I grew up with street racing (not this bullshit that goes on today) a huge part of my life. For some reason it seems most here never heard of Big Willie and Tomiko Robinson. They started the ongoing club of The Brotherhood of Street Racers, of which i'm a proud member. They organized sanctioned street races with the help of government officials in the 60's and 70's. Then they opened Terminal Island Drag Strip a couple times in the 70's and late 80's to mid 90's. A true "run what ya brung" deal. No shit. Like legal street racing. Killer vibe. Anyway, Big's wife Tomika died this week i believe of a heart attack. In case any of you are familiar with their accomplishments, and haven't heard, now you have. Thanks
I saw an episode of "Car Crazy" with him on there once and it was cool how they both seemed to have a love for the culture. It's always tough hearing of someones loss, we've all had too many, my prayers go out to him. Oggie
i met big willie at the terminal island drags in the early 90's........damn i miss that place....(but not the dip half way down the track). sad news.........RIP
Even back east here where we only read about them in magazines, Big Willie and Tomiko were heros. I'll add Tomiko, Willie and their families to my prayer list tonight..... Ja
Big Willie was my inspiration for street racing back in the day too. He had a Daytona Charger, red I think. I think he is in Two Lane Black Top at the first of the movie. Other members with colors are in there for sure. To bad about his wife. You know Willie has got to be in his 60's or 70's by now, anyway RIP.
RIP Tomiko. And may Willie find some comfort in the drag racing community that owes him a huge debt. I'm sad
According to Director Monte Hellman and Associate Producer Gary Kurtz the Street Racing Scene at the VERY beginning was the "Brotherhood of Street Racers" in LA (I don't remember if they said the location) and they had hard time convincing them there would be no recourse by the LAW! That is how I remember the Audio Commentary, I guess It's time to watch it again in memory RIP
Damn that sucks, RIP Tomiko. It's hard to believe most people never heard of these two people. Like you stated, The Brotherhood were a bunch of true street racers. I never experienced it...too young... but read what I could about them. I'm sure alot of people saw the Daytona at Bowling Green last year and saw the original racing helmets and the story that went with the car. I talked with one the guy that brought it out for a while...just can't remember his name.
Belonged to the Brotherhood until Willie opened Terminal Island. I guess a big part of the experience for me was meeting at Brookhurst and La Palma, running at Nabisco, and Holder and Ball (hold 'er and ball) RIP Tomiko
http://www.scaleautomag.com/sca/community/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=51581 Check this out. I thought it was pretty neat. Here is a good link for Big Willie as well. http://iowahawk.typepad.com/iowahawk/2006/02/black_history_m.html
Back in the early, early 70's me and a friend spent the weekend with Big Willie. Not bad for a coupe of white boys. Big mark on my life. Prayers go out to the family. Mick p.s. wasn't there a model series of the Street Racing scene?
As an officially-sanctioned NHRA flag starter in the 1950s who found himself flagging (definitely UNofficial) street races on the uncompleted stretch of I-475 north of town, I've always held both guys in my highest regard. Hasn’t it been a long, great, and mysterious ride?
My wife was in the Street Racers (cuz her boyfriend at the time was) she knew Big Willie & was part of that early racing scene. She'll be bummed to hear that.
My buddy and I used to go to the $1000 bracket races on saturday nights. It was great. Anyone who went remembers Virgil and his chopped Mazda RX3. Also there was white kid who ran a Chevette,that was faster than shit! I ran my 91 Caprice,with my two boys in the back seat,in their carseats once! Never forget the night the Jetcar,"Heat Factory",caught the plywood at the starting line on fire. Memories. RIP Tomiko.
been there and done that...lets not forget another racing spot ...good ole Shoemaker over in santa fe springs...alot of side show stuff went on at those Sunday night Brookhurst meetings ... GTX JOHN making sucker bets and FOOT RACING cars for the first 50 feet in the parking lot .for a big guy he sure could move .Big Willie and Tomico standing up on a flat bed truck anouncing ...."The Good Old Days"....sorry to hear of her passing!
Ya i remember that, the shoemaker one was at the Best Foods Plant. I met Big Willie a couple times at terminal island. Rip to Tomiko
Sad. Prayers to the family. I grew up in the SFV ,60's-90's I remember Brotherhood Raceway, when it was still a 500' parking lot strip. It had a good feel to it . Tomiko was always close by Big. Godspeed.
maann! I remember seeing that add in hotrod mags years ago! I am sorry about B.W.'s loss of his wife. But, it is good to here that the car is still around and that he is still active in raceing.
here's the same car now after sitting in Big Willies backyard since '76. Those are Tomiko and Big Willie's helmets.
Sorry to hear it. I thought they were the coolest thing going when I first hear about them and was floored when I saw the Daytona a few years ago at the NHRR.
I sent this thread to non-HAMBer Stan Goldstein, who was a major part of the Brotherhood. He was very saddened, and said that he had been out of touch with Willie and Tomiko for years. Does anybody know how to contact Willie?