Do any of you guys have any idea when the website subscription status will change, I need to re-up !!
No problem...... Do what I do. Go down to your local speed shop and buy it or order it from one of the many shops that sell it online...... just sayin
You’ll be able to buy individual issues on the website shortly, they generaly hit the website a week or two after subscribers get their copies. I’m sure it’ll be resolved soon
got a new subscription in December 18,been a subscriber since they restarted..Seen the rumors flying around that they were going down so in contacted them.They said they were not adding anymore subscriptions at this time but plan on going forward.They offered credit towards other items if i wanted.figured id just ride it out and see what happens.The latest issue was great as usual.
@seadog - Last month, I ordered some merch from the SPEEDSHOP . . . the items were in my mailbox 4 days later. I'm pretty sure that the lack of a way to "subscribe" to the printed magazine (i.e., "Volumes" & "Specials") is due to PayPal changing their policies regarding "subscription services" . . . Here's an excerpt of a "Cyber Monday" email I received from @Marcy on November 26th 2023: In other HOP UP news we’ve been working hard on the latest issue, Special #8, that’ll be going to print soon. With the new issue will come a new subscription setup, PayPal’s made some changes to their subscription services and it left us hunting for a new way to get the mag into everyone’s hands and we think we came up with something that’ll make everyone happy, with multiple payment options. We’re doing some final revisions and should have the new service live on the site soon. Will update everyone when we get it going and the latest issue is ready to send out.Perhaps someone from the staff [i.e., Marcy Molkenthen (@Marcy), John Gunsaulis (@jadeidol), or Justin Baas (@Justin B)] will chime in here. - @HEMI32