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Tulsa results

Discussion in 'HA/GR' started by Ron Golden, May 11, 2007.

  1. Ron Golden
    Joined: Jan 30, 2005
    Posts: 513

    Ron Golden


    Would someone please post the results (E.T. & MPH) everyone runs at Tulsa. Pictures also if available.

    Thanks, Ron
  2. Rand Man
    Joined: Aug 23, 2004
    Posts: 5,176

    Rand Man

    Speed Merchants got their rail back together around 4:00PM. We laid some rubber in the parking lot at tthe shop. That was fun to see it run again. Sorry we missed the race.
  3. nailhead mike
    Joined: Apr 10, 2005
    Posts: 45

    nailhead mike
    from tulsa, ok

    The great Race,

    Six cars raced till 1PM and we all had a great time. Congrats to Hiney for organizing and running a smooth program at the same time he was kicking everyones butt. The winner and still champion turned a new best E.T. of 12.30 to eleminate the Ramrods in the final race of the evening.

    The Ramrods finished with second place points, the Okie Outlaw came in third and Hiney will have to fill in the rest. The Red Baron had hard luck with mechanical trouble after turning in a solid 12.90 early in the afternoon.

    If you weren't there you missed a great race!
  4. mudflap261
    Joined: Oct 24, 2005
    Posts: 588

    from tulsa

    GOOD MORNING ALL this is a partial report Hindman has printout of each round speeds ets 60 ft times of each car will post mon /tues crooked six ran low 14s JOE HAMBY first time out ran mid 15s with a bone stock slant 6 DAVE LEWIS RED BARON GMC ran 12/90s until a broken valve spring sidelined him RAMRODS ran 12/80s low 13s 105 best speed OKIE OUTLAW the new flat head car came off the trailer with a 12/80 100 + WITH 60 FT OF 1.88 THEIR BEST RUN WAS 12.77 60FT 1.77 102 MPH The HORNET came off the trailer with a 12.347 60 ft 1.666 102.16 12.59 6oft 1.716 101.45 12.427 60ft 1.722 102.69 last run 12.301 6o ft1.684 103.10 why the good 60 ft lots vht this was a bought in show fuel /alcohol dragasters funny cars /pro stock /pro comp cars lots of rubber was laid down MR.MAC took lots of photos

    a broken
  5. Rand Man
    Joined: Aug 23, 2004
    Posts: 5,176

    Rand Man

    So when's the next race?
  6. photo's?


  7. Ron Golden
    Joined: Jan 30, 2005
    Posts: 513

    Ron Golden


    Congrats on your win at Tulsa.

    It sounds like everyone had a great time.

  8. That's impressive seeing that many cars in the 12's. Good job guys... well except that one with the auto. :p :D
  9. 3wLarry
    Joined: Mar 11, 2005
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    Member Emeritus
    from Owasso, Ok's a few...

    Attached Files:

    kidcampbell71 likes this.
  10. 64 DODGE 440
    Joined: Sep 2, 2006
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    64 DODGE 440
    from so cal

    Great to see some of the cars in action. It gives incentive to work on ours, for those of us who are just starting the build process.
  11. That's great to see. As pointed out, those times are impressive, it certainly illustrates what kind of potential there is with these cars without the need for 'rocket science' or going financially crazy, well done.

    Sweet photo's Larry.


  12. Rand Man
    Joined: Aug 23, 2004
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    Rand Man

    Thanks for posting the photos Larry. I want to know more about the new flathead car. Looks like it's put together well. Who are the owners?
  13. Mr. Mac
    Joined: May 16, 2005
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    Mr. Mac

    Im not Larry but I am the one that shot the pics.:D The new flatty car is owned by nailhead mike and yes it is a very well thought out and well built car. Once he gets the bugs out we better watch out.
  14. QQMOON
    Joined: Oct 7, 2002
    Posts: 1,309


    Great pics and times good to see some new cars coming out play
  15. nailhead mike
    Joined: Apr 10, 2005
    Posts: 45

    nailhead mike
    from tulsa, ok

    Ted, thanks for the kind words about the Outlaw. There are two other guys with me in this fun little car. Jim Jones worked with me through the entire build and Howard Tribbey( Howard's Flatheads in Terlton, OK ) loaned us the motor and several other parts on the car. When I learn how to cut an .04 light like Kenny we might be more competitive.

