Hey everyone, my '48 Cadillac Series 61 4-dr needs a new windshield gasket if I ever expect to get caught in the rain. After much research, I've only found one source for a gasket for this 2-piece windshield at $445. Considering I also need a new windshield and both are unique to 1948-49 and crazy expensive, is it advisable to try and fabricate a windshield gasket on my own? A one-piece rubber gasket obviously has no seams and less risk of leakage, so am I wasting my time thinking about doing it myself?
That is where he found the one for 445.39 Sean, you might see how close you can come with the Universal rubber that they use around tractor and combine and equipment windows. Glass shops that replace windows in those usually have a few styles in bulk rolls.
Those guys do seem to have everything but they do want $445 for this item. Thanks for the advice though.
Good point! I should be able to find a glass business that does that in rural Oklahoma where the car and my workshop is.
I'd be interested in how you plan to make the gasket. The bulk seal is available from Steele for $10/ft, and you need 14 feet of it. Then you get to figure out how to make the parts where the wipers poke through, and how to make the center part, and how to join the corners. The bulk materials is available from several sources, here's one that's close but might not be wide enough for the 1/4" glass you have https://www.amazon.com/Rubber-Seal-Locking-Windshield-Equipment/dp/B00NUHRE6S?th=1 But seriously...you could clean the old one very well and spend some time with RTV filling the gaps, and get it to almost seal...and save up your money until you can afford to buy the gasket. good luck!
If you are planning to keep the two-section windshield with center divider and replacing the glass, my advice is- 1. Buy new glass. 2. Buy the gasket. 3. Have a professional install it.
don't think I can tell you what kinda car.... but... they in stall with urethane and tape around the edge and it looks just like rubber when done...
That's probably on newer cars that have a different design...where the glass is larger than the opening for the glass....I doubt it's gonna work on this car!
If you don't apply a sealant on both the pinch weld side and the glass side, it will leak. Ask me how I know.
Very good point. I just wanted to check with you guys and see if fabricating your own gasket was common.
If you try to use universal gasket in a roll make sure the grooves are the correct depth and width. I tried to use the universal gasket in a roll on my 66 KW . The groove for the pinch weld lip on the cab wasn’t deep enough and the glass would pop out. Sometimes it’s best to spend the money and get the right part .
Is that 2 piece windshield flat glass, or curved (I know nothing about a 48 Cady)? If its flat, and you need to buy the glass anyway, I would at least look into having the glass cut oversized and bonded in. You would need to fabricate a center support. I have had better luck getting leak proof glass in cars with bonded in glass, as opposed to glass on rubber gaskets.
It's one of those things that pretty much requires the exact right part. Any person can cut out a regular thermostat gasket, but few would risk making their own head gasket. You are asking about a part that not only needs to seal, but also support a big sheet of glass directly in front of the people inside. Be glad that someone has gone to the effort of reproducing it and that you have the choice. Yes, it's expensive, but the cost is easily explained. Do you want to take exact measurements, create a form, fill it with your choice of material and pop one out?