I’m hoping someone can tell me whether it’s possible to disconnect the cable of a stock ’56 Fairlane radio antenna from the antenna itself and, if so, how to do it. I’m trying to replace the goofy stock antenna on my ’56 with a new fully retractable antenna and would like to use the existing cable to avoid having to run a new cable all the way to the back of the radio. The car has a modern vintage-look radio that I assume accepts a co-ax cable plug, but an AC unit is blocking me from getting to the back of the radio to see how the antenna cable is connected. I’d really like to set up a new antenna without having to drop the AC unit, run a new cable or splice a new cable onto the existing stock wire. Yeah, I know I'm being lazy, but work smart, not hard, right? Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
IIRC, the OEM antennae does unplug from the cable. Again, IIRC the cable has a female plug and to remove it grip it with some pliers and twist while pulling on it. Whether that plug will fit a different unit is hard to say...
Yes, that certainly should be do-able. I'm looking for the best -- read that, "easiest" -- way to complete this project. I started with zero information about the OEM antenna but comments on this and other forums have been very helpful and I think I'm now on my way.
Thanks Crazy Steve. That's very helpful. I thought the plug might be a screw-in and tried to remove it that way, but now that I know it's a push-in I'm sure I can get it free.
I really do not think the coax unplugs at the stock antenna, but the antenna in your picture looks like a replacement. In that case, it might.
you just need an old 70's manual style retracting antenna about 20 bucks on ebay. the hard part is routing it. but a craft guy can use the old one to fish the new cable in. check for this or similar. Im sure there are modern ones on ebay but old one might be better https://www.ebay.com/itm/3840084441.../9nZ1ZaautYzamfi4FhpSlHYWn|tkp:Bk9SR6a9gt-rZQ
Thanks Abe. I already have one ordered. I don't think running the new cable through the firewall will be terribly difficult. Detaching the old one from the back of the radio and connecting the new one there looks like the hard part.
I installed a under dash a/c unit in my 54, your write it block access to the radio from below. I haven't installed my glove box since I did the a/c. With the glove box out I can get to the radio that way, unplugging the antenna is doable.
Thanks orangedog. Removing the glove box is also a thought I had. As usual, however, I have no idea how to do that, so I'd probably have to show my ignorance by starting another string on H.A.M.B.!
Glovebox removal is about 4-6 screw and it drops out the back but sometimes it's quicker in from the front. Also if it's old it might break and rip to bits. So check to see if replacement are a single before doing that or save you old one for a pattern.
I would suggest you check the 50"s ford social group and check Hotrod Reverend he got a lot great videos to learn stuff. His car is very similar to yours. https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/social-forums/1952-59-ford-social-group.282/?page=1