Not disputing what you're saying but the original photo of Mission Chevrolet was in Temple City California.
Thanks Fordors, I'm glad someone else heard of this story. I know I got the article but I'll be dammed if I can find it in my hoard. Usually stories like this in my neck of the woods are urban legend. like the one I hear all the time of the woman who lists her deceased husband's Chevy for four hundred bucks that turns out to be a vintage Vette.
It was easy to pick you out of that group Marty, that head of hair gives you away. And unlike most of us in our age bracket you still have yours. My forehead seems to get bigger every day
I said, "Mine looks really good, yers not so much," Hammer replied "yer getting old ." I can honestly state I NEVER thought these words would come from my lips; "SHE'S REALLY CUTE AND SHE IS ONLY 68 YEARS OLD !!!!"
Following the success of Handsome Brady and Whiskey Bill, sculptor Claude Bell introduced Ghost Town guests to the bench characters of Marilyn and Cecelia in August 1954.