I’m building a ‘32 Ford roadster as if built in early ‘60s. I have a 283 and a 4- spd Muncie tied to a quick change. Looking for ideas/parts/how to, for an E-brake install. Thank you
Winters quick change with big bearing Ford drum brakes. Looking for how the E-brake handle gets installed and the hardware associated. The drums to have a connection for an E-brake cable
Usually just run the cables from each backing plate to a central evener and a separate cable or rod to the brake handle. Use aftermarket parts or junk yard parts, lots of options.
Thank you. I’ve installed aftermarket ones before but I was hoping for something more period correct for the early ford. If I bought just the long brake handle like I’ve seen for sale on the HAMB, what other hardware is required that need to go along with that handle to attach the cable let to it.
'35-'36 lever on a Model A ratchet bracketed to fabricated mount using a trans mount bolt & 2 tail housing bolts with a rod or cable going to a '40 clevis and equalizer over a cable running to stock type cables hooked to the backing plates.
Agreed, I've got a '35/6 Ford one for mine. Fabricate a mounting bracket and use a linkage running back to the equalizing arrangement for the cables running to the rear end ...... all readily available Ford parts. https://www.earlyfordstore.com/coll...ar-emergency-brake-cable-equalizer-clevis-kit Very simple and traditional.
I just hit the local Pick N Pull and search cars until I find a E brake assembly that is easy to bolt to a flat floor. They usually have everything needed, except the boot and cable needed. I cut a hole in the floor for the cable, and use my commercial sewing machine to sew a boot. Sometimes I need a roller under the floor just below the hole to guide the cable up to the brake handle too. Cables I buy at the hardware store, and I use my Greenlee crimper for large electrical connectors to crimp on sleeves where needed.
Control cables did my cables. I fabricated the fulcrum and bracket with control cables hardware to my under dash pull
I chose to mount my stock handle stationary to the modified frame rail. I learned for both rear brakes to lock and hold I needed to make each cable adjustable as well as stationary so they wouldn't draw around corners and not lock the shoes. An equalizer is necessary along with the adjusters per cable. Works fine so far.