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Walmart HotRod Parts tech!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Smokin Joe, Mar 1, 2004.

  1. This isn't from Wal MART-But when I did my 31 A coupe back in '78-I didnt like the way the full fenders looked hanging down WAY below the rear pan....I saw the metal on the back of a discarded clothes dryer and copped it to make a panel for hiding the empty had 5" long louvers,I had t weld th long vertical row of louvers/by cutting it into 5 peices that were right to left so it had about 6 louvers high and 5 rows wide...turned out to be the real conversation piece of the whole car!plus it cost nothing!
  2. Wowcars
    Joined: May 10, 2001
    Posts: 1,027


    A guy in town made his own custom taillights on his '40 Chevy by buying two ugly trailer lights, cut a hole the size he wanted the tail light to be in the quarters. Then he took a cowl panel from a 70s impala and cut it up to 'louver' his tail lights. Cost him like $15 and look pretty good.
    Another piece of tubing that could be used is for overhead fan extensions. Plug them together for however long you need.
    Love this shit!
  3. CadillacKid
    Joined: Oct 15, 2002
    Posts: 1,507


    Can't believe nobody posted pucks for body mounts! All you gotta do is drill a hole through 'em...they also work good for steering column to dash spacers..just trim to fit...and they cost one measley dollar each! Went in to the local sporting goods store and told the guy behind the counter I needed a couple of hockey pucks...he asked what car i was building! Said that he sells more of 'em to old car guys than to hockey teams...
    Here's another one...toilet tank tubing. The chrome plated copper tubing that supplies water to your toilet tank...these are cheap as shit (about $.50 each). Make great vaccuum lines, looms for running wiring, or if you made your carb linkage outta threaded rod, you can cut one of these to length to cover the threads...they have endless possibilities, cuz they're easily cut to length, easily hand bent(cuz they're copper)and they're dirt cheap, so if you screw it up, just grab another 50 cent stick...
    When i smoothed the dash on my 59 Caddy (59 Cheby dash), I wanted to keep the glove box to stick CD's in, but wanted to get rid of the ugly button. Welded the button hole shut and I got a detent latch (like for a glass doored stereo cabinet) from my local "Fleet Farm" store (it's kinda like Home Depot, but it's a local, midwestern chain) The magnet latch wasn't strong enough to hold up the door of the glove box, but they also had a detent latch that had little jaws on the big side, and a small tab for the other that the jaws grab onto when the latch is shut. It was about 3 bucks and worked slick...if anybody needs some, let me know...
    Here's two last ideas I had that are going on my coupe...If you wanna use 'em you're more than welcome, just remember you heard it here first...Making a radiator puke tank outta an old spray gun cup and lid....the other one is I'm making a shifter boot outta an old Crown Royal bag....cheep shit rocks...
  4. briggs&strattonChev
    Joined: Feb 20, 2003
    Posts: 2,236


    [ QUOTE ]
    hockey pucks for body mounts

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hell, im in the process of using them as MOTOR mounts for my 6 cyl, slick stuff [​IMG]
  5. Rainer
    Joined: Dec 8, 2002
    Posts: 159


    hmm - a bigger stovepipe will gives you a very nice and easy driveshaft tunnel - and some chest-wardrobe knobs will make cool dash knobs
  6. CadillacKid
    Joined: Oct 15, 2002
    Posts: 1,507


    Mailbox for a carb scoop's a good one too...definiteley needs to have the little red flag on it too....
  7. 296 V8
    Joined: Sep 17, 2003
    Posts: 4,666

    296 V8
    from Nor~Cal

    It dosnt matter who your rippn off. A rippoff son of a bitch like you is a fuckn punk. Why dont you take your punk ass and your gay name ( rat rodder)and get fuckn lost.[ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Rat're cool DUDE!!!!!! Ya fuckin rip people off so you can be a cheap fuck and hurt the people who put their money on the line to make a livin. (for you and the rest of the people who haven't won the lottery) Get off your computer and start a business and hire some guys to rip you off..... see how you feel then when it comes out of your pocket......

    Michigan Dick

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Did i say i Steal shit or rip people off ... Nope... Just saying my observtions ..
    Who am i ripping off again..?? The Big shot yuppies who are loaded and own Tons of chain stores....

