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Art & Inspiration Hot Rod Quarterly

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by krylon32, Mar 9, 2024.

  1. okiedokie
    Joined: Jul 5, 2005
    Posts: 4,883

    from Ok

    No, because it had none of what I have liked about HR the past few years.
    sidevalve8ba likes this.
  2. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
    Posts: 58,231


    As part of the change to quarterly, we were supposed to get a "free" one year subscription to motortrend+ streaming. Well....I tried, and emailed support, and they assured me that eventually it would get sorted out. Then they announced that it was moving to discovery+ streaming. And today I got an email from them with the info to subscribe to discovery+, and it works! my wife watches a lot of the car shows, I watch a few.

    so that's sorted out finally.
  3. 05snopro440
    Joined: Mar 15, 2011
    Posts: 2,334


    They're a very small crew with a tight budget and it was a winter issue. Hard to get new content when there's not much new. Saying you're probably not going to re-subscribe because of one issue of a new format is a bit silly, no?

    I know I've been following the Hot Rod Pod and McGann is working very hard with his limited resources to please everyone. Assuming you have a yearly subscription, you're already trying to predict whether you want to continue your subscription based on 25% of the information. It's your money, but if I was in McGann's position, guys who do that aren't who I'd be worried about writing the mag for.
  4. 05snopro440
    Joined: Mar 15, 2011
    Posts: 2,334


    Nice! I'm a MT+ subscriber and my account doesn't transfer until the 26th apparently. I think my wife is going to be happy with all the home reno shows, and my wallet will therefore be unhappy.
  5. ekimneirbo
    Joined: Apr 29, 2017
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    Just because people post on the Hamb doesn't mean we are all disinterested in things outside the perview/limitations of the Hamb. It's amazing how some on the Hamb who have interests which include later than 1965 vehicles and trends assume that anyone who is critical of Hot Rods most recent issue is a Nostalgia fanatic.

    I also realize that there was very little content which would have interested true nostalgia buffs........and they do have a point when they say that the magazine offered virtually nothing that related to their interests......and they should say that because its the simple truth. Its not any different than not being interested in Readers Digest or Vogue or whatever other magazine someone doesn't find material of interest in.

    While I realize that Hot Rod is undergoing a change and trying to survive, I think most of the other magazines try to offer a Poporiee each issue so there is something for everyone. There are plenty of things which can be written about and pictured that relate to a broad spectrum of enthusiasts.
    1. Selecting and upgrading rearends: Go thru several manufacturers and show upgrades and the pros and cons,a series of articles to cover them.
    2. Upholstery for beginners: Again, a series of articles covering materials, machines and how to actually make certain things.
    3. Braking Systems and upgrading to Discs as well as some nostalia swapping
    4. Transmission Selection and how it affects a car. Articles on transmission mods and how and why they work. By that I mean explanations of trans brakes and stall converters. Again, a series of articles.
    5. Tire selection and differences between types of tires
    6. Bodywork and Paint LOTS of possible articles there
    7. Wiring with an actual installation and maybe a comparison of some of the top harness brands
    8. Oils and the history of them
    9. Clutches and clutch linkage (hyd,mechanical,cable)
    10. Dry Lakes Racing
    11. A series on the evolution of engines from the beginning to current
    12. Welding types, and the equipment and differences between old and new.
    13. Building an exhaust system and building headers
    14. Guages and their evolution
    15. Lighting and its evolution
    16. ETC..............

    All these things are not segment limited and should appeal to people in all segments. Then attend events (like the SRN) where a cross section of the whole sport is available for picture taking. Pick a couple feature cars and then a bunch of cars from all venues.

    Now all those things should pretty much appeal to anyone who craves information and wants to learn more about hot roll the dice and try that formula Hot Rod. I've got several hundred magazines on shelves in my basement. I look thru them again and again when I'm trying to research good ideas and information. I scan articles and save them in folders on my computer for quick reference, but I always go back to the mags when I can't find what I want on my computer. The thing is, technology always changes so I like to see new ways of doing things, and new ideas..........that's where magazines are great for me. Then I add that info to my computer so when I get to that point in my build, a few clicks and I'm reminded of what I wanted to remember to do on my project.

