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History Uncertain T has been found!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by -Brent-, Jan 23, 2024.

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  1. alchemy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2002
    Posts: 21,164


    Hey guys, if you don't want to read about the car, go find another thread. I think the search, the secrecy, and now the debut of the car is interesting. I love stories about finding old hot rods and customs, even non-famous ones.

    Don't think that this fella is trying to pull one over on you. He's not selling anything. I doubt they will keep the car behind a curtain at the AMBR Show and make you pay extra to see it. Just enjoy that it is now out in the open, will be shown to whomever goes to the show, and then restored at no cost to you.
  2. SS327
    Joined: Sep 11, 2017
    Posts: 2,982


    I could not have said it any more eloquently and to the point myself. As Batman used to say, “Well played old chap”!
    Driver50x, mad mikey, lostone and 4 others like this.
  3. Certain T
    Joined: Dec 22, 2023
    Posts: 38

    Certain T

    You are an astute observer. You are correct. You are second person whose power of observation/detective impressed me. on this site There was a guy who picked up on the blue tape covering the exhaust manifold and the plugs on the intake manifold and knew why. There are some serious car people on this site!
  4. Certain T
    Joined: Dec 22, 2023
    Posts: 38

    Certain T

    I thought the video was great! It gave good context, and got to the point soon enough. The passion and excitement of the new owners is great to watch. If that video was difficult for you to watch, you may want to skip the documentary coming out later this year.

    Thank you for explaining to me that hyperbole is not appreciated on this site, at least by more than a few members. I did not realize it would trigger "hate" in people, but now-a-days, we are all on the edge a bit. I am not sure what I wrote was hyperbole because I meant it to be taken literally as what I wrote was literally true. Is that your definition of hyperbole? In your opinion, what was the exaggeration that was offensive? Doesn't being truthful and accurate mean anything as they relate to this conversation? Or should we be more concerned with each others style, critiquing anyone that does not pass muster? The "Coming Soon" posts were meant to generate conversation about the UT, not upset people triggered by "hyperbole". I naively thought most people here would be interested in the history, myths, and legends surrounding a historic vehicle, and thought it to be a positive anticipation for what was to come. I was mistaken in that thought (the anticipation, not the interest). The critique of my style seems to rival an adolescent social media site where style trumps substance. If there is more news that I am privy to, related t this car, should I avoid giving the heads up on this site for fear of triggering some members further? Or better still, maybe I can run it by the Style Committee first to phrase it in a tone less hurtful. Forward me your email address and if I do get any more news in advance, I will send it to you to decide whether it is worthy, and if so, how it should be shared with the members. You can be my AI. And thank you for your feedback. Hope to see you in Pomona.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2024
    papacub, Allmotor, SS327 and 6 others like this.
  5. Pretty cool. I look forward to the Documentary! Thanks to @Certain T for telling the story and providing cool background details.
    Certain T and Jim Bouchard like this.
  6. DDDenny
    Joined: Feb 6, 2015
    Posts: 19,901

    from oregon

    Trying waaay too hard not to have some sort of agenda.
    Signed........I actually liked the Leg Show T more!
  7. nrgwizard
    Joined: Aug 18, 2006
    Posts: 2,739

    from Minn. uSA

    So, I've thought about posting/not posting into this S-storm... & can't resist.
    While the following is literally(& only) *my opinion*, Q's are serious... & this-all's become near as funny as watching old '20's comedy in slow motion. :D .

    Oh, this is getting good already... :D :D :D.
    CertainT, no, post *info* away. You are already triggered after your hype-posts blowback. Sheesh... Yup, sure as shootin', I'm now reading them all, just to see how ludacris this gets. :D . Since you asked(you did ask, after all)One post, noting actual upcoming events would've been sufficient. Most here don't like being led & teased. Just stating "Hey got some hot new info on UT, it's found, bought, gonna be shown in-found-state then restored. Been asked to keep details under wraps, this is as much as I can tell right now. Details, names, places & yup, pics, as soon as I'm ok'd to do so, asap." The secretive, I know-you-don't-bs is highschool stuff at best, 98% here are actually past that. Resembles the old time-share-advertising/hard-sell. & for that matter, most home-selling/ads that attempt to make everything seem as if it's hot-snot-on-a-silverplatter-when-it's-nothing-but-a-cold-booger-on-a-paperplate. The movies might be fine for those that can't &/or won't read & have the attention span of the half-life of a chinese second, but I have no interest in a nothing-back-storytime-wasting-hype. History, yes, damn straight.

