Because of the overwhelming number of patients applying, Pan Am is now offering direct flights to Vienna. Ground transportation to and from the infirmary will be provided. If lobotomy is necessary next of kin will be notified.
I think that's the youngest of the Abernathy Boys sitting in their Brush auto. They rode their horses across the country to meet the president.
Hello, When we were in elementary school, we had a huge playground after school every day. So, the school district allowed teams for form for various sports, baseball, basketball and flag football. The first sport was baseball. We practiced every day after school and on Saturday mornings, we would all pile in to two cars to a field trip to the neighboring elementary schools that had teams in the same sport. The whole Long Beach Unified School District had the sports teams for the school kids. Why two cars? Well, our coach was an old guy that smoked cigars constantly inside of the playground director’s shack. Not on the school open practice fields, but inside of “his shack.” He had a college age girl that was a good looking athlete that could out throw, our run and out shoot us on any sports teams at the time. That was impressive. She drove a small sporty car that could only take three people. And no one really wanted to drive in the small space due to the “aroma” of perfume filling up the interior the whole time. So, we all tried to pile into the old Plymouth sedan to get to the games. There is lots of space inside the Plymouth for a bunch of little kids, as we were carted around by our old playground baseball coach. He took us to other playgrounds to compete against other baseball teams during the summer. His Plymouth coupe was stock and smelled like cigars during the whole time he carted us around. As little kids, we did not think of driving sight lines and comfort. We were all crammed into the sedan and enjoyed every minute if the trip to other baseball fields, even despite the smoke coming out of the opened windows. At least we could see outside from the little windows. The only thing was that we demanded open windows. The best thing during this time was the old coach’s assistant, who came along every trip. She was college age, very cute, could out hit/ throw all of us, wore sleeveless tops and short shorts. She was a cool looking girl, gave us heart rate increases, and made the smelly, smoky trip worthwhile. Even her complaints about the smoky Plymouth coupe was “a breeze in the wind” to the coach. Jnaki Even she decided to drive her own car, a VW bug. Some of the kids went with her. But I did not. Why? Well, the difference between smelling like a he-man’s cigar or a frilly girl perfume soaked into the upholstery and headliner was a “no brainer.” Seat belts? What seat belts? We crammed in as many kids as possible in those two cars. YRMV