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Some people have NO respect for your car!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 37fordtruck, May 6, 2007.

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  1. yeah, it's a big part of the problem, the rights of parents have slowly diminished over time, this is just my opinion, but it's almost like the system is set up so that the earlier the schools can get their hands on our kids and away from mom and dad the better. When a school official can paddle a child, but the child's parents aren't, it's rediculous. I was called to school one day because there was an issue with my son needing to use the restroom during class...the old "why didn't you go at lunch" routine...armed with printouts from various medical sites that stated the harm "holding it" can cause, I went to the principal and was met with "we'll give this to the school nurse for review." I remember how shitty school officials were when I was in junior high, it seems they just get worse.

    I won't go into it all, I've strayed from the point of this post enough already, suffice it to say that my son was allowed to go to the restroom when he needed to from that point on, both the principal and the counsellor he called in his office acknowledged neither of them particularly wants a paddle applied to the backside.:D

    The only city cop we have watches me a lot now though...I guess advising school officials that they might recieve corporal punishment is frowned upon too...

    I wonder what their reaction would be if a curtain climber drew a portrait of barney...with a chunk of gravel...on their minivan/suv/domestic transport box...and the parents replied "It's just a cheap, disposeable, rapidly depreciating foreign car!!!" They'd be on Judge Joe Brown next week...

    I've only had a couple of rides with paint jobs I was concerned about, one was when I was into mini-trucks, '93 'yota, slammed on it's nuts, '61 Dodge Desert Turquoise with 4x4 front fenders, all that minitruck nonsense...this cyborg-goth critter with stainless fingernails and all the stupid regalia that goes along with her lifestyle thought the bedside was a leaning post, her boyfriend grabbed her just in time to keep her from making contact with it though.

    The other was the '51 Ford I drove for a while..I had just painted it at school two days before, and this lil 18 y/o blonde decided to park her butt up on the, I didn't say nothin...I didn't realize what was going on, guess I was distracted. There was a cute assprint there til the day I got rid of it...yeah, it bothered me, kinda, but I couldn't bring myself to fix it.

    I'm older and grumpier now, what a drag it is getting old...

    If You And/Or Your Children Want To Touch Something...

  3. at Shelsy Walsh (the oldest, continually used motor racing venue in the world) last's the kind of place you get 30s Bentleys, 60's ex GP cars, and a whole assortment of pre war sort a reeks of cars we can't afford and is populated by the people who can...
    come back from watching the racing to be told by another rodder some bloke had opened the door of my A, put his kid in the car so the jammy faced little brat could have a go at driving the funny old car..the aforementioned rodder walks up to the bloke and tells him not to put his kid in our cars as it 's against health and safety regulations....the bloke responds with
    the rodder replies
    " because if you don't take him out I'll punch you in the face!!"
    which was fair comment really!
  4. Stack
    Joined: May 1, 2007
    Posts: 24



    OMG that was hilarious...

    I have a good friend I work with over here in Germany that has a XJSS Jag... Its beautiful. He is such a smartass I am going to have to tell him that story! LOL!
  5. Magnus
    Joined: Apr 30, 2006
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    from Sweden

    Well, we've all been there and parents should take better care, it's their f¤%& responsibilty. I was involved in a prostock racing team and we had been racing in Germany, and I'm telling you these germans.... We had the car door open before loading it in the trailer, and when I turned around a MF sat in the car and pulled all the switches and had a good time, so I "helped" him out in a hurry. Furious I asked him if he owned a Ferrari, and then explained that this car had a value of two Ferarris. If we hadn't pull the emergency switch the car would have started, without oil!! Another time we had the car on display at NEC in England and a dumbass father lifted his kid up in the hood of the prostocker, so the kid could slide!!!down the hood. Can you belive that?? I was shocked and couldn't stop him before our main sponsor stopped them. You have to respect other people's stuff. Period.
  6. They issue ya' a driver's license after ya' pass a driver's test.

    Maybe they should do the same for parenting. Pass the parenting test (developed by conservatives, liberal values excluded from test) and then ya' can have kids.
  7. Shifty Shifterton
    Joined: Oct 1, 2006
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    Shifty Shifterton

    Did I read this wrong?

    It sounds like your kid was expected to hold it thru class, but instead his old man became an instant expert using medical printouts and threatened school administrators. Thus, now your kid doesn't have to hold it like everone else is expected to? You griped and complained so your kid could do whatever the hell he pleases, no different than the car show incidents.
  8. Gator
    Joined: Dec 29, 2005
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    I had my 29 at a cruise in this weekend and saw kids standing on the running boards looking in the truck more than once - several times the parents were right there with them.

    I saw one guy taking a picture of his little girl standing in front of the truck. He told her " be careful, don't get up against it" I went over and opened the door so she could sit in it for the pictures.

    Not a big deal to me, but I can see how people would get worked up over it.

    It's a matter of respect, pure and simple.
  9. Goztrider
    Joined: Feb 17, 2007
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    from Tulsa, OK

    So? There'd be only ONE way they could find out it was wired - AND - it could just be a 'short' in the electrical system.

