. also, it’s kind of cool when your parents get old, they give you stuff! instead of selling it to you!!! now I have two extra sets of rear fenders!
Welp! The Tranny mods are done, I am going to put it back together tomorrow. My Pops says I probably am the first one to go to such lengths to stop oil dripping on an early ford. I took Bonney 34’s idea even further from, tapping and sealing the pin holes…. To making an end cap! And I shortened and tapped the front of the Cluster shaft to seal with a fender washer, and gasket also I think I fixed the popping out of second gear issues, went back to the stock shift tower balls and springs, because they just rocked back in forth in the groove. and smother stock syncro detents. Look at the difference! And finally a fat NOS truck throw out bearing! That better be it Dag Nab it!!!