I remember those tracks. The front end of my old 53 Ford would shimmy like crazy when I went across those. Stepping on the brakes was the only thing that would stop it.
Fremont Street downtown old school Vegas. I was living in Vegas when Kennedy was assassinated. They turned the outdoor lights of the casinos off downtown that night.
Steak and eggs $1.25...That was during the time the mobs ran the place. You could go out to eat almost cheaper than eating at home.
Somewhere in Aus. L to R 58 FC Holden;workshop,FJ Holden;being filled at pump,55ish Chevy? and tyre pressure check,60 FB Holden. Lovin this pic. Thanks!
Oh,and long gone Aussie fuel brand;Golden Fleece. Those big glass Merino ram globes went for a squillion $$$