...and you still call him your friend !? That '41 should be on the road, okey its his car but why is he neglecting it ? / primerkid
You can host them in photobucket.com and it will resize them for you. South of Border? Can you get them into the US?
wow, seeing post like this make me think. Someday I will find somthing cool sitting around for almost nothing. I drive a lot of back roads with my job and always seeing barns falling down. I just want to be able to go through peoples old barns/garages to see what I can find. Still waiting on the day to find a duece 3 window sitting in a old garage witht he little old lady saying "you can have it, i just want the room to park my caddy in the garage"
They may be. What exactly are they? This gentleman has a lot of old tractors and farm equipment and school buses also.
TD18 is a 1940s International straight 6 cyl diesel bulldozer, two heads (and two exhaust stacks) per engine. gas start, diesel running, so the extra small valve is for the gas starting system. I have a smaller version, the TD9.
Here's a site with a ton of old steel returning to the earth. All of it's for sale at least. http://www.classiccarsrotting.com/
Here's a couple albums with some http://public.fotki.com/BigPoppa/kriss_stuff/car_stuff/colorado_metal/ http://public.fotki.com/BigPoppa/kriss_stuff/car_stuff/motor_city_metal/ couple highlights...
You can't see it all that well, but this thing has been nosed and decked, and has a nasty white and dark mauve t & r interior. Going back for this one in the spring. Don't suppose anyone had two driver's side taillight housings?? I need one for my merc as well.
Those are some sad sad pics guys. Makes me sick to see all that prime ass tin out there rotting away like that. I'm gonna restore it someday my ass!!
my secret stash, over 100 acres of late 20's-early 70's steal...im not tellin you where hahahahahah!!!!!
Heres some of my finds, the 41 ford sedan is free...but wasted, the 35/36 dump truck I am checking into for parts, the 37 Ford P/U I just bought, the two chevy trucks are for sale, the later one is 250.00, I do not know on the other. The Olds coupe is already sold (probably for the same 250.00)
Here's one I pulled home earlier this year. It's now in Indianapolis. The dude who bought it said he had a blown flathead, some vintage slicks, a seat and most of the other pieces to put it together.
Has anyone ever seen any early 40's or 50's military photos of a bunch of cars the pushed/rolled down and left in a canyon some where in the U.S.? I seen them when I was a teen somewhere? Nevada? I am working with a guy who is about 80ish right now he builds/built motors all his life.He is selling most of his 1920' 30 's body/tin to me now! I will be listing it here as I bring it home! Please dont email me asking what I have cuz I dont know yet??
1933 Chevy 3 window coupe...old oval track stock car Progress so far... Look here for more pics: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=165476