    [/ QUOTE ]
  8. Bumpstick
    Joined: Sep 10, 2002
    Posts: 1,409


    Thank You, Finally. Let just hope next time he's rippin shit off, the camera's real. We'll be getting posts from the prison library. Might be too busy servicing his "roomate" though.
  9. james
    Joined: May 18, 2001
    Posts: 1,064


    Hey Rat, dumbass, when those "rich yuppies" notice their profit margin is smaller because of theft, what do they do? A: raise the prices so the profit is back up B:hire security or put in cameras, etc which costs money, thereby lowering their profits, which leads back to A. Dishonest people cause prices to be what they are.
  10. burndup
    Joined: Mar 11, 2002
    Posts: 1,938

    from Norco, CA

    This pisses me off...

    Hmm, by some standards I'm a "rich yuppie" cause I have a white collar desk job, have a one year old "sports" car, and extra 'fun' old cars... yes, I even have a few pairs of pretty nice shoes... even tho I only can afford to live in a 1 bdrm apt in the crummy part of town...

    I have what little I have cause I BUSTED MY ASS and worked for it... I didn't lazily steal it...

    Wanna see yuppie turn into REDNECK? Come try and steal some of my shit, I'll just introduce you to my roomate, Mr. Ruger.

    Thieves are rats. What do people do when they have a rat problem?

    How fitting, you already refer to yourself this way.
  11. Hip
    Joined: Jan 3, 2003
    Posts: 848


    [ QUOTE ]
    Need to strip some old wheels? I had the wheels off the 51 and wanted to paint them. I couldn't get the 50 year old grease off no matter what. I even took them to the car wash and pressure blasted them. Nothing. Then the lightbulb wEASY OFF OVEN CLEANER!!!!

    It took the grease and paint of in about an hour. They are now ready to blast (a little surface rust) and paint.

    Mike [/quoteent on.

  12. Hip
    Joined: Jan 3, 2003
    Posts: 848


    I do this with all the greasy parts i get , and to even get away cheaper , get your oven cleaner at the dollor store , cause you usually drop 5.00 to 8.00 bucks on a can of it anywhere else!
  13. junkboy
    Joined: Dec 30, 2003
    Posts: 55

    from Las Vegas

    I use a Jameson whiskey bottle as a coolant catcher in my 56 Special. Created a fender eliminator kit for my V Max out of a four dollar bucket I found at Home Depot(looks kick ass and saved me around 250 frogs) [​IMG]. This only works in extremely dry climates such Vegas, but with as little prep as a washing with a soapy steel wool pad, I've turned some nasty rims into some sweet and shiny red steelies with Wal Fart spray paint. Cost about 3 bucks including steel wool. Caddy rims are going on 3 years with no chipping, peeling, or rust through. That's wrth a buck a year [​IMG]
  14. CadillacKid
    Joined: Oct 15, 2002
    Posts: 1,507


    I've seen slash cut PBR cans make pretty neat carb stacks...i think i saw one as a coil cover once too...
  15. BELLM
    Joined: Nov 16, 2002
    Posts: 2,590


    Watch the oven cleaner on aluminum, I sprayed an intake manifold turned it ugly gray. I really like it on baked on grease/oil such as old exhausts manifolds that have baked oil from leaking rocker covers.
  16. manyolcars
    Joined: Mar 30, 2001
    Posts: 9,382


    3 Tiny air filters on a 3 duece setup may look cool but its not the way to get the best performance. One large oval air filter provides a plenum of filtered air. I made the top and bottom pieces for an oval air cleaner out of Stainless Steel door bottom kickplates. I needed tapered spacers to fit between the carbs and the bottom plate of the air filter. I wanted to use Stainless Steel cups for the spacers. I went to WalMart where I found no stainless to fit but I found 3 small thick plastic cups which are an EXACT fit for my carbs. They have been in use for 10 years now. Just cut the bottom off the cups. They are in the pet food dept.
  17. fitzee
    Joined: Feb 26, 2003
    Posts: 2,862


    If your from the rust belt like me and have old door handles that are pitted and look bad.A quick fix is a garage door handle.The square rod fits right into the stock locks.Comes with keys as well that way you can lock the doors as well.Cheep and easy to find.Use the T handle garage door handles for the trunk.

