I apologize in advance if it don’t get all the terminology correct, they stopped putting carburetors on new cars shortly after I was born so I didn’t grow up with them. Trying to help a friend get his car running and it’s got no fuel coming out of the squirter. I took the accelerator pump off and it had no fuel in it. The carburetor originally had the check ball and strap. Those are gone and someone put in the red umbrella check valve. Do we need to replace the bowl? We are in Canada so parts are not as available here as they are south of the border. We did find a check ball kit but with shipping to Canada it was more than a new bowl.
What make carb, what make car, and can you post pictures of the parts in question? You will get much better answers with more info.
If the original was a ball over a hole to the bowl, that hole fed fuel to the accelerator pump. If they pulled a red umbrella through that hole, they plugged it. The red umbrella goes through a hole next to the feed hole. The flap of the umbrella covers and uncovers the feed hole. You could drill a hole next to the feed hole and use a red umbrella. May be easier than strapping a ball back on. Picture would be worth a thousand words. Mike
Sorry, friend invited me over for a drink last night and ambushed me in to looking at the carburetor. I didn’t think to take pictures. it’s a Holley center squirter on a 383 SBC in a Bantam drag car. I know that doesn’t help much.
This is exactly the problem, the umbrella just plugs the single hole and no fuel is making it in the accelerator pump. Drilling is a great suggestion except that big part of the umbrella doesn’t sit flat because the bowl is designed for a check ball, so drilling a hole would let fuel in but the check valve wouldn’t work to keep it from pushing back in to the bowl.
Going by the description we’re talking about a Holley. You can’t replace the ball and strap with the later red umbrella as it won’t seal on the x shaped grove. You either need to replace the ball and step or change the float chamber.
picture from the internet, comparing the check ball style float bowl, with the umbrella style. If there's enough metal left around the ends of the strap, you might be able to make a strap and find a suitable check ball, and make it work. Perhaps even use fuel proof epoxy to hold in the strap?
That’s exactly what I’m dealing with! Time to reach out to friends and see if anyone has a bowl or a check ball we can make work.