Soon Boys and Girls new copies will be available for purchase. Finalized everything with the printer this week. Couldnt find Dad's digital copy of the book so I was given a book to have scanned. Hold tight kids, Soon.
Had a great man in Washington State send me his copy of thr book so the printer can take it apart and scan it. He said "Keep your personal copy in 1 piece. I'll send you mine". Never found dad's digital copy of thr book anywhere. Hopefully March I will have fresh new copies. Sent from my LG-H830 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I have hit a WALL! Scanning the book for reprint just made it look like a cheesy Xerox copy. I have been hunting for dad's digital copy and have not had any luck finding it. Even spent good money having his desktop computer fixed hoping it was in the Hardrive but it wasn't I haven't given up hope. I know my dad, the anal Diemaker. He has it somewhere very safe. I just haven't figured out WHERE that is yet.
Is it mostly the text quality that looks cheesy? Are you doing these scans yourself, and what kind of equipment do you have to work with? As far as the text goes you'll probably want to scan the text separately and run it thru some OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software. Some scanners may include OCR software with their installation software. There's even some stripped-down, basic OCR software available for free download. It's a bit tedious at first and you'll have to proofread and edit your text for errors and formatting but at least you won't have to retype everything from scratch. But it should provide text files that your printer can work with. Make sure to ask him exactly what his requirements are before you get into it too deep. If you have lots of photos, hopefully you can find the original images on your computer somewhere. If necessary they can be scanned from the book you have if they are of decent quality to start with. But there will still be some loss of quality when they're reprinted. How much loss is too much is going to largely be a matter of what you find acceptable.
Original Printer of the book dis the scans. I did not like how it looked. Some pics were so fuzzy they were useless. They tried "touching up" some of the fonts & photos but it still looked cheesy to me. Dad spent 20yrs putting that book of info together. I have his 1st rough draft on Tool Crib Slips from work. I will not put out a 2nd copy if I am not happy. The profit is peanuts on the books. Its about info for everyone and paying respect to my father's hard work.
Hi ,we are working on a ford v8 60hp and would really love to obtain a copy of the Richard Willim book "v8 60 Fords little powerhouse " any chance to purchase a much needed copy? Thanks Paul
V860too logged in last in July 25th, 2023 but hasn't added anything to this thread for the preceeding five years. So I am guessing the book reprint hasn't happened.
Hi v860too any chance to purchase a much needed copy of Richard Willim "v8 60 Ford the little powerhouse" ?thanks Paul