    Besides that, anyone who does touch my ride(s) w/o permission would be lucky enough to ONLY recieve a minor jolt. Would be much better than the verbal ass ripping and potential foot in the ass they might get instead.
  10. james
    Joined: May 18, 2001
    Posts: 1,064


    Actually, "holding it" is bad for you, can lead to urinary infections and such. Kids should be able to go when they have to. I've had to deal with school officials on medical issues (not this) and you have to go in there and prove your point. My daughter has some hearing issues and I've had to bring in letters from specialists and threatening letters from my lawyers just to have them follow rules their own schoolboard setup.

    Oh yeah, and my kids walk car shows with their hands in their pockets and use thier eyes only...
  11. 19Fordy
    Joined: May 17, 2003
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    Ever had a "yuppy puppy parent" tell you this rationale: "Just like a swimming pool without a fence is considered an attrative nuisance which kids are drawn to, taking your car at a show makes IT and attractive nuisance because people are drawn to it and therefore not repsonsible for what happens because it's YOUR fault you brought it in the first place. "
  12. StevenRaye
    Joined: Jul 20, 2006
    Posts: 10


    Some kids are just not being watched, and what's worse is when they drown or they are hit by a car.
  13. Mr T body
    Joined: Nov 2, 2005
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    Mr T body
    Alliance Vendor
    from BHC AZ

    We showed one of the cars at the '06 GNRS and had a very nice full fendered deuce next to us. A family walked by and stopped to look at the deuce (the owner was away) and the rugrat had a Happymeal folding cardboard car that he proceeded to "race" down the deuce's fender. I politely asked the parents (OK, the statement started with WTF!) to get junior away from the car, and pull their craniums out of their rectums. They appeared displeased.... I was concerned (for the deuce)
  14. 50flathead
    Joined: Mar 8, 2005
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    from Iowa, USA

    My number one pet peeve about all car shows everywhere is all of the people that show up and have no respect for what they are looking at. Most of these people are totally clueless and do their damnedest to show it. I'm no pro by any means but I do take pride in my automotive possessions. I know how much money this hobby takes. I know how much work and talent I've poured into my stuff. I know all the late nights and weekends I've spent in the shop when these people were off doing who knows what. I try my best to take care of my cars. I've had ADULTS at car shows open the doors of my cars and snoop around as if they were in a friggin showroom. I've had ADULTS put their hands on my stuff. Its no wonder the kids do the same. Then comes all the stupid ass comments from these dumb asses. These people think that after watching a season of American Hotrod and Barret Jackson reruns they are qualified to criticize my car. Quite frankly I could really give a shit less what an unknowledgeable show attendee’s opinion is about my stuff. I go to shows to support the clubs and other car people. It’s a great place to meet old friends and maybe get acquainted with new ones. I hate to do the power parking thing but I see a lot of owners doing it just to guard their car.
  15. AllSteel34
    Joined: May 8, 2006
    Posts: 224


    The same thing happened to my '49 just after I finished her. I almost went to jail as a result. That was the last time I ever put one of my rides in a show of any kind. Had I done that as a kid, my old man would have beat my ass right then and there. And rightfully so.

  16. I get that in my own driveway. People stop in, turn around, dump the ashtray, open the hoods of some of my rides, get in, try to start them, look through everything, slam the doors.. in my DRIVEWAY! There are no For Sale signs, just a bunch of old cars and rusty trucks parked around the yard. I wonder how they would feel if I stopped over at their house and rummaged through the crapbox they drive daily. I gotta keep my cars parked out back so nobody can see them, or I get looneys climbing on/in them. I dont mind people stopping by lookin for parts, or asking if something is for sale. Just dont let yourself into the cars I own. I dont even mind the looks I get when they ask how much I would sell my 72 Formula for.. its only a 1 of 276 built with a 455 HO that year, and people are always wanting to get in it.
  17. AllSteel34
    Joined: May 8, 2006
    Posts: 224


    Amen, Brother. One of the reasons I don't go to shows anymore. I just build 'em for me. I'd rather be in the shop working on the next project than guarding my ride at a show so sub-morons can gawk and express their "expert" opinions on how they would have done it.

  18. People think my wife and I are way too strict with our kids, but after getting out of the booth at a Big Boy the other day the old couple behind us were surprised to see we had kids with us- they were that well behaved and quiet. They werent kidding or being nice either, you could tell. My kids are 3, 4 and 6 and know not to get anywhere near the cars, not because I am overly anal about them ( I am) but because it's out of fucking respect. I don't care if it's my wife's mini van- you dont touch the cars, and don't play in them or around them- they aren't fucking toys.:mad:

    They have that same respect for everything though, you don't stand on the couch, don't put your dirty fingers on the slding glass doors so I gotta clean it every day, you dont play with your hot wheels on the coffee tabel and scratch it up and you dont touch cars.

    Alot of lazy ass parents (and there are alot of them out there) just chalk all the above behavoir up to "just being kids". BULLSHIT, that's what parents are for... to tell them what to do and what not to do. Sure it's alot of work, but if you werent up for it you shoulda worn a fucking rubber.
  19. Garry Carter
    Joined: Mar 11, 2002
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    Garry Carter

    A few years ago, I returned to find some kid -- 6 to 8 years old -- jumping on the seats, pulling knobs, twisting the wheel, etc. while his Dad watched! I thought I was pretty nice when I opened the door and told him (politely) to "Hop out son, this is not your car." And his Dad went off on me!!

