Actually after pricing donor trucks and engines this may be the route we go. Mebbe a TBI 305 with vortec roller cam(to enable junk oil) with my old 882 heads along with a 4 barrel with the secondaries locked out. Cheaper in long run than a six and will sound better through the stacks she wants. Plus will look better hood open. I can probably get a TBI 305 for next to nothing from the guy with cab
As for future head swaps I actually have a set of 305 ho heads that were tanked and mag'd. All they need is seals and the valves lapped.
My 16 year old daughter (now 50) and I put together an engine less 1976 Camaro. I found a rebuilt 350 truck motor (never started). We installed the motor with the secondaries wired shut (the intent was to have a gentle break-in period). And then I got laid off - And found another job 500 miles away. So the final assembly was completed by my daughter and some of her high school friends. One of the "experts" moved the battery ground cable from the block to the frame. This resulted in burning up the cable to the floor shifter... The Camaro was not very peppy for having a 350. It took about a year before we remembered the locked-out secondaries... Russ p.s. Be kind to your daughter, she might get to pick your nursing home (Missy occasionally reminds me of this ).
Oh she's very aware she'll have some break in period learning to drive before she gets any power lol. Until I started talking this project she wasn't overly excited about a vehicle because she assumed shed get something boring
And an example of keeping her interest up with the assistance of a shirt @guthriesmith was kind enough to send her. Got here today.
And for a homebrew shirt it's actually pretty decent quality. She's probably going to wear it to school Monday lol
Oh yeah. Informed her that when it warms up we'll be welding and peaking my hood and getting the bodywork nice on the hood. In the first pic she's pointing at a blemish I didn't care about last summer lol. Of course during same convo I did mention thinking of some other parts I had we could use on her truck like seats and by then a matching set of Edelbrock chrome valve covers and air filter lol
Likely a 4wd S10 rear with 3.42. probably the one currently in my 53 bel air. Going to a 58 Impala rear in the 53
Oh she has many. I actually call her "creature" in person. Also mini Karen number 2, spawn, squirrel, bunghole (we love Beavis and Butthead lol), nard(nutty nerd) amongst others lol. Also pack mule and heathen lol
^^^^^ none of them apply anymore. She’s into Trucks now so she is a Gofer starting forward now. Gofer this tool Gofer that tool She gets and brings you everything in the shop.
I dunno......pack mule and heathen still apply. Because for one do you think I'm going to carry everything when she's handy? And as my old youth pastor told me all hot rodders are heathens......that church still has a bunch of rules specifically because of me lol
On another note when I was explaining the welding and peaking process we'll be doing on my 53 she actually seemed interested. Likely we'll weld and peak her trucks hood too
So are we setting a record for the amount of pages without so much as a pic of the actual vehicle? Lol. I'll try to get the guy to send me a pic of the intended cab
She’s going to need to get a little creature caricature of her self as a monster painted on her tailgate now.
Man there’s an OG hamb guy with a flatbed AD Chevy truck and I can’t recall his name. I think he’s got Some threads going in the off topic forum. Truck is blue can anyone remember his name? Figured it could be some Good photo inspiration
I honestly can't remember if the planned cab is a three window or a five window lol. If it is a three window does anything know of any good threads for converting to five? The extra visibility would be nice
I think most people would just swap the whole Roof from the belt line up. I always liked the three window best because the five window looks weird chopped haha
No chops on this one. You've seen how tall her momma is lol. Five window conversion if three window is low priority tbh. Honestly if it is three window now that I think of it it'd make adding a cage hoop for three point seatbelts easier Found him!