I took a ton of photos at Viva. Here are some and there are over 255 at this link. http://s138.photobucket.com/albums/...;20Las Vegas 2007/?action=view¤t=01.jpg Color Images are located here!
No problem...I wish I could have taken pics of the people that were building a car in the parking lot over the weekend. Last I heard from a friend they fired it up. Every time I went buy it was crowded and I could not get a decent pic. Hopefully someone took a lot of progress pics on it. Does anybody know the people that did the build? Pretty crazy from scratch to a built car in a weekend. I had a blast. I filled my camera up with pics and then started using my wifes little camera for pics.
They are actually...but my batch job that I ran on the images resized/turns them black and white and saves/closes them. I am too tired to redo it right now but in most likely monday night I will redo them in color and repost them.
A few neat ideas I came away with from the car show are... 1. I have these two old army looking gas cans that I have had forever. They are rusty on the inside and not good for gas anymore. Well a guy at the car show had two of these and had speakers in them. Neat idea and will work nicely for my shop speakers. 2. A guy had a small keg on the front of his vehicle to hold tickets or something...another guy had a big wooden barrel cut in half to hold beverages. I am going to use the keg I have and split it and use it for an ice chest in the back of my truck. 3. I took a some pics of how a guy had welded up his front body clip and made a one piece tilt front out of it. I may do that on my truck.
I wish I could have taken more pics of models with hot rods and or taken pics of all of the beautiful women that were at the show too. However, I do not know how the wife would have taken it…hehe, I guess I could of said the pics are for historical purposes only baby! Truthfully though, I feel ackward asking to take pics of women just walking around the show even though I recognize some of them as pin-up models.
Those catz are from another website....that car was really kool and they even drove it around the show on saturday, it ran pretty bitchin!!
Just curious...do you know what website? I would like to try and track down some pics/vids of the build.
Tonight I will go through and recrop them and save them in color and upload them. I will post a few in this thread and will link to the rest. I think I will go through and find the 49 - 55.1 chevy/gmc trucks and post those in the thread.
GREAT PICS!!! I'm a big fan of Black n White and U did it justice!! THANKS GREAT PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ROCK
http://s138.photobucket.com/albums/... 2007/Color/?action=view¤t=IMG_6666.jpg Color images are up.
great stuff! the black and white images reminds me of all the musty, early sixties rod magazines i have out in the garage.