Sure, you know it had to be a complicated process. Though this just seems to be over the top. But these are Packards, after all. MEDIA=youtube]4Bki2ghu5TU[/MEDIA].
That struck me too. For the era these cars were built in, I wasn't expecting to see the horses and hand saws and log rolling. Made the Packard plant look pretty modern.
Thanks for that link. This guy's videos seem to be answering questions I hadn't even thought to ask yet. And the narration is a real human voice instead of being AI generated.
Wow....what a great time in our country. What great craftmanship and production methods. Awesome film.....I loved the "horsepower" being used in the north woods of Michigan. Also.....I feel right at home sitting at my computer wearing my usual comfortable denim bib overalls just like most of the men in the film !
It was amazing to see how ridiculously overloaded those little trucks seemed to be. Just like in third world countries now.