  18. fitzee
    Joined: Feb 26, 2003
    Posts: 2,862


    Another one is to use them cheep bullit cab lights that come with a L brack.Remove the brack and take some 2 inch pipe and french in into the back of you car and add this lights.Cool and cheep.Thay come in red,blue,Yellow and clear.

    I find other then these hardward stores there also Trailer and big Truck centers that have lots of cool items.

  19. hudson_hawk
    Joined: Aug 27, 2002
    Posts: 646


    the black plastic garden edge makes a great fan shroud
  20. Not an inexpensive Walmart tip, but a lot of interesting stainless steel stuff can be found at restaurant supply stores.

    Some of their stuff would make for great air filters etc.
    You're only limited by your imagination.
  21. Those stainless bowls work great for speaker enclosures too. I used a pair for years on a bike.
  22. Yep, im a fucking punk, because I happened to mention a few things that i have seen before. Keep those Remarks comming, cause im a Cheep Redneck Rat....
  23. Rocknrod
    Joined: Jan 2, 2003
    Posts: 648

    from NC, USA

    Rottela T is pretty cheap at wally world...

  24. InPrimer
    Joined: Mar 10, 2003
    Posts: 778


    A friend of mine used an old refigerator door as a firewall on his Essex.he used the 50's style refig. the top is curved and concave, if you install it backwards(like a recessd firewall)looks great and has 3 or 4 ribs running through it neat, clever, and real cheap
  25. Boones
    Joined: Mar 4, 2001
    Posts: 9,691

    from Kent, Wa
    1. Northwest HAMBers

    C9 - I like your gage panel idea but I can not picture what you started with.. any pic of the original part... my imagination is just not working well enough to take your description and turn it into a picture
  26. injectedA
    Joined: Apr 27, 2002
    Posts: 590


    "Not an inexpensive Walmart tip, but a lot of interesting stainless steel stuff can be found at restaurant supply stores."

    Yes I like the SS to be found at restaurant supply outlets also. Pizza bench in another life.

    Attached Files:

  27. Smokin Joe
    Joined: Mar 19, 2002
    Posts: 3,770

    Smokin Joe

    Boones if you go to Radio Shack or a good electronics hobbiest store you'll see hobby kit boxes that have an aluminum face and 1 or 2 sides bent off of the face. The rest of the box is usually stamped metal or plastic. You just save the face with the bent side and shitcan the rest. Cut it out in the shape of your panel idea, drill it for guages or switches then polish it or engine turn it with a pencil eraser in a drill press. Want wood grain? Look at the cheap stick on wallpaper stuff used for lining drawers. The boxes are usually damned cheap. I used to do this all the time to put the oil, temp and volts guages under the dash of muscle cars or use them for switch panels.

    While you're there, look for tiny lights and led's that can be used for turn signal, brights, or break lite indicators. Drill a hole the size of the bulb. Glue them in from the back and you won't even notice them until they light up. Model train shops are great for these lights too.
  28. IntrstlarOvrdrve
    Joined: Feb 26, 2004
    Posts: 364


    See this swamp cooler?

    Right now I am using my parents old rusty mailbox to make my own swamp cooler. shape is almost identical, now I gotta see if I can make it work [​IMG]
  29. Michigan Rick
    Joined: Mar 21, 2002
    Posts: 259

    Michigan Rick
    from Owosso Mi.

    IntrstlarOvrdrve.........I have the same cooler! Bought it from Nads.........a few years back....... Everyone asks if it is a mailbox. Stealing the design and making it from a box is cool. Any other kind of stealing is bad.....remember what Dad told you??
  30. brewsir
    Joined: Mar 4, 2001
    Posts: 3,278


    I don't know if they still sell them...but when I needed some cheepo chrome bullits for the wheel centers on a cheep little german car I once owned...I bought my wife 4 pairs of new pantyhose....llegs ...they came in little tubes with plastic bullit shaped lids....yea, they are plastic,but that just make 2 part epoxy stick to them better. Damn that was a long time ago...I wonder if they still are even available??????

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