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Projects 31 Kustom Roadster (DIY duvall, tudor to roadster conversion)

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by Chevy28, Feb 13, 2020.

  1. Tow Truck Tom
    Joined: Jul 3, 2018
    Posts: 2,803

    Tow Truck Tom
    from Clayton DE

    O M G Doctor Motor City
    HelminenHotrods likes this.
  2. HelminenHotrods
    Joined: Jun 8, 2018
    Posts: 134

    from Finland

    Heres the back end finished.

    IMG_20240109_203805.jpg IMG_20240109_200835.jpg IMG_20240111_191534.jpg IMG_20240112_202629.jpg IMG_20240112_202325.jpg IMG_20240112_202434.jpg IMG_20240112_202251.jpg IMG_20240112_202347.jpg
  3. HelminenHotrods
    Joined: Jun 8, 2018
    Posts: 134

    from Finland

    The motor and transmission is in place.
    Made some styling to the lower mount, nothing crazy but something to give it some soul and more 3D style :D
    Forgot to the pictures of the transmission mount before welding. That is also pretty simple with styling to match the flathead style motormount rubbers
    IMG_20240202_230931.jpg IMG_20240203_162256.jpg IMG_20240203_162429.jpg IMG_20240204_203010.jpg IMG_20240204_203033.jpg IMG_20240204_214101.jpg

    And the transmission mount:
    IMG_20240209_234043.jpg IMG_20240209_231346.jpg IMG_20240209_234358.jpg IMG_20240209_231436.jpg IMG_20240209_234428.jpg

    Uncle Ronn, Tim, vtx1800 and 23 others like this.
  4. JimSibley
    Joined: Jan 21, 2004
    Posts: 3,956


    Very cool build. Unique without being to much. I like it.
  5. Outback
    Joined: Mar 4, 2005
    Posts: 2,961

    from NE Vic


    Nice work :D
  6. HelminenHotrods
    Joined: Jun 8, 2018
    Posts: 134

    from Finland

    Thanks guys ! It is a very thin line between stylish and too much ! Trying to find the balance !
  7. HelminenHotrods
    Joined: Jun 8, 2018
    Posts: 134

    from Finland

    Couple more pics of the transmission mount:

    IMG_20240224_214759.jpg IMG_20240224_214920.jpg

    I also did an service to the hurst competiton plus shifter, and modified it to ball-joint linkage+ new slimmer linkage

    Starting point.
    The linkage taking quite a space from drivers side. Not too much that can be done without major modifications, but i decided to try something. Also the linkage was all worn-out. IMG_20240205_193601.jpg

    Rusty and dirty inside. It was in decent working condition but not smooth operating :
    IMG_20240216_200950.jpg IMG_20240216_201927.jpg

    Taking apart and cleended: IMG_20240216_230449.jpg

    Smoothing the edged for better operation : IMG_20240216_223924.jpg IMG_20240216_224144.jpg

    Cut and add an 0.30mm shim plate :
    IMG_20240218_195037.jpg IMG_20240218_203250.jpg

    Modified the linkage to ball-joints. Could of used the original style bushings, but as i intended to build new linkage so i decided to go with ball-joints:
    IMG_20240217_192259.jpg IMG_20240217_193745.jpg

    Clean, new grease. Was a real bitch of an work to get the springs back in :D

    And the finished product :
    IMG_20240220_154226.jpg IMG_20240220_154255.jpg IMG_20240220_154311.jpg

    And the new linkage build, and in place :
    IMG_20240224_192115.jpg IMG_20240224_192146.jpg IMG_20240224_213514.jpg IMG_20240224_213539.jpg IMG_20240224_213527.jpg
  8. HelminenHotrods
    Joined: Jun 8, 2018
    Posts: 134

    from Finland

    Time for some updates.
    Plan was to do basic main bearing and seal service for the muncie m21, but there was more to it. The reverse gears and the countershaft pin were toasted, so now it's parts wating from the us. The syncro rings were also quite worn out also, so i ordered them too.
    IMG_20240225_181729.jpg IMG_20240225_201430.jpg
    Decided to polish the cases and bellhousing while wating for the parts. Its nowhere near perfect, but to be thrown to bottom of a car, it will do for now.
    Also find crack in the transimission mounting ear while polishing, and had friend welded it. Almost not visible crack, but when opened up and welded, it was almost cracked all the way trought

    The crack. There was also one other ear welded earlier : IMG_20240305_213539__01.jpg

    Polished cases : IMG_20240227_214845.jpg IMG_20240310_193653.jpg IMG_20240310_193701.jpg IMG_20240310_193711.jpg

    The parts havent arrived yet, its about 3-4 weeks always to get them from us to finland. Hoping they dont get stuck in the transportation, because there is a big walk-out/strike going on in finland docs
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
    Deutscher, Okie Pete, rod1 and 14 others like this.
  9. patsurf
    Joined: Jan 18, 2018
    Posts: 1,668


    oh--and by the way--WOW!
  10. HelminenHotrods
    Joined: Jun 8, 2018
    Posts: 134

    from Finland

    Still waiting for the transmission parts to arrive
    In the meanwhile started building an 90 degree pedal assembly.
    I was planning on building traditional setup with floor pedals, using the early ford pedals, but the space is so limited with the X-member and i'm planning on building the exhaust all the way back, so change of plans !

