My '99 F150 just barely misses fitting under my 4 post lift. Since it is not bolted down, I was considering a 12" X 12" 2" thick plate bolted to each foot to gain a couple of inches clearance and maybe add a little more stability. Wood is out, steel is really heavy, and then I priced aluminum. I haven't given up on the idea and have recently come into the possession of a length of 2 X 4 X 3/8 steel "C" channel. I am considering how to position them; right now, I am considering one longitudinally and one laterally on each side to maximize support. Any comments?
Check out this video (Click link 1961 Corvette Rescued from Failed Four-Post Lift ) of one of the cheap offshore lifts that has been sold by the hundreds and being branded under a bunch of names. (None of them are ALI certified) Does this look like the one that some of you may have in your shop? If so do you think that maybe you got lucky and the 7 year old chinese girl got her welds penetrated better on yours or her little sister used a better grade pulley bolt on yours? That lift does not look very old, Pretty Scary stuff! just saying.
That may very well be true. But if they are ALI certified then that means they have been tested and inspected for quality and saftey which are not any of the lifts I am talking about. I am talking about the garbage that is not ALI certified that has a strong chance of hurting someone or worse.
Does anyone else find it suspicious that this last and the original failure both occurred with temporary installations in what are basically outdoor locations at car events?
The failure at an outdoor car show where it's far more likely that someone involved with that booth and who actually gives a crap and might even have an IQ above room temperature doing the setup is the odd one out. The failure at a proper indoor venue where you have the IATSE doing the setup is exactly what I expect from those clowns.
I have 10 lifts...2 and 4 posts... I've seen both mechanical and operator failures.. murdered a couple cars,.. and a couple operaters went to the hospital thru the 40 years.... the law of average is just a bold statement... .if something looks like it might fail... I fix it... so like said.... I bolted my lift down last friday.... not saying nothing can go wrong,,,.. but like any thing... one must be aware that a lift is equipment...use it as intended... and watch what you are doing...betting against the odds, sooner or latter you loose...
This looks like almost the same failure in the video I posted. Maybe these Cheaply made lifts just don't like corvettes!....LOL
I’ll be looking for a 2 post lift sometime in the next 2 years any recommendations on brands? Something in the 9,000 lbs range.
When I bought my 2, 4 poster lifts I got ahold of a guy that serviced all the muffler shops, brake shops, front end shops and service stations. These kind of guys know where the heavy duty units are and if any are available from the shops shutting down or going out of bizz. Bought a 12 ton & a 9 ton. for 2K each, delivered and set up.
So you spoke of finding something suspicious, yet can’t say what or why you feel it’s suspicious? I’m good.
@Moriarity We have the same exact Advantage lift ( I went & looked after this thread). Made a day trip to Kansas to save on shipping. Assembled it in a half day with just me, my Pops & an engine hoist. Also not bolted down. Good product for the money. I'd like to have another. We paid extra for the pneumatic jack & man it comes in handy.