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I'm moving to New Orleans

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by lgh1157, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. lodaddyo
    Joined: May 5, 2002
    Posts: 1,253


    i live about 45 min from new orleans, between baton rouge and new orleans
    never lived in new orleans, but have partied there many nites. i have family that live on st. charles in the garden district. if you need any thing let me know. if you need a place to store anything while you get settled in i have a 2000 sqft shop
    good luck
  2. lgh1157
    Joined: Sep 15, 2004
    Posts: 1,671


    My bad :p - i see what you are saying

    Last night i went to bobs with my club, we had dinner and went for a cruise, today it hit me that im not gonna have that soon. but i will have a GARAGE, who need friends when you have a garage hahahaha

    thanks alot ryan, thats rad

  3. willowbilly3
    Joined: Jun 18, 2004
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    from Sturgis

    Well, I haven't been back over there for about a year but I have to wonder why on earth you would want to move to a shithole like N.O. It's just plain depressing and the humidity in the summer sucks big time. It'll be decades before they ever get that place rebuilt.
  4. damnfingers
    Joined: Sep 22, 2006
    Posts: 1,287


    Have you thought about living over in Mississippi? Not far from New Orleans, easy commute and cheaper.
  5. Gman0046
    Joined: Jul 24, 2005
    Posts: 6,256


    Nawlins, nobody wants to live there but I guess someone has to. Wear Body Armour and carry a Glock 9MM at all times. I thought the humidity in Houston was bad until I went to Nawlins. Members of our church went to help in the reconstruction after Katrina, after their tools were stolen for the second time they got smart and left. Good luck, y'all will need it.
  6. Brewton
    Joined: Jun 24, 2005
    Posts: 884


    Welcome to Louisiana!! I'm up in hillbilly hell - North LA, but....It's all good. Nawlins is good - It is going to be a much better city since the hurricane. It's all what you make of it. My wife and I go down every so often to get away, eat great food, and hear great music.
  7. Sam F.
    Joined: Mar 28, 2002
    Posts: 4,225

    Sam F.

    congrats on the move holmes...

    i know YOU know where yer going.,,and you already said that in regards to the negative comments....but like you said,,youve lived in flatbush and youved lived in you already know how to act...if you have lived in LA and Flatbush NY,,then you already know,,,
    .......i was born on the eas side of los,,and was raised in elmonte,,never had a problem that i didnt start...thats the thing,,,people who have no clue,,,have the problems,,they go in the wrong areas,,stare at the wrong people,,talk shit to the wrong person,or just plain walk up and look like a MARK,,hahhaa,,,..its the way it is...
  8. Goozgaz
    Joined: Jan 11, 2005
    Posts: 2,555


    Wow... kinda fucked up with all the "shit hole... get a gun" comments.

    The man is going there to supprt his wife and it's all in the name of rebuilding a city and educating kids. Should be calling the two of them HERO's instead of trying to scare them.

    Good luck man.
  9. brownbagg
    Joined: Jul 26, 2006
    Posts: 116

    from grand bay

    if you move, try to live outside of the city, like slidell. Mississippi is real good. I,m in Long beach right now. But try to find a place on high ground. If the city flood during another hurricane, you car will be under twenty feet of water. Hurricanes are fun. no service, no law, no power, no food, and the natives starts stealing everything.
  10. lgh1157
    Joined: Sep 15, 2004
    Posts: 1,671


    yeah G, im finding the thread pretty interesting, people told me the same thing about NY, and the same thing bout L.A.

    Funny thing is - most of you on this thread dont know me and i dont know any of you. So it doesn't really matter.

    i put this thread up here to find out info about the city in relation to cars and people that live there etc, why dont we just keep it as that ?

  11. Chris Casny
    Joined: Mar 13, 2006
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    Chris Casny

    I'm fuckin' with you, man.
    Besides he lives in L.A. and used to live in NYC, most of the gun toting guys probably live in small towns and are afraid or unfamiliar with big city life. For us its just part of everyday life, let's say you get used to it, and learn to live with it and learn to avoid problems.
    He will be fine.
    Him and his wife are going to do a good thing.
  12. MIKE-3137
    Joined: Feb 19, 2003
    Posts: 1,578


    The worst thing about living here now is the cost of home and business insurance, makes no sense, flood insurance is cheap, due to being part of the govt insurance pool, but the wind policies are sky high now, and most of us had very little wind damage, all flooding. Never thought i'd leave somewhere because of insurance, but its becoming a real possibility.
  13. Sam F.
    Joined: Mar 28, 2002
    Posts: 4,225

    Sam F.

    bro,,you are right,,,i wasnt wanting to ad to all that,,but just get your back cuz the shit people were replying with negativlly was lame,,,,
  14. lgh1157
    Joined: Sep 15, 2004
    Posts: 1,671


    Sam I appreciate your post alot man. Its true - i do know where im going.