    The conversation went downhill fast, with the young man learning (1) some new and interesting words, and (2) his Dad was about to get is ass whipped.

    Taken as a group, people are no damned good.
  20. jmn444
    Joined: Jan 30, 2007
    Posts: 410


    now that is just fukin nuts.

  21. Chuck-A-Burger Ryan
    Joined: Aug 20, 2006
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    Chuck-A-Burger Ryan

    I was at a show at my dads place a couple of weeks ago, it was PACKED so I had to park in front of the porta johns. No big deal 'till I saw ADULT "car guys" leaning on my car waiting for the john. My car isn't the nicest but it still pissed me off! :mad: Is it so hard to stand upright for a few minutes that you have to lean on a car?:confused:
  22. Mudslinger
    Joined: Aug 3, 2005
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2014
  23. 416Ford
    Joined: Mar 28, 2007
    Posts: 825


    If someone stood on my car I better be me. If the car is rusting away and I don't wash it enough. I am the only one who can stand on it still. I do not have kids and do not want them touching any of my cars regardless of how nice they they may appear. The biggest problem I have when I see stickey fingers on my car is "Who to strangel first, the child or the parent who is not watching the child". WOW, touchy subject for me. Thank for letting me vent.
  24. Ghastly
    Joined: Sep 13, 2006
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    from DETROIT,MI

    Detroit autorama I could have on most finger prints from adults in flat black paint. It's not just the kids.
  25. Many moons ago I was asked to get some "old" cars together for a parade in the home town. Being in a club at the time I had little problem finding volunteers.

    We arrive at the designated spot a little early and park. Soon after, on the stage nearby, an awards cermoney takes place for the participants of a 5K race. A crowd gathers around the cars and people are leaning on them and touching etc. I approach one woman and she said "what's the big deal, it's just a car?" Just a $20,000 restored 56 Chevy that YOU don't own I said. She was unimpressed.

    Needless to say, we didn't attend the next years function.
  26. ...doc...
    Joined: Feb 18, 2007
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    from Houston

    same thing happened to me at the cousin was standing next to my truck while I was out walking with my wife and son. My truck (50 Chev.) seemed like a playground for 6 kids (with their parents standing next to my truck). They were jumping up and down on my running boards, and climbing all over the truck.
    My truck is not perfect either, but it has tremendous sentimental value to me, and since the Round-up, I have seen my truck on others websites, and homepages, so others must think it's pretty clean.
    When my cousin asked the parents WTF they were doing, the reply was, "it's okay", which made him lose it, and go off on the dad. The dad and my cousin almost came to blows over the ignorance and disrespect of his kids. I don't understand how the parants can't tell their kids not to climb or jump on someone's car or truck.
  27. Thresher
    Joined: Jan 31, 2007
    Posts: 134

    from Austin, TX

    During the car show last weekend a kid was running up to my T when right as he got up to it (had to be about age 9 or 10) his big brother snagged him by the collar and said "NO WAY- KIDDO! Respect the ride!" I smiled and thanked him. That night when my dad was helping me clean up the car we found a retainer on the passenger floorboard. :eek: Musta flew right out of the kid!
  28. I talked to a cop here in Chicago.This goes as far as parked cars and probably wouldn't be the same as at a show.If someone so much as "touches" your car they can be arrested for "tampering with a vehicle".
  29. FencePost
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 351


    Last year at the weekly Thursday night cruise night. About July I was handed a flyer when I drove in. It stated all car owners were to stay with their car until the exhaust pipes cooled off. Apparently some ankle biter the week before grabbed a chrome header on a t-bucket soon after he parked. NOW where was the parent? Why should I have to stay with my car? The next week I printed a sign out and put it on the windshield. The Exhaust pipes are HOT hold your rugrats hand so he doesn't get burnt. Friggin parents these days. I was brought up around cars and my kids were too. They know to respect anothers ride no matter how high or LOW dollar it is. Some one worked hard to get it. I have had trash thrown in the bed of my truck, kids standing in the bed, etc. IF the parent asked I would open the door and let the kid in for them, just don't ASSUME..
  30. hellbound gasser
    Joined: Dec 13, 2005
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    hellbound gasser

    Even supposed car guys dont get it. I was at the reunion 2 years ago when i noticed two guys leaning on my car. Its painted with rustoleum and my friend and his old man were there so, while it pissed me off, i let it go. A few minutes later though, i noticed the larger of the two laughing his ass off and beating my door with his open hand cause he was laughing so hard. Too much for me, i walked over and kindly told him that leaning on my car was one thing but beating the sh$# out of it was another and to please get the f off my car. His buddy got off real quick and walked away but he got up slowly and looked me up and down like "what the f are you gonna do about it". I later learned that he was one of the guys from a to remain unnamed car club that had a special about them on TV and i later saw him on said show talking about old cars and respect!
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