    Its not about sticking my nose up in the air because Hot Rod doesn't dedicate itself to Nostalgia.........its about simply providing information that's both interesting and useful. Hot Rod is not going to stay in business catering only to us ancient folks, they realize they have to change to interest younger people as well. What we/they have to realize is that young people often don't have the opportunity to hang out at some mechanic's shop and learn the basics. Everything is computer these they need to gradually expose these younger people to lots of explanatory articles so they develop that interest. Ask your grandkids a few technical (but simple) questions about how their car works and maybe you will see how little they know about them. Hard to develop an interest when you can't picture things in your mind............
    42merc and williebill like this.
  6. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
    Posts: 58,231


    When I started reading hot rod in the early/mid 70s, they had lots of basic tech articles about how engines work, etc. I think that really helped me have the courage to dive in and start working on cars
    CME1, Tim, seadog and 9 others like this.
  7. Junior Stock
    Joined: Aug 24, 2004
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    Junior Stock

    Maybe they will do a tech on the best cam for a 283. Haha
    Sorry folks but the last issue of HAMB period correct material in Hot Rod was in 1965.
  8. finn
    Joined: Jan 25, 2006
    Posts: 1,391


    I think it’s a stretch to imply that interest in only HAMB friendly cars is the reason for the disdain of the first HR quarterly issue. In my case, I never liked the Pro Street look, even when it was in vogue. It seemed pointless and poser like at the time and still does.

    Traditional hot rods, muscle cars (stock or modified to a point), fifties cars, even malaise era cars and 80s Fox bodies or late muscle are of interest. I even subscribe to Car and Driver, and have since the sixties, and didn’t mind the van, pickup, and off road stuff, although not the mall crawler type, which I put right at the bottom, along with Pro Street.
    Junior Stock likes this.
  9. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    I couldn't stand it any longer, I fixed the spelling of the title...
    Here are just a few of the threads I did each month talking about the on topic content in Hot Rod:
    JalopyJimbo and studebakerjoe like this.
  10. Junior Stock
    Joined: Aug 24, 2004
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    Junior Stock

    Traditional style is not traditional build heck you even cover a glass car as traditional? I wrote that years ago and got my post deleted. Haha
  11. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    I don’t understand what you mean by this
    Junior Stock likes this.
  12. okiedokie
    Joined: Jul 5, 2005
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    from Ok

    I have been subscribing to HRM for at least 50 years, yes it may only take 25% of the first year going quarterly to sour me. Maybe not you and that is ok.
  13. Junior Stock
    Joined: Aug 24, 2004
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    Junior Stock

    Nice edit job.
    Glassical Roadster in the Feb. 2023 issue. I think Wesscot has been in business since 1959.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2024
  14. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
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    I'm hoping they saved the best for last....
    Moriarity and studebakerjoe like this.
  15. ekimneirbo
    Joined: Apr 29, 2017
    Posts: 4,919


    Me too..........only a little earlier and then on into the 70s where the tech stuff reached a new plateau because of great tech editors. I sure didn't learn much from the so called "mechanics" in our neighborhood. You apparently learned well.......:)

    My Fingers are crossed......:D
    427 sleeper and squirrel like this.
  16. downlojoe33
    Joined: Jul 25, 2013
    Posts: 813


    Marlan Davis was a great tech editor. How I miss him in today’s HRM. He was able to explain most things in a way that even I could understand.
    CME1 and ekimneirbo like this.
  17. 1Bad67
    Joined: Mar 22, 2006
    Posts: 225


    Biggest waste of $15 I have spent this week.
  18. Fordors
    Joined: Sep 22, 2016
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    I thumbed through it at Barnes & Noble and put it back down. The gas dragster article might have been the saving grace but I didn’t even check that out. As much as I like print they have completely lost their way, and if they want to do a coffee table magazine like TRJ (or is that gone?) they’ve missed the mark by a mile.
    finn likes this.
  19. In_The_Pink
    Joined: Jan 9, 2010
    Posts: 885