    You know, I rather like the UT, seem to remember doing the model kit(wish I still had it) as a kid, but something always nagged me about the "story" behind its' creation/build/showing/exploitation. More I read n find out, seems the untold truth behind this whole deal is shrouded obfuscation, nihilism, hype(idk?, all planned ahead? = sorta impressive - in a way), etc. (Not unlike Barris, & others...) It, like most of "history", is most interesting - after all(if ever) the truth(s) is/are told. At least 5 threads so far...

    CertainT & CurtSix - There's a *whole* lot here that doesn't make sense - in any way, shape, or form. I'm not baggin', hating, putin' the bad-mouth, etc; on SS & UT, but as the old saying goes: "Inquiring minds *need* to know, so... Patiently Waiting". Would either of you , or both, expound on this? Think: Paul Harvey here; "& the REST of the Story...". I'm not being funny, I'm serious.

    Quote: (CertainT) "The revelations will change everything you think you know about the UT". Ok, still waitin'...

    Something I really don't get, & never have, is just how, *exactly* does a kid w/o a trust-fund(I never have read about him being a business-owner/engineer/designer/builder/wealthy-scion/heavily-connected/journalist/etc. Amazing talents all rolled into one. It's always possible of course, so I am amazed at the collection of skills possessed by the wunder-kinder... It literally fascinates me how people find ways to get rich, & also acquire the skills needed to do quality builds. Respect for the build & showing, not aftermath.), build a car like that. Which, btw, takes absolutely nothing away from the car itself. Have you ever read Tex Smiths' last book/commentary on his AMBER win? You should - it's rather enlightening. Look, I really like the UT, & would like to drive(own it? No.) it just once for the "experience" - in town, on hwy at speed(legal-ish), & around Btt50s fairgrounds(read: live-drive report/test, like they did in R&C would be almost as good) - but seriously: Bill Cushenbery, Junior Conway, upholstery, Buick Hilborns, AR mags, chrome, et-al, including the show-circuit scene; do *not* come cheap, even back then, nor are parts, {much less court-case lawsuits}. & never gave credit to those that did the work &/or sponsored/supplied parts? ??? ***Doesn't mean it didn't happen, just that I've never seen it, & would really like to.*** I find that odd, among other things. I don't care if SS got paid from others to participate(more power to him & his ability to convince others' participation. Study Carroll Shelby...), - just tell the truth & list 'em. Much more impressive - no different than the NSRA & MSRA giveaway-builds(or so I'd like to think).

    This has serious $$$-gouging/acquisition possibilities... I'm thinking that like the Titanic-salvage-craze(selling "genuine" coal scraped from the seabed & pkd into dime & qtr sized baggied/labeled/headered/symboled-tops - all "certified/notarized/et-al" of course - for $50->$100+ ea, these guys could, instead of sanding/grinding/chemical-stripping/soda-blasting the paint layers off, carefully chip n scrape the paint layers off, collect them & bag them for "certification" & resale at ~$50->$100 per piece. Hell, even the swept-up paint-dust in little baggies(might give new meaning to "dime-bag" :D)... Yeah-baby, maybe add another 0 to those #s. Oughta get ~ $25k at least from that. & the chips that show the 3 color-changes(creative "handling", anyone?), well, they could go for $500+. Auction them off, blah, blah, blah. Fk-all, maybe include a "genuine(!) chip in each new(repopped) model kit". Oh this also applies to all the other unusable "valuable" stuff that comes off for a proper restoration like the roof material, et-al. Hey, it's all Promotion & Consumerism w/added Collector-itis anyways. :D . Instant Collectables, all!

    There's some "Free" hype - ooops, I mean transparently marketing strategy, ahh, I mean Anticipation Marketing, well, drama-mentary for you. Damn, this would be entertaining as hell to watch... :D :D :D . Be surprised if the 'mentary & book are low priced... reason enough for hype-ola.

    As far as heart-rate-increase from the hype, yeah well, true - but that was due to the instant-realization I(& others) were being played. Multiple times & continuously, in every damn thread - (what ~5 so far?) about this car... I'm guessing you really *don't* know - or believe - that Truth *is* Stranger than Fiction, & is usually more interesting...

    ---> Once again, CurtSix & RodStRace nailed it. Perfectly. <---

    GuyW, Chucky, -Brent- and 3 others like this.
  8. It's nice that it is going to see the light of day once again but it sure doesn't look like the restoration will benefit from any input from Steve Scott.

    Steve is claiming HE never sold the car to anyone yet there's Beau, on video, claiming "he (Dick the seller) bought it directly from Steve". Steve no longer considering Dick a friend certainly isn't helping things either. There are some comments on Steve's F-book page (not made by Steve) that suggest/ wonder if the car may have been sold by a wife during divorce proceedings but Steve, at this point in time, has not commented on that assumption as far as I can tell.