    So building early style under dash pedals. These i-beam pedals are maybe f1 ford ?

    Pedals and the 90 degree linkage has oilite brass bushings, with brass (and copper) sliders on sides.

    Brake pedal is 5:1 pedal ratio, booster setup. And the clutch is 6:1 ratio. IMG_20240311_195047.jpg IMG_20240311_202041.jpg IMG_20240311_210126.jpg IMG_20240311_210133.jpg

    Didnt take too many pictures of the process but heres some IMG_20240325_191348.jpg IMG_20240325_191426.jpg

    The 90 degree link: IMG_20240325_191114.jpg IMG_20240325_191133.jpg IMG_20240325_194816.jpg IMG_20240326_164347.jpg IMG_20240326_164416.jpg IMG_20240326_164331.jpg IMG_20240325_205744.jpg

    And this is the pretty much finished product, for so far

    IMG_20240402_190950.jpg IMG_20240402_190936.jpg IMG_20240402_191018.jpg IMG_20240402_190908.jpg IMG_20240402_185834.jpg IMG_20240402_191038.jpg IMG_20240402_191004.jpg

    Heres with the mounting frame bolted on. The support tubing is going to welded to that, and the brake booster/mastercylinder is going to mounted on that.
    IMG_20240328_231910.jpg IMG_20240328_231847.jpg IMG_20240328_231706.jpg

    Mock up. The reason why booster/mc is separated from the pedal box is because it needs to clear the gauges. The usual store setups would be hitting the gauge.

    One thing is sure, this thing is heavy as hell. And other one is it's going to be pain in the ass to fill the reservoir tanks. But hoping the pedal position and exhaust routing makes it worth the effort !
  11. Squablow
    Joined: Apr 26, 2005
    Posts: 17,952


    So the booster is going to be mounted at a 90 degree angle, and under the dash? That's the wildest master cylinder layout I've ever seen. I really want to see what this looks like in the car.

    The polish job on the transmission is beautiful, very nice work.
    rod1, brEad, winduptoy and 1 other person like this.
  12. HelminenHotrods
    Joined: Jun 8, 2018
    Posts: 134

    from Finland

    Yes sir it's going to be under the dash. You can buy these sort of setups from Kugel Komponents and even from ebay the chinese crappy ones :D
    The Kugel one looks like this :

    I dont think i'm able to hide it all the way inside the dash. But trying best to make it not stick out
    Deutscher, Okie Pete, brEad and 3 others like this.
  13. Squablow
    Joined: Apr 26, 2005
    Posts: 17,952


    Wild, I never knew that was a thing. Would you have dual cowl vents like a 30's Mopar to fill them, or just a hose/pump of some kind? Maybe a glove box door access? Very interesting, I look forward to seeing this mounted, I had no idea this was a thing.
    rod1 and Tow Truck Tom like this.
  14. HelminenHotrods
    Joined: Jun 8, 2018
    Posts: 134

    from Finland

    The cowl vents would be perfect for filling them mastercylinders. Vents kind of look cool, but not just sure about them yet.
    Other thing might some service hatch to firewall.
    Will see how hard it is to fill once i get these assembled on the car. Maybe peeking with mirrors and filling with a syringe might be the most unvisible solution

    One thing i've been thinking is making the support frame also mounting to the frame directly. So the pedal assembly could be leaved on the frame, while lifting the body off. It would require removable toeboard and transmission tunnel
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2024
  15. Outback
    Joined: Mar 4, 2005
    Posts: 2,961

    from NE Vic

    Nice work, good to see the bushes & grease grooves, very well thought out & not slapped together.
  16. Squablow
    Joined: Apr 26, 2005
    Posts: 17,952


    An easily removable dash might also give easy access. Interesting stuff going on with this car, I like it.
  17. AmishMike
    Joined: Mar 27, 2014
    Posts: 1,179


    Was admiring your engine & tranny mounts had to go over a 2nd time to see all welded multi piece then sanded & polished to look like one solid piece. To prove you like polishing you do the whole transmission. Wow, nice work
    Tow Truck Tom, sko_ford and Squablow like this.
  18. HelminenHotrods
    Joined: Jun 8, 2018
    Posts: 134

    from Finland

    Dash mounts are already done, its removable fairly easy. Made it remove to "back way" or to the firewalls direction so it's thight fit between pedalbox.
    IMG_6066.JPG IMG_6071.JPG IMG_6081.JPG IMG_6074.JPG IMG_20221101_192449.jpg

