One of the many beautiful advantages of Southern California if you know your way around, you can go almost anywhere and never get on a freeway. Like you say, it's handy to know when a freeway is backed up and you need to get to work or home. It's been decades since I lived there but I'm sure it's the same.
Some 20 odd years before the shots @down-the-road posted were taken, Keaton had built this home in Beverly Hills. Lots of people owned it after '32 and the land was sliced into portions and sold off. The owner who bought the main house 20 years ago, for 16M, has slowly bought all of Keaton's property back including the portion with the pool which is still all original. Whew, I thought I was his number one fan. His other passion in life 2nd to making movies was baseball. His employment application for a job with his production company had 2 questions, 1. Can you make movies. 2. Can you play baseball. You got the job if you passed with 50%. He loaded his crew with pro and semi pro ballplayers and if they got stumped while filming, they'd break out in a ballgame.
Just another Swedish girl who tried to make it in Hollywood,,Lili Kardell.