    See you at the track.
  16. Rand Man
    Joined: Aug 23, 2004
    Posts: 5,176

    Rand Man

    Hey Mike, what carb are you running? Looks like a Holley double pumper to me.
  17. nailhead mike
    Joined: Apr 10, 2005
    Posts: 45

    nailhead mike
    from tulsa, ok

    You're correct, it's a Holley D/P 650 cfm. Seems to work okay so far.
  18. Rand Man
    Joined: Aug 23, 2004
    Posts: 5,176

    Rand Man

    So why aren't you running an era specific carb?
  19. ford6man27
    Joined: Aug 7, 2005
    Posts: 67


    Are the rules at Tulsa pretty much run what you brung? I see that you can run an auto. trans. and a 650 double pumper carb. I have the engine out of my vintage dirt car and have been thinking about building a HA/GR if I can use this engine. It is a 1965 which I know is 3 years past your cut off date but that shouldn't be a problem If you can run the carb and auto trans. The engine I want to use is a 300 cu. in. ford, 14 to 1 comp. with a 750 Demon alcahol carb. Please let me know if I can run this engine at Tulsa
  20. Joe Hamby
    Joined: Jun 6, 2005
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    Joe Hamby

    Gentlmen, last night I watched a AA/Fuel dragster run 325.38 MPH, and a lot of funny cars. Do you remember the first funny cars, they were altered wheel base supper stock's, they were a lot of fun to watch, but they evalved into a AA/Fuel dragster with a carbon fiber body, that class sure changed a lot. Please don't let this class. HA/GR change into something else, if you want to run a lot faster motor, slicks, blowers, etc, and have this type of look, then just build an altered, and do it all your way, I still have 5 and a half in wheels, and don't plan to change. Joe
  21. Godzilla
    Joined: Jul 26, 2005
    Posts: 1,013


    My guess is that they are just sorting their car out. I read a post a while back saying that the engine they are running is a test mule...used while they have their racing engine built.

    I believe that it has been posted that all the HA/GR rules apply to the SDRA races with the exception of the auto trans deal...that is how I will be able to run Rodan with them....once I have it sorted out.

    I am sure that Hiney can answer any other questions you have about the rules. Who knows, there may be some rule changes next year in either the HA/GR or SDRA to allow your power plant...but my understanding is that for now the current rules stand. Good luck if you decide to go ahead and build your car. Ron.
  22. recycler
    Joined: Mar 27, 2001
    Posts: 661


    Joe, it's already happening. Your pleas are falling on deaf ears. "guidelines" don't work and racers will always push to go faster regardless of the consequences. Eating their young to feed their ego is the drag racer's nature.

    Andy (ford6man27) The Tulsa series of races are Hiney's rules (his words) Ask him about your 6 cyl. He might let you run it. I'd love to see you build a car with that motor.

    The HA/GR rules are only going to apply to the HAMB drags. Randy and I (Speed Merchants) will stick to HA/GR guidelines. We'll get beat alot at the Tulsa deal but it'll still be fun.

  23. ford6man27
    Joined: Aug 7, 2005
    Posts: 67


    If I build a car it will be wth the HA/GR rules, trans., period correct carbs and all. I was trying to point out just how crazy this whole deal has turned into. I have been racing vintage dirt cars for 7 years and know first hand how this is going to turn out. Over half of the cars I race with are modern race chassis with an old body on it. What is so crazy about it is that they will stand there and argue with you all day that the car is a vintage car. Body only does not make a car vintage.
    Six inch tires alone does not make a HA/GR type car fit the picture of a period correct, spirit of the Bug dragster. If you cant stand going by the rules, don't ruin it for everyone else just go on and build an altered or some other faster class racer. I know, before you say anything that I don't have a horse in this race so I don't have a vote. Just saying if you want this deal to work, stick to the rules.
  24. Godzilla
    Joined: Jul 26, 2005
    Posts: 1,013


    'A drag racers nature is to eat their young to feed their ego.'

    Man...there must not be any drag racers on this forum. I am just wondering, is that a universal opinion of all drag racers...or just the drag racers that live in Arkansas?
  25. Ron Golden
    Joined: Jan 30, 2005
    Posts: 513

    Ron Golden

    Hi Guys,

    I agree that we need to stick to the HA/GR rules, even though Godzilla and I suggested a couple of changes regarding safety that didn't go over too well with the majority, I'll go along with the majority to keep the HA/GR as intended in the beginning.

    However, I am going to build as fast a car as I have resourses and money at my disposal. If I never compete against another HA/GR car I still want to see just how fast I can go. If I could afford it I would build a moly chassis, 1000 pound, drop-dead killer HA/GR car. Not just to beat someone to the end of 1320 feet, but just to see what I was capable of building. Hell, if I wanted, I had a complete rolling, front engine chassis I could have built a BB Chevy for and ran in the mid 7's.

    If I didn't have the resources available I'm sure I would have built a car with a stock engine and still had a blast. Mine may end up being pretty quick but that doesn't mean I'll have any more fun than everyone else....... I'll just be faster than some of the others.

    By the way, if there's any way I can help anyone building a HA/GR car just give me a call. I'll even help you outrun me.

  26. recycler
    Joined: Mar 27, 2001
    Posts: 661


    I am not trying to get in a pissing contest with anyone. I was speaking of drag racers as a whole. Is the Arkansas question supposed to be some sort of a stab at me?