    Does anyone reading this drive a fuckin old car in NOLA ? hahahahaha, im sure im not gonna be the first haha. Fuck im gonna be outside highschools with copys of "rod and custom" and "lowrider" :D
  15. mcload
    Joined: Apr 20, 2007
    Posts: 539


    Well, for what it's worth, best of luck to you and your family. If you get in a jam, I'm in Houston.
  16. El Jefe
    Joined: Dec 12, 2002
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    El Jefe
    Alliance Member

    One of your fellow HAMBer's is Joe C. down in N.O. His house was destroyed by Katrina, but that proud SOB stuck w/ the city and is rebuilding. He's over in Lake Terrace area which is pretty cool and there are some great buys over there. He also has a killer flatty powered green model A sedan that I am sure you will see him cruisin around town in. He's one of the goods ones and knows the ins and outs of the city. Also Raymond Rupert has a shop across Lake Ponchantrain call Reliable Hot Rods............another saint. Look him up. Tell him his buddies from Austin sent ya.
    Hats off to you and you wife for moving down there and trying to help move that great city in the right direction. I love that town.
  17. Stu
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 1,103


    The Ramblin Oldies of Denham Springs is a pretty active club north of town
    here's their website

    Hamb member lives in NO Rocket Scientist Chris

    I'm over in Pensacola,FL a couple of hours east--anytime you need to get out the big city come on over
    I love N.O.
  18. brownbagg
    Joined: Jul 26, 2006
    Posts: 116

    from grand bay

    now for the hot rod sence, the mississippi gulf coast is loaded with rods. I see about twenty a day as daily drivers. They had a "cruising the coast" before the storm. For rods its great.
  19. Rocket Scientist Chris
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 624

    Rocket Scientist Chris

    I've lived in the New Orleans area most of my life and used to truely love the place. But since the storm, things have changed so much. People here are completely different, now. What used to be laid back is now intense and mean spirited. To say people drive like maniacs is an understatement. I haven't driven either of my old cars in almost two years. I know,that's really dumb! But, the mood just isn't there. :(

    As far as renewal of the city and the area in general, it seems like knocking everything down and building strip malls and condos is the answer. The strorm destroyed alot of history, but it feels like developers are trying their best to destroy what's left and build what they please.

    I find this place incredibly depressing, now. I would move if it were not for the fact that I actually have a decent job. :(
  20. Car scene is to the East and North. Slidell and the Mississippi Gulf Coast and Ponchartrain North Shore, including Hammond, Covington, Mandeville.

    As far as the city, it has its go and no go zones. How is that different from any big city? I have a place near the Quarter on Esplanade and go down no less than once a month. Still love it, especially the Magazine Street area out Garden District way. Garden District, French Quarter, Kenner and Metarie don't look much different than before. Canal Street trollies are running, but St Charles Line is just buses. West Bank is pretty much unchanged. East N.O., Ninth Ward and Chalmette as well as some Lakefront is destroyed.

    Come on down. Laissez les bon temps roullez.
  21. axle
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    from Drag City

    I wonder if half of you guys that are talking shit on New Orleans have EVER been there !?!?!?

    As stated previously, Its like any other city in the u.s., Its got a rough area and its got its cool safe area's !

    Louisiana in general is one of the best states in the U.S. ! The culture, Food,Music,Bayou's,History,Atmosphere,people,etc cannot be matched !
  22. I daily drove my 55 Ford from St. Mary Parish to New Orleans in the early 90s. After Andrew and the roads were rough, but getting better. I brought my Merc into New Orleans a few times in the past few years I always parked it in front of were I was going. A bike is the best way to get around. Cruzin the Coast in Mississippi isn't to bad. Don't register for it, but don't forget beer. Tim
  23. steveb
    Joined: Nov 11, 2004
    Posts: 180


    Man, I hope there is some kind of decent car scene happening there. I've seen a few cool cars in the past over there, but I haven't been there too often since the storm. Lots of places outside of the Quarter are like "Anytown, USA" I've been going there a couple of times a year since the '80's, & you always hear the "Oh, don't go past that street after dark." & stuff like that, but I've never experienced any bad junk. Of course, I didn't GO in those areas. Anyway, lots of cities have bad areas.

    The weather sucks a lot of the time, especially compared to SoCal. Hot & sticky. Just sitting outside yesterday, I was soaking wet with sweat.

    Yeah, people might say "Y'all" over there, but the accent is more like Brooklyn or New York instead of Southen. Not much about NO is true Southern, it's more mix of a bunch of different stuff. But, I really hate how the souvenir shops play Cajun music & try to pass off NO as Cajun. What a load of crap.

    Anyway, I commend you & your wife on such a valiant effort, & I wish both of you success.

