As I'm getting more and more fed up with my crap modern rear end and anticipating my 58 Chevy rear end swap more and more the more Im bounce back to not being entirely fond of the off-center perch pins on my stock springs. And would honestly prefer the drop without blocks. The 2.5" wide spring kit from like tci I believe is now pushing $1200. And is far more in depth. While googling I came across this kit that bolts in the stock location with stock hardware with the option of centered pins and 2-3" drop. And is under $700. Is this a reputable company? I'd have to save my nickels awhile to buy it but considering my drop blocks with trash u bolts were roughly 20% of what these cost and the fact they're new springs with hardware I'm liking the idea. I'll be sticking to 55-64 rear ends so if I were to frag a rear and score a mint 55-57 rear cheap I could swap it in no hassle and still have my drop. And it's just a cruiser so I don't need 2.5" wide spings
Well, Posies is certainly a reputable company company and Super Slide is one their line of springs. Good stuff and I have never had any issues with them. However in this time off knockoffs, why not call Posies direct? You can order direct from them, or at least confirm that Hot Rod Hardware is a legit dealer for them and not a Hoffman Group company selling you a "posies like" knockoff.
FWIW I assure you that Hot Rod Hardware is not a Hoffman Group. They are just down the road from me here in Minnesota.
A 58 or later Chev rear is coil spring mounts originally. You would have to add the leaf springs mounting pads to the axle housing.
Thanks. Didn't want to throw anyone under the bus, but the OP had quality / pricing concerns and these days you need to know who you are dealing with.
I had some doubts too but I googled Posies last night and that part number came back as being from them. I didn’t think they would stand for someone using their name and p/n for a knockoff.