I’d like to hear from folks living in Oregon. I’m planning to relocate from the east coast to southwest Oregon this spring. I’m hoping to get some info and opinions on what the car scene is like out there… any pockets of Hamb era hot rods, or is it more muscle cars or imports, etc? Are there any cool events worth noting- shows, cruise nights, race tracks, etc? Also, what are the laws like as far as inspections or how many cars you can sell in one year, etc? Thanks!
Not sure about SOUTHwest Oregon but there is a considerable amount of HAMB friendly things here in the Willamette valley, I am near Salem. Cars here don't rust nearly as bad as the east coast so vehicle inspections don't exist, smog inspections are only done if you live in or near Portland. Vehicle registration fees are fairly reasonable compared to other places I have seen. I think the limits on vehicle sales is five per year but I may be really wrong on that. We currently don't have a sales tax BUT our politicians are sneaky so if you buy a new car there IS a tax but they don't call it a "sales tax", no tax on used cars. Like anywhere else if you hang out at a few car shows and swap meets you will meet some like minded people who share the love of HAMB friendly vehicles. Google "taco coupe" and you will see one of our locals who is sharing the gospel with young teens. Also look at the "speedster program" at antique powerland in Brooks Oregon, another great get kids interested in old cars program. I am a member of the Willamette Valley street rods, a good club with 130+ family memberships that is open to all cars but was founded on pre 1948 cars in 1970. Good luck with the move. Mark
I’m up to the west of Portland but have family down near Roseburg. That area of Douglas County is full of hot rods and a big car scene. Medford is also full of stuff. Mostly dirt tracks down south. Medford has a drag strip. Car show season is pretty much April thru early September with a spattering in the winter. no inspection on old cars, it’s worth buying special interest tags for the old stuff. Medford area has emission testing on cars 25 years or newer.
your club always puts on a great show at the carousel, always try and go every year. Had fun last year with the 61 and 55 there.,
I am in Eugene. Not much going on here that I know about. Roseburg and South of there will offer more IMO.
I really can’t speak for Southern Oregon, or anything below Eugene, or Roseburg. It does get hotter the further south, and that in itself can cut down activity. From Albany North, and including Vancouver we have quite the following of traditional vehicles, and welcoming events.
Back to the 50s show in Grants Pass in the summer, Medford Cruise in the summer has several events going on over several days..... Where in SW Ore are you planning to settle???? LynnW
PNW car folk may not quite be up to Texas standards for traveling to far flung rod trots but we give them a good race. It's not unusual for folks to travel 100/150 or so miles to a one day rod trot and turn around and go back home with the biggest deals of the trip being where the best breakfast is on the way and where you are going to stop to eat on the way back.
The Portland swap-meet is the first weekend in April, its an annual tradition, and a lot of fun to attend. There is a very cool drag strip down at Toutle Washington, which isn't that far from Portland, and there are a lot of great hot rods that show up for the Estranged Drags. Here are a couple of shots from that event from this summer.
Lots of different functions going on in the summer, all up and down and around the coast. https://rhodycruisers.com/
Car buying and selling is strong here in Oregon, and if you buy a car to resell most guys don't bother changing titles or registration to their name before selling them. Only if you keep it over 30 days does the DMV require you to change the title to your name. I have a couple friends who go through cars so fast I don't bother looking at something new they've bought as it's just moving through. There are plenty of car shows, and most are listed at either RDX Car Culture, or Crusie News online. I'm in NW Oregon so don't make it down to Southern Or. for shows very often.
SW Oregon encompasses a large area. Which town in particular are you looking at? Bend is a long drive to any place I'd call SW but we do have the Flashback Cruise in July.
I'm in Brookings on the coast 7 miles from the Calif. stateline. Weather is great here from May thru October (except for the June Gloom) Summers never get that hot, maybe a few days of 90 but very low humidity. Where I live 1 mile from the coast but 800 ft elevation we have NO mosquitos. In 21 years we have only had snow 3 times and days seem always 40+. BUT from Nov thru April we expect around 100" or more of rain. Sometimes there is a week or two of sunny weather and Temps. in the 60's. We retired here from SE Michigan in 2003 and don't miss the cold, snow, high humidity etc. Right now 40" per month. Now for the bad: Grants Pass is 100 miles away, Medford is 120. Eugene approx. 200. They are all on I-5. Bend is around 220 miles. Klamath Falls around 250 miles. Portland is just over 300 miles and 6 hours. only one car show here in Brookings in May and another in Crescent City (23 miles) in October. Most cars here though are not HAMB friendly. Message me if you'd like and I'll send some photo's of the coast here. and provide my cell # Richard >>> Movin/on
Thanks for all the replys! We’re looking at the coast, specifically Brookings because I’ve heard the weather is the best there due to the Chetco effect, or something like that, but as far north up the coast as Coos Bay. It seems there is not a lot available in the Brookings area so we’re also looking a little inland, but trying to stay west of I5. Like Grants Pass, Cave Junction, Ashland, Medford, Glide. Trying to find something with a little bit of acreage and a nice big garage/shop. Moving/on - I’ll definitely send you a PM.
Hey @63401nailhead Just a heads up for ya.... Since you're from the "other" coast, take a bit of time and repeat after me: "It's OREYGUN, not OREGONE". That will just help you fit in with the locals a little better. Good luck and welcome to the PNW!
Hey now! I am also in Eugene! Well...veneta... I host the swap meet at The Shakedown! Thats in Springfield and its a killer car event with lots of traditional rods that come out! Theres also a few local car clubs, youre reachin distance from portland swap meet, rhody fest, albany swap meet, graffiti days, tons of stuff!
I live in southern oregon. ( rogue valley) good car scene here of everything. Lots of so cal car guys here from ca. Tracks yes. Drag and circle. Car events? You can be at one every weekend within a few hours of the rogue valley if one chooses. ( spring summer fall not winter) notes sure car sale laws. Inspections? Nothing where I live in grants pass. You will like it here. Best weather ever.
Coast to wet for me. ( fun to visit) Love g.p. hour from coast. 45 minutes from the high country( big mountains 2.5 hours from desert. Much better weather then the coast and much closer to the car scene. ( I would argue the Rogue Valley has some of the best weather in the n.w. we get all 4 seasons and none are extreme.
Thanks again everyone for all the great info. So we ended up getting a place in a little town just south of Roseburg. Definitely planning to hit as many of the Graffiti weekend events as possible this year. Also not far from Medford or Grants Pass, so will be looking out for shows and cruises there too. It’s so good to hear that there is a thriving hot rod scene! Can’t wait to get out there