    The story gets even worse with stories of rented homes in a miserable rainforest in Hawaii, scraping up enough money to afford the move to another rental and unfulfilled reproduction Uncertain T model orders (after relatively substantial deposits) from at least 5 years ago that are unlikely to ever be filled ... sad :(

    The entire story is out there ... it ain't pretty.

    For those interested, there are some recently found photos (after being packed away during moves) of some of the build on Steve Scotts F-book page.

    Edit: Direct quote from Steve Scott ... " I DID NOT SELL IT TO HIM! My wife at the time sold it to him without my permission or knowledge while I was on the road for 2 weeks! She later admitted that she was trying to make me have a heart attack to collect life insurance!"

    Too much drama for this dude, later ladies :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2024
  9. Jesus…don’t come to this hot rod site and tell us about a cool hot rod that has been “missing” from the public for decades unless you tell us in the way we want you to tell us…

    Do some of you understand how ridiculous this is?
    Mr48chev, Certain T, Cooder2 and 10 others like this.
  10. A Boner
    Joined: Dec 25, 2004
    Posts: 7,670

    A Boner

    Last edited: Jan 26, 2024
    guthriesmith likes this.
  11. 49ratfink
    Joined: Feb 8, 2004
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    from California

    note to self: if I win the lotto and buy a famous car don't tell anyone, have the builders sworn to secrecy and just drive the car around town and never bring it to a show or speak about it to anyone.
    Certain T and Dooley like this.
  12. Clearly they don't or they wouldn't all be whining about it.
    Certain T, Cooder2, egads and 4 others like this.
  13. saltracer219
    Joined: Sep 23, 2006
    Posts: 1,125


    If you take the time to research it most all of the questions you have thrown out here are answered in the excellent article here, ( instead of your wasting our time with a mostly unreadable ramble on.
  14. twenty8
    Joined: Apr 8, 2021
    Posts: 2,703


    Seems that Phil's ( @Certain T ) objective has been accomplished. Much talk and debate on the subject, and all he does is show up every now and then to stoke the fire.......... I bet he is smiling right now.
    When the first obscure posts hit late last year I was sceptical. Turns out I, and many others, were wrong, and I am more than happy to be wrong. The re-emergence of Uncertain T is indeed a good thing........ but the constant bombardment with the same "metered" info does become a little tiresome.

    And then some are accused of "hate"......:confused:. Things might need to be reined in just a little.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2024
  15. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
    Posts: 14,078


    I’ve always liked mystery style stuff, I’ve only been keeping track of this thread since @Certain T has been replying to it.
    I’ll gladly watch the documentary when it come out.
    I love “back stories”. I hope in the documentary it lets me know how the fella knew folks were getting close to finding it, so he moved it.
    Certain T and chryslerfan55 like this.
  16. nrgwizard
    Joined: Aug 18, 2006
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    from Minn. uSA

    Guess my reading-comprehension is lacking. <shrug> . Wouldn't have asked Q's if I had the answers already. I't's ok, not all that important, curiosity got the better of me, as it does on occasion.
    Lotta shit happened to him shouldn't've, but still. ???
  17. lostone
    Joined: Oct 13, 2013
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    from kansas

    I guess I'm just too simple...

    I like the car, I like the story of the car, I like that it was hidden away to be preserved, that it has been brought out into public eyes again and the rest is useless fodder that has others panties in a bunch.

    I really didn't care if UT came on the site and posted with neons lights, trained monkeys spinning signs say "look here!!", I just took from the postings what I thought was relevant and let the rest lay, I got too many real problems in life to worry about words on a web page...

    Like I said I'm pretty simple....

    BTW I'm the one that caught the blue tape and plugs, I figured that it meant the "owner" had long term storage plans at that time.

  18. DDDenny
    Joined: Feb 6, 2015
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    from oregon

  19. 05snopro440
    Joined: Mar 15, 2011
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    That's the part that I don't understand at all. Why bother moving it? You're not doing anything with it and people are getting close to finding it, what's the point of moving it? Or was he simply worried about theft?