    HOT ROD is, and probably always will be, a magazine which covers a wide range of vehicles with improved performance and looks, so anyone expecting any issue to feature one genre, type, trend, etc. for the bulk of a single issue is going to be very disappointed. That variety, however, is what allowed them to be flexible, and cover trending (trendy if you like) styles as they became popular, and popularity matters when it comes to mass magazine sales. If you want specialization and a narrow focus, HOT ROD is not for you. If you can understand and appreciate a well-built or styled vehicle which might not necessarily be in our comfort zone, you'll probably pick up a copy and enjoy it for what it is.
  20. studebakerjoe
    Joined: Jul 7, 2015
    Posts: 1,154


    I'm going to keep getting it. I'm not a big pro street fan but I know not every single issue will be tailored to my taste. It's always been that way. I did enjoy the dragsters. I never know what might spark an idea for me. If we don't support the magazine they could go the way of other magazines and will not have a chance to put out content that is HAMB friendly. Keep that in mind.
  21. lucas doolin
    Joined: Feb 7, 2013
    Posts: 576

    lucas doolin

    Jorge Manrique: Coplas por la muerte de su padre. Jorge Manrique (c. 1440 – 24 April 1479) was a major Castilian poet, whose main work, the Coplas por la muerte de su padre is still read today.
    - exerpts

    cómo a nuestro parecer
    cualquiera tiempo pasado
    fue mejor.

    No se engañe nadie, no,
    pensando que ha de durar
    lo que espera
    más que duró lo que vio,
    pues que todo ha de pasar
    por tal manera.

    Jorge Manrique expressed the same idea 550 years ago and doubtlessly others before him. Main idea is "things never get better, they just get worse." Pretty dark philosophy but probably applies to the latest iteration of Hot Rod. Don't look for it to get better and you won't be disappointed. As someone pointed out, they are currently understaffed and underfunded and of course (corporate think) it will be their fault when everything goes down the rathole.
  22. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 9,767


    "How, in our opinion, Any past tense It was better. Don't fool anyone, no, Thinking it's going to last What You Expect What he saw lasted longer Well, everything has to pass in such a way." Show-off
  23. banjorear
    Joined: Jul 30, 2004
    Posts: 4,690


    Wheel Hub is a pretty good quarterly. Some very high end builds and not all hot rods, but I think it's worth it.
    lurker mick and denis4x4 like this.
  24. Jalopy Joker
    Joined: Sep 3, 2006
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    Jalopy Joker

    do not think that I have heard of Wheel Hub before. search online could only find pics of covers. reviews very positive
  25. banjorear
    Joined: Jul 30, 2004
    Posts: 4,690


    I really like it. Again, it's a mixed bag, but the features are well done and I always come away with learning something new.

    Glad I didn't order that Hot Rod Quarterly. I've got enough magazines and looking to get rid of some.
  26. I look at it this way. When HOT ROD published monthly, they had twelve times a year to get it right. Now they only have four times a year to get it right.
  27. Every issue they get it right and wrong, depending on ones perspective.
    studebakerjoe likes this.
  28. I have been subscribing to Hot rod Magazine since December 1956, yes, I am 83 years old. My subscription runs out in July, 2025. At that time, if I am still here, I will decide what I will do.
  29. Jacksmith
    Joined: Sep 24, 2009
    Posts: 1,791

    from Aridzona

    I've sub'd to HOT ROD since '64. My current sub expires in November, at which time I will have already re-upped my sub.
    HOT ROD (and most others) has never been able to please everyone. You just pick & choose the articles you like and flip past the rest. Some issues have more stuff I like than other issues. That's how it goes, just like when all we had was AM radio: You listen to what you like as it comes. Better that nuthin', right?
    HOT ROD is, at least trying to survive. I'm glad of it and I'll support them as long as they keep swingin'!
    (B.T.W., I really miss HOT ROD DELUXE!!)
  30. saltracer219
    Joined: Sep 23, 2006
    Posts: 1,151


    Yup, Hot Rod Deluxe was my favorite also, I am hoping that they will include some of H.R.D.'s Hot Rod history in future issues.
    427 sleeper and Jacksmith like this.

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