    Good thing is that treoretically there should not be a reason to be needing filling up the mastercylinders all the time. Hoping the summit parts are decent quality :)
  19. HelminenHotrods
    Joined: Jun 8, 2018
    Posts: 134

    from Finland

    Thank you sir ! Not the funniest place to do service under the dash, so trying to make everything good and long lasting quality !
    Tow Truck Tom and Outback like this.
  20. HelminenHotrods
    Joined: Jun 8, 2018
    Posts: 134

    from Finland

    Thank you sir ! I don't admit i like polishing but it has become an habbit :D
    winduptoy, Tow Truck Tom and Outback like this.
  21. DrJekyllMrHyde
    Joined: Dec 23, 2016
    Posts: 75


    Hi, your work, ongoing energy and artistic design abilities are outstanding.
    I thought I had some skills myself, but you’re lightyears ahead!
    One question though, are you sponsered by some company doing abrasive tools?
    All that grinding and polishing takes some flapwheels, they don’t come cheap!
    You’re a wizard with those.
    One funny thing, I see you’re using a danish Migatronic, I’m using a Finnish Kemppi….
    If you make it sometime to Kustom Kulture Show, I’ll go there…again.
    brEad, Tow Truck Tom and Outback like this.
  22. HelminenHotrods
    Joined: Jun 8, 2018
    Posts: 134

    from Finland

    Thank you !
    3M sponsor would not hurt at all :D Going trough all off them from cutting to polishing and blocking and buffing ! Good Idea !

    Interesting thing as well is this Ford is originally from Denmark. I have the original documents from 1931, and MOTs from the 60s.

    Kustom Kulture is the place to be, and participate ! Sometime :D
    Okie Pete, brEad, winduptoy and 3 others like this.
  23. AmishMike
    Joined: Mar 27, 2014
    Posts: 1,179


    Looking at fantastic engine & tranny mounts again. How many pieces did u weld up for that tranny mount? A quick drawing off all the pieces would be amazing. Tks
    Tow Truck Tom likes this.
  24. clem
    Joined: Dec 20, 2006
    Posts: 4,445


    I was expecting to see something that was hinged and could swing out to top up the master cylinder.
    You will be surprised to see what you can do with a large syringe, a bit of clear tube and a little mirror for the odd time you need to top it up or check it.

    amazing work all around !
    That dash is just beautiful.
    Looking forward to seeing the finished result.
    Thanks for taking us along with this thread.
  25. HelminenHotrods
    Joined: Jun 8, 2018
    Posts: 134

    from Finland

    Hey Mike !
    The transmission mount is pretty much Flat bar with flavour. Major elements are made of 4 pieces. The bottomside small edges were added for better looks, those were 4, kind of half moon shaped.

    The upper one, that bolt on to the transmission is made of flatbar.

    Heres some pics
    IMG_20240224_214920__01__01.jpg IMG_20240209_231346__01.jpg

    Used some holeshawing leftover for the round parts. This motor mount holesaw cutted piece left the leftover round piece from the inside, to be used in the transmount
    IMG_20240202_230931.jpg IMG_20240224_214759.jpg
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2024
    Okie Pete, brEad, GordonC and 6 others like this.
  26. HelminenHotrods
    Joined: Jun 8, 2018
    Posts: 134

    from Finland

    Thanks Clem !
    Things are bit tricky, but small solid steps ahead !
    It gives me confort knowing the parts are all new, so there should not be needing to add or servive otherwise the braking system all the time.
    Altought the cluth wilwood is some what years old, come to me as new, from other project
    Tow Truck Tom, Outback and clem like this.
  27. AmishMike
    Joined: Mar 27, 2014
    Posts: 1,179


    Got to tell u when first saw tranny mount I thought it was cast. Amazed that you welded up & sand smooth. Fantastic work.
  28. HelminenHotrods
    Joined: Jun 8, 2018
    Posts: 134

    from Finland

    The pedal/booster/mastercylinder assembly is done for now. Time to start thinking about mounting it to the body.
    Added couple slider bushings for the booster rod, to keep it perfectly straight throught the motion.
    Booster is set up further to the passenger side, because it needs to clear the oldsmobile gauge.
    Gas pedal i'm going to ad later on

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  29. NJ Don
    Joined: Dec 25, 2019
    Posts: 250

    NJ Don

    Where is your revised shift lever going to be in relation to your seat? Are you using bucket seats?
    HelminenHotrods likes this.
  30. 29plymouthroad
    Joined: Sep 24, 2023
    Posts: 38


    Is that the universal kwik top kit ?
    HelminenHotrods likes this.

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