Yeah, I went to B'water last night. I was there when Woody pulled in. Seeing and hearing his car has given me the incentive to get out in the garage and start putting mine together. It came home from the shop last week. Had to wait for the rain to stop so I could move stuff out of the garage to make room to work. Car looks great. I just have to be extra careful not to scratch it......
Thats great Paul,I'm glad to hear its all fixed and home.Ya u want to be careful not to scratch these shinny cars,so what else are u doing to it,are u still thinking about chopping it?
those pricks got the last 45$$ there ever getting out of me! i dont care how good the show is. im not paying for there trips to aruba. if they gave any money to cancer , or sick kids etc i would pay a hundred bucks to go. but not so they can go on another exotic vacation. FUCK THEM
You guys didn't miss much at Stafford last week -- it was a freakin downpour - rain, snow, cold, people packing up at 8 AM. Disappointment. I still got a few things, but it was a drag. Sep 9 -- wrote it down. I'll be there. Pete
Gonna try to mak this as a spectator- havent had much of a chance to just go and enjoy a show in thepast year...LOL
I'm doing some re-wiring and fixing some other things that have been bothering me for several years. The top chop is still in the plan, just might not happen this year. I've got too many irons in the fire right now. Just getting it back together so I can drive it this summer will be a biggie. I threw my back out last Friday, so I'm not setting the world on fire. I can stand or lay down, but sitting isn't fun.
Dave ---tell us how you REALLY feel... I try to go to shows now that actually benefit someone other than the club.Giving back is important. Remember 2 years ago another small local club ran a small cruise at an Ice cream place where they did a 50/50 raffle- and just kept the cash.And told people they were..LOL NOT the right way to do it. Now they arent even involved with the cruise and its much more fun.