    Think about how heads up classes evolve. Outlaw street cars, 10.5 cars, nostalgia top fuel (only thing nostalgia about em is where the motor is).
    Change happens, envelopes are pushed, rules are changed, added or modified. I am simply stating the facts and anyone entering into a heads up class should be aware of what will happen over time.

    This aint bracket racing boys(thank gawd), its real drag racing (hope it stays that way- no indexes)and it'll get intense. Doesn't mean it won't be fun, just might get expensive if ya wanna run with the top dawgs- especially in an "outlaw" group.

    Now everybody hold hands and sing Kumbaya. He He He
  27. Godzilla
    Joined: Jul 26, 2005
    Posts: 1,013


    I was just trying to understand the comment about drag racers. I know a lot of drag racers and none of them have an appetite for their young...what they do have an appetite for is making their car go quicker and faster. This seems to be a universal concept regardless of class designation. I just don't know anyone who drags races to feed their ego. The guys I know do it for the love of competition and the feeling you get when you build a car with your hands and it goes down the strip.

    I think that it is great that those who want a purist car that follows all the HA/GR rules has at least one race a year to run their cars. With any luck Ryan will get more races organized. It is a great club project deal and I would have done one in a club if I belonged to one...but I don't. I am just a racer.

    We all owe a big thanks to Hiney for putting together his SDRA deal in Tulsa. It means more exposure for these cars. I for one always hand out the rules for the HA/GR class. What the other guy builds is his business. Let him bring it on...I'll run him...and we will both have a ball. Ron.
  28. nailhead mike
    Joined: Apr 10, 2005
    Posts: 45

    nailhead mike
    from tulsa, ok

    What difference does it make to you, I'm complying with the rules for our races and that includes automatics and and 4 barrel carbs. If I can't run at Mokan because I'm not "era specific" who cares. Why aren't you running an era specific nose on your car? I guess it just boils down to the fact that our racers are more concerned with racing than looks.
  29. Old6rodder
    Joined: Jun 20, 2006
    Posts: 2,546

    from SoCal
    1. HA/GR owners group

    Actually, gentlemen,

    That reference to Funny Cars was rather apt. From their inception as amusing pre-last round break entertainment, through their inclusion as classes and up to their present state of affairs they do typify what can become of a new (or even new/old) idea. And that would even include their branch-off of the wheelstand exhibitions-cum-races that followed the very same course, though a markedly shorter eventual distance.
    The question to me is what can we hope for in our HA/GR resurrection of a dormant type of drag racing (itself an extension of the HAMB drags concept). My fondest hope is that we can keep it the game it was intended to be.

    I fully expect to see spin-offs, looser ruled variations, etc, come into being. Hell, I'd be surprised not to, and good on'em. Consider the evolutions of classes throughout automotive racing's history.
    HA/GR as it's intended is hardly the world's cup of tea. Others can run it on a bit further and take its ideas to the next obvious level as, say an HA/GR '60 class, or HA/S(second level)R, or perhaps some entirely unique classification. It'd certainly attract its share of afficionados, and likely even some converts. Their problem would then be the same as ours is now, maintaining their original intent in the face of yet further divergences and factioning.

    Two things come to mind that should help each of us in that same endeavour (both of which are already instituted loosely in HA/GR).

    One, that the BUILDERS make and live by their own class rules. This keeps the controls and changes out of the hands of kibitzers and folks wanting something else. Their best option is to start their own preferred variation and devote their energies to that rather than trying to warp an existing class to their wants.

    And two, a clearly stated intent of the class goals. This keeps the participants (and fascinated parties) well focused on the original points each class was intended to promote and enjoy.

    With a reliance on these we can all enjoy what we want and promote those things to that segment of a race watching public bored with computerized competition little different than a full size video game.

    Myself, I like having to "throw" the gears, "pedal" the hides, "work" the jugs and "feel" my way down the quarter, so HA/GR is for me, just the way she stands. And where I might I'll work to keep'er there.

    It would indeed be fun to see a "next level" class added to the effort. As with my (two scale) train club the good natured in-fighting could be a hoot.

    Sorry, went and waxed poetic yet again. Chide me if you must ........... it stands.
  30. Godzilla
    Joined: Jul 26, 2005
    Posts: 1,013


    A personal observation:
    The guys on the HAMB seem to me to their very nature...the kind of guys who look at something mechanical and start thinking how it can be modified or personalized. We accept this and hold it in reverance. So why should the HA/GR deal be any different? (rhetorical question)

    Just look at the HA/GR cars...they don't all look alike...they are all very different. HAMB guys embrace difference...they accept the concept even when in practice it does not appeal to them.

    So why not embrace the differences...there is no money involved here. There is no fight for sponsorship...just a little basic idea at the core. They have all had the "spirit of the bug" in their mind when they built their car. So their concept is not the same as yours...and you do not like how it has turned out. SO WHAT. Do YOUR thing and let them do THEIRS. We can all be good HAMB guys and embrace a little mechanical self-expression. What is it gonna cost us. Ron.

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