Can anyone here provide contact info for reaching a live body at Deadend Worldwide / Deadend Magazine in Salinas, California? I'm needing to contact them about a defective item I recently ordered and received through their website. There is no phone number given on the website, only an "Inquiries & Comments" email submission form which I've tried multiple times with no response. There was no invoice or paperwork received with the order, so no useful info there. I've only been able to find one phone number through searching Google, and have left multiple messages with no response. Feel free to give me a call anytime at 507-402-4050, any help here would be greatly appreciated!
I left them another email last night. I also called the 831-512-8012 number from Alan's reply above and left messages four times today. The phone rings a couple times and then goes right to voicemail. I placed an online order through the very same website that I received on 2/15/25. They seem to be fine with taking my money but are hiding out otherwise. I've been screwing around for a week with no hint of establishing any contact. Sorry, but "businesses" that pull this shit really piss me off. I'm still open for additional contact info.
I did some more looking and put that 60 Malarin St. Salinas, CA address into the search bar. Came up with this business at the same address, different phone number. Try calling them, see if it's the same people. If it's not, maybe they might know where "deadend" went.
Thanks but I figured out early on that's probably part of my battle here, I don't, and won't, do Instagram, FB, or any of that social media stuff.
Setup a new email address on outlook etc. Setup an instagram page without your personal details Message them Close all those once you have this resolved
I appreciate the suggestion Pete, but obviously no one should have to resort to those extremes. I'm gonna keep stubbornly pushing for a while just on the principal of this, but if they continue to hide I guess I'm just going to be out 50 bucks.
I checked the address out on Google and scrolled around in the Street View, that is definitely the shop and a location I've seen in many of their YouTube videos. From one angle you can even spot a reflection in a window of one of the Deadend dudes. In other videos I have also seen what appeared to be a separate retail location? I don't know, but if they had provided me a damn invoice there might have been a clue, it's anyone's guess...
Seriously?? Extremes??? You've gone to all this effort with posting here, numerous phone calls, emails etc etc, but you wont sign up to a social media account for a few weeks to reach them via the most likely successful route, on a simple beef of 'not liking social media'???? There is no helping some folks!
Yes Clydesdale seriously, "extremes", for lack of a better term maybe? I fully realize my stubbornness being on display here, but it shouldn't be too much of a paid customer to expect them to simply answer their phone and/or respond to an email submission generated through the provision on their own website. My day job as a Parts Manager has me dealing with all types of customers all day every day, and providing them with sincerely dedicated customer service. I would never consider just blowing off a customer attempting to contact me. The Deadend website is obviously functional because that's how I placed and received the order. When they have a live functioning website that includes a specific "Inquiries & Comments" submission form I consider it ridiculous for anyone to have to create a separate personal social media account just to attempt contact. Maybe expecting some level of customer service is an "extreme" thought, but that's just me I guess. It seems they're fine with taking our money, but simply ignore any attempts of actual customer communication. This "not cool" practice of theirs is part of the reason I started this thread, in case some others here may want to take heed. It really sucks because I thought they were way cool, until now.
You paid with a credit card, right? How about calling them and they may be able to stop payment or back charge them. at least that way you can get your money back.
It was Paypal, but same difference. I'm not looking for a full refund, there's only one item from the order that's an issue. I've never done it before but last night I discovered a way to file a claim through the Paypal transaction where they supposedly contact the seller. I filed a claim there as kind of an experiment, I'm curious to see how it goes.