This car I'm wanting to do more of the kustom grocery list. Packard tails may be an option. My main thing is on custom stuff I like it to flow well enough that to an uninformed non car person spectator they think at most it's modified original stuff. Always liked 55 headlights on these cars. And I always liked the front bumper on a 54 but the non matching profile rear bumper always bugged me a bit lol. I had considered something non bolt on custom for the tail lights on this car. I mean.....I gotta rework the driver side regardless of what tail light I use lol.
And here was my reasoning on a 55 rear bumper. I feel like it matches a 54 front bumper so much better than stock
Thinking I'll fit it fairly flush without a filler panel. Am thinking I'll use 55 rear lower rockers so that it has the bodyline around the bumper
Ah after a bit of googling the tail panel sort of serves as the filler panel. That might be a possibility
Started wire wheeling the fan. I did notice a difference between this one and the one on my 53. Not sure if it's because this one is from a 55 or if it's because it's of a 235. It has straight blades while the 57 283 fan has curved tips. As I've heard the turned tips actually significantly help cooling I'm glad I already planned on an additional electric fan on this one. But in any event with as thoroughly rust covered as this fan was I'm glad to see how thin the rust actually was. Fan on 53 came from a previously restored 57 four door hardtop that was being restomodded so that fan was super clean. Had actually considered getting that one chrome plated
Kinda digging on these mirrors. Can get them from a local guy for pretty much nothing. Was going to do a 55 Chevy mirror like I did on my 53 but thinking if I can get these maybe this style instead. Would only run one and then I'd have another for a later project lol. What does the vintage hoopty world think?
And a lucky $5 flea market find lol. Wasn't 100% that it was the right mirror. But looked close enough to chance it. Got home and ran the pn. Bam. 53-54 Chevy lol
Also I'm guessing the mirror mount is originally from a 150 as it doesn't appear to ever have had chrome. Mirror itself is chrome though
Got the mount sanded and threw a coat of black on to help smooth the few pots it had. I'll scuff this and hit it with some silver. Being it never had had it was much easier to prep. Depending on how it turns out I may run this mount in the 53 and strip and paint the original 53 mount for the 54
And first coat of "stainless blast" spray paint. Claims to have actual stainless steel in in it. More importantly it claims to be uv resistant. And decided to see if I could polish out the matching mirror for giggles. Started by hitting with a Scotch Brite and currently hand polishing. So far it's actually coming out decent
And as far as I'm going to take either piece lol. Mount actually turned out great. Mirror itself turned out decent and will definitely work until I buy a replacement (I bought one for the 53....they're cheap lol)
And finished wire wheeling the 55 Chevy fan. Now I get to lay the paint thick to hide the pitting lol. Definitely looking forward to getting to the heavy work on this car lol
I realized as usual I was overthinking simple stuff again lol. After I sprayed the backside I was thinking of how I could spray the front without getting witness marks on the back from sitting on fresh paint. Then I remembered I literally have a junk original 55 Chevy water pump. Problem solved lol
Good progress! I’d dip that bumper in some citric acid for an afternoon, neutralize rinse and some Mothers polish and maybe some wax and you’d be set!
Eh it works lol. Just an old shed dad and Grandpa built in 1989 that Dad added stuff to on a whim lol. Actually a nicely weather tight building
Used the 53 to get an idea of the look. I think they'll work nicely on the 54. Still have to figure out what they're off of so I can eventually get some mint replacements lol
Tore the worst of the two mirrors down and gave it a quick polish. Actually already looking presentable. Also this was one of the easiest mirrors Ive found to take apart and put together lol
Was spraying epoxy primer anyway today at work so I went ahead and hit this with four heavy coats. Should sand out nicely and the more I think about it the more I'm liking the idea of this being the same blue as the roof and garnish mouldings
I know I've gone back and forth. But I think I've come to a final decision on door handles. Thinking I'll go ahead and shave them. One door is damaged around the handle anyway and it'd save a lot of work just welding in a new piece of metal. And should I be at a red light in a questionable part of KC I wouldn't have to worry about a person of questionable morals running up and snatching the door open. Still kinda leaning towards updated door latches though. And on the caddy air filter I'm going to wait till I can swing a chrome one because that's what I actually want. Be a little pricey but still cheaper than buying two caddy air filter assemblies lol.
No pics but I finally got around to drilling and tapping the two missing timing cover holes. Threw the chain and new cover on and reinstalled the painted balancer.
Oh and my boss gave me a couple quarts of white in nason ful-thane urethane. Was leftover from a truck I painted for him.
More tiny progress. Finally got the right length bolts for the exhaust manifolds so I could do away with the pound of washers lol
I used all stainless steel hardware on my ram horns manifolds. Ran me $36 back in 2015 but will never rust.
Haven't officially taken possession but yesterday I officially earmarked and began negotiations on this nv3500 I've known about around 6 years now. Should be getting it in trade for a late 90s Pontiac I junked.
Finally got intake gaskets so I can finally put the intake back on. I have a 650 Edelbrock like on my 53 a buddy gave me years ago that needs a good clean and a kit thrown in it. May finally tackle it for this engine. Then on to water pump and oil pan