Notwithstanding the facts that (1) Keith Tardel has done more to popularize black/black/black on hot rods than anybody since Doane Spencer, and (2) That I have a Keith-built truck, and (3) Black/black/black has an elegance and sophistication that is uncommon on hot rods, not to mention a sinister quality; I had occasion to put a pair of the orange Kelseys from my roadster on one side of the truck and to drive it that way for several months. I was really torn, because whichever side of the truck I looked at looked great to me, and I had a difficult time choosing between the two. In the end I decided that although the black side had the edge in looking formal and serious, the orange looked more like fun -- and I think fun is a big part of what hot rods are about. So with apologies to Keith, and acknowledging how great is is to look straight-faced and tough, I went for the fun (Doug Williams and Dave Lindsay pix):
The orange looks great also. Who says you can only have 1 set of wheels? Wheels make a huge difference, change them and its like having a new car. Nothing was wrong with the old look but change is fun. It can give your ride a whole different attitude, and takes 20 minutes to do. chuck
What's the general thoughts on black wheels with wide whitewall tires? I know it's cliche', but I like the look fo red wheels with white whites on a black roadster. I just bought a second set of wheels and a fresh set of white white bias ply firestones, and have thought about painting my second set of wheels black...but it seems the general concensus is that you need blackwall tires with black wheels to really nail the look.... so, will black wheels with whitewalls and red interior look bad? I know opinions are just that, but I'd like to hear some... Here's what the car looks like now with the radials that are coming off.
would black on black on black look right on a fat fendered ass dragger,or dont even consider it? namely my 36 Ford Coupe...any photshoppers?
I'm sure he's over it! ha. Tony, that looks SO RIGHT!! Djajngo, don't know if you have that Chevelle anymore, but that is super cool and I'm not at all partial to Chevelles.
Bob Owens (Flat-Top) had (some time ago) a black on black Deuce coupe with black painted Moon disks. It was absolutely sinister. He, of course, was not.
Here's my coupe It's a old hotrod from the 50's Great thread sorry I must have missed it the first time around.
Here's my tub. Loudpedal's roadster and 3WLaryy's coupe kept me inspired to follow through on the theme.