I'm headed up I-95 North, next week. Going to the vintage drags in Oxford, Maine. Google maps says to take 95- 895 through Baltimore. Going through the Baltimore toll tunnel. How is the traffic situation going through this area, with the bridge out? Driving my hot rod. Not towing a trailer. Should be passing through later in the day.
Traffic is going to be busier than it would have been before we lost the bridge. That's pretty obvious as traffic has to go somewhere. There are basically 3 options now to get past Baltimore, the 895 tunnel or the 95 tunnel, both are toll tunnels. They both wind up putting you on the North side of the city on I-95 Northbound. The only way to avoid the tunnels is to take 695 (beltway) West all the way around the city to connect with 95 0n the North side of town. Quite a bit out of your way. I would consider taking rt. 50/301 across the Bay Bridge and follow to re-connect with 95 in Delaware. Also a bit out of your way but, a far more pleasant, perhaps even safer ride. Good luck whichever way you go.
Lothiandon1940 is correct. However my resentments run deeper and I am sure to avoid the whole show How To BYPASS Even when all was right, the time from afternoon thru evening, was a losing deal. With the bridge problem I would definitely take an alternate. One is at the DC loop go counter clockwise and take US-50 East that runs into 301. You will cross the Chesapeake Bay Bridge after running into US-301 North Stay with 301 North ( left at split from 50 ) 'til it puts you onto DE #1 / back onto I-95 North. Otherwise afternoon turns to night with little progress. My prefered route is to exit I-95 at exit 104 VA Ruther Glen. A bit north of Richmond.., There go right, East, off I-95 this will run you onto US rte 301 North. 301 will head East at Rte 50 ( watch the sign ) to lead to Chesapeake Bay Bridge ETC, ETC Using 301, out of VA and into Maryland, will mean some ( not lots ) lights. Also afternoon traffic, but not like the shitstorm that is found on I-95 N. heading out of VA. Then MD into DC. It is horrific. AS IN A NO-GO-- Actually a good time to find the convenience of a stop off for beverage etc. As a professional driver I could not survive the glut of I-95 and the Maryland beltways other than late-all night hours.
I 3rd the 301 / 50 to Delaware option & 2nd the Exit @ 104 , over to 301 Va , Wants up in Md 40 ish or so miles then 301 /50 North,, there will be traffic lights then breaks straight driving , wants up in Md , Gas ,food , stretch your legs rather than up 95 above Exit Virginia 128 all the way Up pass Belair Maryland, Skips 140 -160 miles headaches, Va threw to North Md unless your go threw this Area between 11pm to 2 ish Am
Also , its been 20 years since I have been up pass about 50 miles up Jersey T P , I believe JTP 110 miles , & if not familiar with, The exit numbers are not the mile markers on the JTP, When you get close to George Washington Memorial Bridge (95) NJ / NY, Traffic slow ,Busy until you get to the Northside, Ny Ny
OR, for another 85 miles or so, miss all the "east coast" mess. I 95 to I 26 in So Carolina to I 77 to I 81 to I 84 back to I 95. Check it out. Ben
Ben above has a great alternative route! Watch out for VA. State cops on I 81, also beautiful ride thru beautiful country and hours saved not going nowhere in I 95 looking at the sad side of east coast big cities. I have used his suggested route several times going south and I will never go on I 95 again.
In reference to firstinsteele's advice. Take I-84 east to I-691 east to I-91 north to exit 25/26. Go over the Glastonbury bridge, ( no toll ) stay in left lane to route 2 to re-connect to I-84 east to I- 90 east to 495 north to 95 north. This may sound confusing, but it is very easy and will eliminate traffic in the Hartford, Connecticut area.
firstinsteele has the best way to go IMO. Been both ways and a little out of the way sure beats stop and go. Pat
Going up thru Baltimore, New Jersey and New York on 95 the roads with all that traffic could be torn up and a mess for a hot rod. Take firstinsteel, nickthebandit, and 1934 coupes advice. I went to Vermont and back a couple of weeks ago using pretty much the same route and the roads were decent.
Here is my 2 cents: Take 84 North up though PA get on 84 east. This will take you up the MA pike, from there catch 95 North. This route has no tolls and plenty of places to stop. As a bonus you will travel very close to Gettysburg, the civil was site. that is all that I am going to say on that. sorry no "Call Girl's" phone numbers.
I approve any alternate to I-95. So who am I to say??? Well I spent the better part of 20 years beating the clock to get to New England, in an 18 wheel. That I-81 to I-84 is 'DaBomb' for Lack of headache There is a bottle neck at Harrisburg. But just that, not a saga DC.
You couldn't pay me nearly enough money to take any of my rides on 95. I 81 is the hot ticket. You'll be glad you did.
THIS BTW that signature I have was graffiti found on a RR bridge, while poking around Jersey to keep off of the NJ TPK. A regular action was the TPKE was a stand still, caused by idiot drivers. And never do they refund your toll money. Just a thought, need to use the loo?, PA is an example of good! house keeping. NY?? State?? yer better off goin' in the bushes.
I ended up using the 95 to 301 route. Avoided DC and Baltimore. Got back on 95 in Jersey. N.J. Turnpike thru 95 through NYC was a nightmare! Never again. I swung through CT. into R.I. Just because I've never been through there. Mass. was a shit show on 495 all the way to N.H. From there to Oxford, Me. Was easy. Coming home I took the scenic route through N.H. VT. down through Mass. I-91 into CT. to 84. Picked up 81. To 15 to 495. Picked up 95 from there. I forget just how bad the roads are up there. Compared to Florida. Thanks for all the advice, and ideas. Made for an interesting trip.
Glad you found 301. Sorry you got bit by the 'Apple'. But ya gotta appreciate what New Yoawkers put up with every damn day. Bless the humanity
. I cannot begin to imagine what it's like to drive semi trucks through that mess! Between the condition of the roads, and the traffic. Ugh.... Saints, for sure.
It can get uncomfortable. Until you get to understand patience. Knowing that the job is not a race. That 301 ride often was homebound. Mostly though I would get toasted tobacco, going the West way toward Canada via Buffalo