Hello, There was a time in elementary kindergarten classes all got to take a nap in the classroom of our neighborhood school. There were two groups. One came early in the morning as usual at 8 am and the other group came around 11:30 am until after lunch. I was in the afternoon group. But, the odd ball thing was, as the early morning group left and we were all shuffling in to our floor seating pads, after a good morning pep talk, our teacher asked us to roll out our mats and take a nap!!! What? It was 11:30am, just before lunch hour and we just got there. The policy was that a “nap” was mandatory for the kindergarten classes. After playing for the rest of the day’s activities, we should have been able to take a nap, but since school was going to be over, the nap came at the beginning of our session. Jnaki As far as those cool canvas slung suspension chairs were concerned, after trying tons of aluminum chairs with various combination of solid canvas or nylon straps, this model of the swoopy canvas stretched across a sturdy oak frame was the best purchase we ever bought in our coastal beach forays. The canvas was sturdy and as slung across the wooden frame, gave a “captured or enclosed” womb feel as one gently sat down into the deep pocket. When we opened the chairs on the sand, we sat gently and in an instant, with the warm sand, the sunny skies and my wife in her similar canvas chair, we both gently fell asleep on the selected beach. Note: As comfortable as the canvas slung chair was, it had its fault. The oak framed chair was large and slightly heavy to carry, so a nylon strap had to be used to strap it to my back for the trek to the sand and water. Then the dry canvas was very inviting and obviously, rest was the method of choice. But, if one went into the salt water and came out to sit in the canvas chair, the salt water soaked the canvas and dried, eventually. But, the salt residue, now showed up in droves. If one did not remember to wash off the salt infused canvas, that action made the canvas wear faster and as more forays in the same manner took place, the canvas was seeing a faster usage and started to fray, then rip in various places. No, it was not just a fat a$$$ motion, but a 100 lbs bikini clad 20 something did not do anything, but sit down in a wet bathing suit and instantly fall asleep. So, over time, the canvas started to rip faster than our other nylon strap aluminum chairs. We recovered the chairs with stronger canvas and used double rows of stitching, but the daily/weekly usage of the wet vs. canvas was always a problem, even if we used a large towel to somewhat dry off, before sitting down. And, sometimes, we looked like the toddlers in the first row of chairs, napping comfortably, while sitting on the sandy beach in So Cal. Yes, "Life" was tough in those sandy, salty, rough neighborhoods next to the deep blue sea...Ha! YRMV
Lookin like the pipeline crew on a lunch break ! Only issue was if you weren’t careful , some would draw cartoons on your face when passed out asleep .