Hey fellas. I've been annoying this forum since 2011. Always liked hot rods,customs,jalopies,modifieds etc but could never afford to build nor to one. I had a dream a coe cab and energy so I came here asking help to build the Desert Express and the Hamb did help... I drove that thing up and down Las Vegas and even one trip to Boneville til I was T-boned last March. I have a few other projects that are too commercial for this side of the forum. I was looking for something pre-war,a jalopy or a modify to drive daily or at least regularly to "inspire" me to keep going. I searched Facebook marketplace,craigslist and finally the hamb classifieds.. I did find a 31 Rpu in Tennessee by a great guy in a really fair price but being so far away,Logistics got too expensive and the wait list got longer.. I was cruising fb market place on Monday when I found this beast in Lake Havasu. 1919 mode t "custom" for sale.. I texted the guy and agreed on a price and a date to go check it out on Friday... Well I couldn't wait to go see it to I texted the guy and told him that I'd be there next morning. Rented a trailer,deathgripped my hard earned cash and took off southeast.. It was hot. HOT. found the place,looked it over and shook the man's hand... He was supposed to have a friend take me for a ride but the friend wasn't there.. Took the man's word that the car was good to drive around,forked the dough and loaded the T on the trailer.. The trip back home wasn't too eventful. Lots of desert land and I had my windows down,AC off and I didn't push my little tacoma, even tho it didn't mind the little bugger hitchhiking in the back. Got home,and had the gf Manual winch me into the garage while I steered and stopped. Brakes worked!! Had some brittish pub beer to celebrate. I woke up Wednesday morning to go to work,opened the door to the garage and I forgotten that I just got this thing.. I was like ¡oh shit! OH SHIIIIT!! Since my son is staying for a few days,I had to cook dinner after work so I fired the grill Gave the kid a lesson on grilling meat and went to bed.. Today was the day to push it outside and hear it purr.. I did,it was hot. The T started right up and I left it running for a while... My son came out and I asked him if he wanted to take it for a ride... He said yeah.. So I put it gear and it took us around the hood about 7 times.. Shit grinning faces all around this thing drives like a mother. No brakes in the front so had to slow down before a major intersection then pump the brakes. I will need help with some modifications like front Brakes and I want to add wide 5 wheels. This will be the nicest "finished" car ill own in a while. Hope to hear comments and hints.
Holy crap Seth! I didn't realize you OWNED that car.... I saw your other thread. Congrats man, that is one sweet ride! How about bringing it to Bonneville so I can check it out?
I think wide 5 wheels would look out of place. With the skinny front wheels, small disc brakes would probably not look out of place.
I'm not a Model T guy. They didn't have front brakes originally. I'm sure someone has figured out to put front brakes on a T axle. Or could swap a later axle with easy brake options.
Dang that’s not at all what I expected to see after the story. I’d be shocked to see that in my garage as well! Very cool!
Very cool. Be sure to check in on the Monthly Banger Meets This month here https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum...-thread-remember-your-dad-this-month.1317717/
Nice Seth! Brakes on the front huh? I think a different axle is in the works, even a Model A axle would work but whatever you choose, make sure it has close to the same amount of drop as that dropped T axle. Dave
Thanks for all opinions and help. Thats why I love the hamb https://youtube.com/shorts/hghqfWt_teM?feature=shared
If you were close - ie the same country! - I would suggest that I needed to buy the dropped T axle for the 2 brake terror I'm collecting parts for
Any motorcycle style disc brakes that could be adapted? A friend wanted 12 spoke spindle mount mags on his A Model and adapted some type of disc to the hub. PS Beautiful find there Seth ! ENJOY
Damn dude! I saw the other thread too… I’ve always liked your humor and your posts. Congrats! You rank up very high on the HAMB’s list of folks I respect for their determination.
You're running rear brake only? I'll have to search for your project Hmmm will look into Motorcycle brakes. Thanks Thank you . you're very generous. The front tires are old I think they're 30x3 Non-skid I just saw the price tag for each...I'm sure there's cheaper options?
The T project hasn't made build thread status yet, still in the collecting stage, it has moved from the delusion list to the dream list... There are some photos of the body in one of the Gow Job threads I have a meandering, dawdle of a build thread for my RPU though 'Back in a Banger'
Beautiful. For front brakes I’d look at an A axle on the front but even though I love wide fives I agree you need to keep some skinny wires up front. I use 19” model A wheels quite often and a 450x19 would kinda keep the vibe.
Thanks for all the replies. I took it to HD to buy some welding wire,I noticed a little puddle of oil by the driver rear wheel and I smelled it...gear oil. It's coming out of the spindle nut and splashing on the wheel.. What is the fix.? The axle is supposed to be a 1935 My driver side headlight trim and glass shook lose and fell breaking the glass... Shit..time to look for a new one. Also notice that my temp gage is not hooked up and the oil pressure gauge wasn't working...it was working when I bought it.
Seth, there isn't a spindle on the rear axle so I assume you are talking about the axle nut? There should be a special gasket that fits in the groove in the outer end of the hub that keeps the gear oil from leaking out from around the nut. That nut needs to be REALLY tight. Like 250 pounds or so, but at least 150 pounds. Dave
Great looking T! If you want front brakes upgrade to a Model A axle and later spindles that allow you to attach brakes. Some T speedster guy should give you a fair amount for the T axle and the 30 x 3 wire wheels & tires.
yes the axle nut.i took the wheel off and the key was a bit chewed..a little cleaning with the file and it went in,then I tightened. No leaks anymore. The lugnuts were a little loose and I drove it around like that.. That's IF change it...if it's no broken... The car is really nice...there's no way I couldn't pull the trigger. So I took it for a drive to the Sunday cruise but it was a bit sketchy... My brakes became really spongy so I had to be careful at major intersections...so something new to look for.
Just wondering if the front axle has Chevrolet spindles, or a Model A steering arm welded to a T spindle. Please check the quality of these. Bob
Good eye...might be welded.. Even if it is,am I more dangerous driving slow with iffy steering downshifting and paying attention to other drivers and street lights or the dozens of teens/pricks driving a 200+HP scat challenger/mustang/camaro not event 2 payments paid-no insurance-under the influence-playing on their phone-racing sons of cheap hoes around me?? What is the best quality 1940 brake cylinder? I need to buy 2.. I found the lights and plugged the brake lights that were disconnected for some reason. It's really a nice set up Does anyone know what in he'll is this?
A Bermuda carriage bell. It mounts to the floor and has a pleasant DING / DONG sound when you stepped on the pedal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bermuda_carriage_bell It appears to be missing the foot a pedal - It goes into the open tube. Also missing the mounting bracket. The last time I heard one was in the late 1950's Russ