    Hopefully you find a scene over there, because just 2 hours west, where I am, there's not much going on at all.

  24. david4991
    Joined: Feb 1, 2006
    Posts: 105

    from Louisiana

    I'm from right outside Baton Rouge.
  25. WinterGreen
    Joined: Oct 24, 2006
    Posts: 31


    Man you're gonna love it! Like steveb was saying we don't have southern accents, but what most people think is a New Orleans accent is actualy a Kennerite or Meterite accents. As long as you stay out of Kenner, Metairie, and every where else that people say "Where ya at" you'll love it. My family has been in New Orleans for over seven generations so if you ever need to know where to go or where to never go give me a holler. -Will
  26. Gman0046
    Joined: Jul 24, 2005
    Posts: 6,256


    Tonight 6/20/2007 NBC Nightly News reported Crime in New Orleans is up 100% from pre Katrina days. They've had 8 murders in the last 10 days alone. Anyone moving to or visiting the area should at least have a flak jacket and a Tec 9 or Mac 10 at all times. Good luck, you'll need it. What else would you expect with Ray Nagin as Mayor?
  27. MIKE-3137
    Joined: Feb 19, 2003
    Posts: 1,578


    There are several clubs from that area that come over here for cruisin the coast, don't know how active they are but you can find some local info at

    just like I said before, good areas, and bad areas. Most of the crime is druggies killing other druggies, and thats in the "hood" areas. I go 3 times a month to Childrens Hospital in the garden district with my daughter, and then we usually eat in the French quarter, never had a problem. The city's got tons of character and great food and music. If you like live music, hit the Famous Door" in the french quarter near Bourbon street, lots of antique stores and the like, and tons of places to eat.

    Will agree though, The big easy will never get anywhere until they get rid of the current crop of politicians. Ray Nagin is an idiot, but at least their crooked congressman William Jefferson got indicted, 90 grand in his freezer, what a loser. The last couple of insurance commisioners went to prison. They need to do a clean sweep of nearly every elected official from the governor on down.
  28. lgh1157
    Joined: Sep 15, 2004
    Posts: 1,671


    I dont wanna hear about fuckin politics, i fucken told people in this post that i wanna know about cars.

    i know what the fuck is going on down there and i haven't ONCE asked for anyones opinion about the state of the city !!!!!!

    i've got my fuckin reasons for going and i dont give a fuck about anyone else's reason for not

    My31and37 - thanks for the info, i will look up that site.

  29. CSavell
    Joined: May 30, 2007
    Posts: 1


    This is my first post ever but having grown up in the City, third generation New Orleanian, I feel that I'm qualified to put in my two cents.

    The car scene has never been huge in New Orleans or Greater N.O.. I don't know if it is because of the weather, not the best for old metal. Maybe the lack of a/c in older cars or the majority of natives living below the poverty level. Not a political statement about poverty just a sad fact that N.O., Kenner, Meterie, Challmette, Arabi and Old Arabi have populations that have little income for cool older cars. I was talking to an old friend of mine about the lack of any car culture in the area and possible reasons why. Just isn't a big scene. I was visiting my parents, who live in Slidell now, in March and spent a good bit of time in the Junk Yards. Alot of the stuff in the Yards was flooded or water damaged. Did find a 31 Roadster in the back of a trailer but wasn't for sale. Best bet is the Gulf Coast. Crusin' the Coast I've heard was o.k. but never been there, Talk of it being a gold chainer thing but I don't know, anyway, my Aunt thought it was cool and she likes my 49 Ford.
    A friend found a 31 Model A there but it is pretty must rusted out. Only paid $200.00 though.

    You'll find some guys with Rods and some Customs but comming from SoCal it may seem that the car scene is dead there. Atlanta and Austin aren't too far though. I went to the Lone Star Round Up while I was home.
    Hell, the City needs someone to kickstart the scene down there and you could do it. I know guys that are just bitting at the bit for something in the area.

    New Orleans still has alot of culture despite the Hard Rock Cafe, House of Blues, Ann Rice and her goof ball Vampire wannabe followers. I grew up going to the French Market with my Grandparents selling Collard Greens eating Creole tomatoes and feeding the birds in Jackson Square, when that was legal. He carried a gun but so what. If you carry one don't shoot a cop, they're pretty damn shifty. I wouldn't have grown up anywhere else though. The city isn't Cajun and never was. Don't say N'awlins, it marks the tourist right away, it is a pronounciation that some fat clown named Frank made up 20 some odd years ago. The city is great and pretty easy going. Start a Club and get the scene going. I think you'll love the city.
  30. lgh1157
    Joined: Sep 15, 2004
    Posts: 1,671


    If i come and stand outside your house with my Galaxie will you come for a cruise ?

    what if i dress up like this :D


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