Agreed. I am amazed sometimes when I look through the classifieds and see members that I have never seen a post from other than there. I apparently read right over the title so had to go reread it.
Definitely long overdue! Some forums you can't post on unless you are a member of the club that pays for it, others you can post on, but cannot sell/advertise on unless you join the club & still others have a donation tab & hope enough guys do to keep the lights on. For me even though I am heavily addicted to the hobby & am active on most, I have always joined/donated to every one of them, because of how much "free" advertising I glean from each one. God Bless Bill
Wha' happened? I gather maybe some much-needed restrictions for Johnny-come-latelys? Edit: Ok... just saw it. Good deal.
I think we all have spend 50 bucks on stuff we really didn't need. Alliance membership is NOT one of them. JMO
Ironically—or maybe just cruelly—I’m buried under a pile of metal, hammering out Alliance tags like some kind of lunatic lightweight blacksmith. A grim reminder that even in the lawless frontier of the internet, somebody has to keep the goddamn train on the tracks. That post? I appreciate it, but it’s not sitting right with me. Two reasons: 1. Dry classifieds are useless classifieds. They work best when they flow, but only if people follow the rules—otherwise, it turns into a flea market free-for-all, and nobody wants that. 2. The Alliance? It’s not a sales pitch. The HAMB is free, always has been. The Alliance is for the folks who’ve gotten something out of it and feel like tossing a few bucks into the hat to keep the gears from grinding to a halt. That’s it. No pressure, no gimmicks—just a way to keep the whole mad experiment running without selling our souls. Now, back to the "forge."
It took me a while to become a Alliance Member, I was here a long time before I even considered it. I didn't do it for the discounts or anything but to support a place I like to come and spend my time with like minded folks. And the wealth of knowledge here and research is above and beyond for sure. Yeah I feel bad Ryan has to stamp my long ass user name, but I like the tag, and I love the craftsmanship of it. Sorry but not sorry Ryan. The folks only selling here and never contributing to any conversation or answer any questions, I feel its only right to have to pay up sucka.
To make life easier for Ryan...not having to make all those Aliance plaques, He should have choices when you join/renew your Aliance membership. To be honest, I already have too many Aliance plaques, (already have one on my firewall)....would actually prefer a decal. Maybe try something like this when you join/renew... ( ) Aliance plaque. ( ) Decal. ( ) Don't need anything. Just a thought.
Sure, the gears of capitalism need grease, but the part in the original thread that struck a chord with me most is the "contribution" factor, that's what draws me in. In the world of internet hot rodding, the intellectual brain trust that is the HAMB has no equal, and in my eyes, the single biggest piece of this whole puzzle is the basic structure, it requires only a few guidelines to keep the grease flowing. Thanks to Ryan, the contributors, moderators and the HAMB Alliance members, we are a community!
I joined the Alliance when it was first offered, it's worth every penny even if I don't take advantage of all the perks it offers, but in my own simple way I help keep the lights on and I honestly hope the Hamb remains free for anyone that is interested in the traditional hot rods & customs. I also know Ryan has sunk a lot of money into make this site better over the years. I do think that the people that only sell and never participate are using the hamb for profit, looking at some of the prices some of these guys are making a darn good living, suggesting they at least join the Alliance is not asking too much IMHO. HRP
I come to the H.A.M.B. because it is the best place I can find where I can exchange information and experience with like-minded people. I am a long-time Alliance member, mainly to ensure it's continued operation. In addition, being a small-time vendor, I find the structure provided in dealing with customers (most come from right here) beneficial. I am vaguely aware of the "Marketplace", but alas, being on the wrong side of 80, have no occasion to use it. However, I have always thought of it as a side benefit for members and unaware that people are using it without contributing. I will grant such folks are a step above "scammers" since they have been able to become members here, but since I feel their behavior is questionable and not up to my standards, I would chose not to deal with them.
So will there be a Classifieds clean up, hoedown? I recall when I was shopping for a car for a few months, I seen stuff that was bumped up for years, years, over and over and over again without prices changing. I think I in fact blocked the use so I wouldn't see their ads anymore. I know I have a few ads I posted and never bumped and I even threw away the parts. It was just really charging shipping if someone needed them.
The HAMB is free. Alliance membership is not mandatory, it’s optional. To enjoy Traditional, hot rods, and custom cars and trucks.
50 bucks a year ain't nothing! Small price to pay for all the knowledge and entertainment floating around this place. I have met a lot of people that I consider good friends because of the H.a.m.b.!! Thanks Ryan...
Ah I threw my $50 back in the ante. Good entertainment, and at $50, still cheaper than ol Sherry at the strip club. She smells funny anyways