Read your stuff all the time, get well asap and do the therapy they give you! Really helped when I did my back.
That's my approach these days and I'm 10 years younger than you... "Discretion is the better part of valour" is the fancy expression appropriate for such situations I believe.
Step ladders with steps on BOTH sides are much safer. I learned many years ago to buy the best ladder available. At 87 I MIGHT get on a ladder. On the FIRST STEP! If I am getting onto the two step step stool I better have something on which to hold. Ben
I'm like a cat, in the sense that I go up a lot easier than I come down. I've had a few, could have been much worse falls. In 100 degree plus heat, I was shingling my Dad's roof and without warning, just passed out. I awoke about a half hour later 2 stories down on the ground amongst some cedar bushes that must have broke the fall. No injuries and I still had my hammer in my hand. Another time, new construction project, on the roof of a house that had 3 fire places, one on each level. I backed up, fell through the top opening on the roof and landed on my feet in the basement fireplace opening. Thought I was OK until l realized I landed on a 2X4 with a spike that went clear through the bottom of my boot and out the top. Drove myself to the hospital and they put two Band-Aids on my foot. Never did hurt Still had that same hammer in my hand. It now hangs in the garage. The worst fall I had recently put me out of commission for over a year. This one is hot rod related. Space was at a premium in my small garage having the body off the chassis, I stepped into the trunk opening and out the other side and caught my boot on the car. I did a hop, hop, hop, on one leg with the momentum dragging the body with me as I was eventually released and catapulted into the ground. That resulted in some major shoulder reconstruction and other less serious head and hip injuries. Brings to mind the recent near heart stopping event, two sets of scaffolding high. Have you ever backed along the plank and experience the feeling you get when you decend a mere 1 1/2" onto the plank under the one you were on? Those are just a few. Thought you might enjoy some more light reading of others misfortunes or mishaps while on the mend. Hope you are steadily improving Roothawg.
Heal up quickly Chris . You win Your scar is bigger than mine . I got mine when a Jersey bull slammed me into the pickup bed . It was just 7 staples
You chew em out for messin up your hair line?! Glad to hear youre on the mend! Fall like that could EASILY have gone the othet way even for a 20 yr old. Glass half full? You got to learn an important lesson and live to implement it as opposed to all of us learning it from your death or full body paralysis. Prayers for your speedy recovery Chris, god bless
Whats your problem man? Spreading some sour grapes today? Nothing i said was negative unless thats how YOURE choosing to read it. Hope you have a better day
"The only lesson is , try not to fall ! As for the rest , why not try to be totally negative ?" Sarcasm? Duly noted! Here is a basket of puppies. [/QUOTE]
Falling gets harder to accept the older we get. I thought of this months ago when I had to go up on the roof to r&r the ridge caps.
[QUOTE="SS327,Yea, I’ll be staying away from you there Schleprock![/QUOTE] Those were just a few of the 'How lucky am I" to get off as easy as I did stories. I don't dare post the scary/nasty shit. Like the time I ended up on the operating table with my eyeball on the outside of my skull. No fault of mine, just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. 'Nuff said about that.
Yes indeedy! Your hearts pounding like you just dropped 40 feet. You feel like you need a cigarette and some water. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
Now that your back and recovering, I just have to ask if the 301 is OK? Just kidding, I hope you heal up before the weather turns.
Those were just a few of the 'How lucky am I" to get off as easy as I did stories. I don't dare post the scary/nasty shit. Like the time I ended up on the operating table with my eyeball on the outside of my skull. No fault of mine, just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. 'Nuff said about that.[/QUOTE] Your not supposed to look in a glory hole.
I read this post last night and thought...gonna need some time to come up with a witty response, better sleep on it. Here it is the next day and I got nothing. Well played sir! LOL
Well, I think if you look back on it now, (assuming the eyeball is back in place) it’s a better alternative than using a glory hole as I know what it’s referred to and the same thing happening
Yes, it was along time ago. It was stitched up by a plastic surgeon and not even noticeable today. Chris will heal up well from the looks of it too. He might have to part his hair in a circle though. LOL
If it's anything like mine, the scar will make the hair have a whole mind of it's own... Think of it as "windswept and interesting".
I was taking the head off a 402 Chevy that was on a stand. It was giving me a fight, I put a small pry bar in an intake port and gave it a yank. I usually put in one bolt so it doesn't hit the deck. Down it comes, nothing I can do and it is an iron head... I wait for the pain in my feet to set in... nothin'.. I look down and I was standing between 2 #10 cans of push rods and hardware. The head crushed both cans about 1/2 way.