Yeah that when I thought I had it sold. Showing not being lazy and leaving it unmarked and still available. Maybe it’s me but I can’t find anything like it for what I’m asking for it. And sure haven’t wasted anyone’s time. I’ve been quick with responses and offered FaceTime videos and been available to show the car. A lot of folks above assume I’m the problem. My entire point is that are these cars no longer really desirable? One said a 54’ Merc isn’t a very desirable car. Really? I look thru the classified ads here and don’t see much in comparison. Anyway I may have someone on the way Saturday at a $5500 cash deal. If it don’t go then I’ll drive it in the salt til it rusts out and yank the motor and dash and shove it in a model a!
Man, unless it was a rusty & a mechanical mess I'd pay 5k for that car all day long if I was in the market for another vehicle. Good luck on the sale !
Give it time. It'll sell. Maybe not until spring time as mentioned. I sold all my cars and parts over a fairly short period of time. I had to talk with every goofball around. I learned this... No getting around it... ya gotta very often go through a dozen idiotic idiots before Mr. Right comes along. And then it goes like butter. Friendly, respectful, everybody does what they say they're gonna, everybody happy. Don't take a shitty offer. Sell it to someone who wants it enough to pay a fair amount. This is what I do if somebody offers too much less than my asking price and I'm not sure if maybe I want to take it. I tell them that I won't go that low right now, but ask me in a couple weeks or so and I might. That's reasonable. Sometimes it motivates them to offer more. Best to try not to get upset about how many morons are in the world. I know it's difficult. LOL Good luck!
Price seems reasonable for something that's roadworthy, there's very little of that for sale around here. It's usually total projects that haven't run in decades or full-on finished cars trying to recoup their "investment". I really do think part of it is just timing.
I found the ad that had been deleted. here are some pictures from the ad. Did you paint it since then? or is the black car posted above a different car? I can undelete the ad for you if you want to try again?
You just start driving the car with a for sale sign in the window and someone will buy it just to get it off the road. It’s been my experience that old cars no matter where you are with them will bring up people’s emotional responses even enough to drop the cash.
Over the winter is a tough time to sell an old car. Most people only want to buy something they can get in and drive that day, not buy something they have to find a place to store until the weather gets nice again. On this thread there are pictures of what looks like 3 different cars at several different prices. Kind of wondering which one is the real car, and what the real price is, not that I'm in the market for it, more just curious. If i saw what looked like the same car listed several places at different prices, I'd figure the lowest price was the current asking price. If the car looks like the one Moriarty is showing with a $4500 price tag listed someplace, the $3800 and a gold coin may not be a bad offer. Too bad you don't want to sell it bad enough to at least help dig it out of the snow. If I called inquiring about the car and you told me that for the offered price you wouldn't even dig it out of the snow, that would lead me to believe it was buried in the back yard someplace and couldn't be moved until spring. Good luck with your sale, but your attitude sucks.
Reminds me of the one Barney Fife bought on an Andy Griffith episode. You ain't a sweet little old lady are ya? J/K. Looks good for what you're asking. Good luck moving it.
I'm betting it's wet in the shiny pic. If that's the pic used in the ad, and if the ad doesn't have current pics of the faded primer, I can see how people would show up and be disappointed/try to lowball.
General fact, as pointed out to me by a car 'flipper.' Many folk, around 'tax season' have some return money, to make summer interesting.
All pics are real no filter. It was wet from a long rain and looked freshly painted in the pic above.
If you are following the market, the prices of 1930's, 1940's and 1950's cars are really taking a nosedive. It's costing more to restore them than they are worth. Plus, buyers are "passing on".
If I saw the picture of when it was wet, then went to look at it, I would feel like I was being scammed. Always better to show everything up front. Still a nice car, but it would not look like what I expected from the pictures.
You would get much further if you didn’t just assume. Assume you didn’t look at the ad. And made an assumption from a pic of the car when it was wet. Come on man! Atleast go above and look at the original ad that gentleman posted. Throw me a bone Meng!
yeah, the ad did not have the shiny black picture. I posted the pictures from the ad above a few replies up
In my personal opinion the last three or four years the car market has been really soft for everyday classic cars (remaining cars that were everywhere back in the day not Ferraris or Lamborghinis or even Corvettes). I think inflation (without getting too much into politics) has ate everybody's extra income. Everything cost about 35% more and most people's wages haven't went up that much. I sell a lot of vintage car stuff including whole cars and I notice people still go to the swap meets here in So.Cal but they aren't buying stuff They are just walking around kind of like window shopping. When I list a classic car for sale it takes three or four times longer to sell than it would have a few years ago then on top of that I think the 1930s through 1950s cars the market is a little soft it seems like the market demand is 1970s and 1980s and early 1990s cars which kind of makes sense because people in their 40s and '50s usually have disposable income and they want the cars of their youth and their kids are getting close to grown when they get into that age group So they can afford the toys that they wanted when they were teens or in their '20s. Anyways I think the Mercury is a good looking car and at $3,800 bucks It's not a lot of money in today's world myself I don't know if I would let it go for that cheap I don't think you could replace it for that cheap or build it for that cheap and the reality is it's a fun car to drive.