    Was this a long-game to increase the value of the car? Strange stuff.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  20. 427 sleeper
    Joined: Mar 8, 2017
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    427 sleeper

    The car and it's history must be preserved, no doubt, as it was and still is an Amazing accomplishment. On the other hand, the way Certain T showed up here, kicked in the door, and started barking like P.T. Barnum trying to bait a bunch of rube's, just doesn't set too well with alot of us, myself included. Most of us don't have time for B.S. and Drama. We want history and hard fact's about thing's like this, NOT Hype. This whole saga could have been handled with much less hype and drama from the get go. We want the nut's and bolt's, not over aggressive advertising, we would have followed along anyway, and still are. With all that being said, I can't wait to see where this restoration of a Legend adventure takes us.
  21. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
    Posts: 14,078


    Hopefully we find out later this year. I’ve not a clue either, hope it gets revealed.
  22. SS327
    Joined: Sep 11, 2017
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    One thing about this place is people like facts or personal experience. Most of us are in our mid 50s to early 90s. We just don’t have the time or enjoy being toyed with anymore. We had enough in real life and freely share life experience/knowledge with each other. If something is perceived as a game or people think their being toyed with tempers get hot. It’s all about approach. For the most part this is a very friendly site. Extremely helpful and the joking around with each other is second to none. We don’t keep secrets or knowledge from each other. If some one is wrong about something the absolutely will be told the facts and get straightened out. That’s why I like this place. You always know where you stand!
    Sharpone, Pat, chryslerfan55 and 8 others like this.
  23. s55mercury66
    Joined: Jul 6, 2009
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    from SW Wyoming

    I have to admit to being converted to a naysayer when I saw pictures from NSRA's 1970 Peoria event. There was a car there with a body that looked identical to Steve's, although it was obviously not the same chassis. I had to wonder then if the chassis and it's cool parts had become separated from the body, but it's pretty darn cool to see that was not the case. Looking forward to seeing it restored.
  24. lostone
    Joined: Oct 13, 2013
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    from kansas

    If it were me and had been my car I would have kept it well hidden and moved if I felt needed.

    Why? People trying to get pics, people trying to steal trinkets, valve covers, steering wheel, shifter knob etc. Just too many things that could easily be stolen with just a few minutes of time.

    Let's be honest there are people out there that would steal some parts like that just to hang on their garage wall. Hell I'd love to have the beatnik bandits steering wheel on my garage wall, just knowing that Ed Roth had actually used and touched it and now I could hold it too.

    Not to mention the car itself stolen, how long does it take to steal a car? Not very long, look how many hot rods are stolen each and every year, out of garages, shops, hell even out of packed hotel parking lots, sure it's a well known car but so was dragnasty and looked what happened there.

    So yeah I see the point of keeping it well hidden....

    BTW *psst* Moriarity if you ever want to drive the real James Dean little bastard just let me know *wink wink*

  25. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    The beatnik bandit has stick steering, no steering wheel..... I do get what you mean though
    Sancho, 427 sleeper, rod1 and 3 others like this.
  26. SS327
    Joined: Sep 11, 2017
    Posts: 2,982


    Hell I’d love to have the Beatnick Bandit hanging on my garage wall! Hell I’d love to have a garage!
  27. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    what about Tempted once????
    Sancho and chryslerfan55 like this.
  28. Shon Wittenbarger
    Joined: May 20, 2008
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    Shon Wittenbarger
    from Georgia

    You don't have anything to apologize for or explain why you posted the way you did. I understand the reason why you did what you did. For those that don't understand if you have to explain they still wouldn't understand The ones that have a negative attitude about it are mad cause they made comments that the car didn't exist anymore, Steve Scott a liar, if the car was still around it would have showed up by now. They were proven wrong and don't like it. There was no hype in your post, the only drama is the negative post. I enjoyed reading your first post and was looking forward to the later news. People need to realize that life doesn't give them the full story when they want it, and there was a reason why you had to wait to give details. It's like a bunch of school girls that don't get their way and get mad.
    As for the car I liked it when I was a kid, I have respect for it now. How about a show of hands of 17 year olds on here that could take a cartoon drawing start from nothing and make a multi show winner. A kid did it all himself except for paint and upholstery, and beat the big name's. Pretty dam remarkable for a kids first hotrod build, think about that next time you see a body in the woods and think not much is left.
    Saying it's not a hotrod is like saying Blackie Gejeian's roadster isn't a hotrod. These posts have a header, you know what they are about before you open them, why people start crap by putting a car down cause they don't like it is beyond me. It's like the Ten Commandments, if it offends you don't read it or look at it but there some of us that do like it
  29. Dooley
    Joined: May 29, 2002
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    from Buffalo NY

    OK. This.. above..mic drop
    57 Fargo likes this.
  30. SS327
    Joined: Sep 11, 2017
    Posts: 2,982


    Do you really have to ask? But I fear it might be lost to time and flippers and strippers. There was a lot of chrome on that car. It was either painted, plated or upholstered.
    chryslerfan55 and Moriarity like this.
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