Here we go again. I saw an ad in the local garage sale rag for a 52 F100, went to look at it and now I own it. This puts a whole new angle on the A. Do I put the FH in the A..or leave it in the truck? Can you flathead experts tell me about a 24 bolt truck flathead. I was thinking it was one of the stronger ones made. I have some flathead books but they're out in the pile of boxes in the garage from the move. Plan is to pick it up tomorrow, run to the car wash to hose it down and then to the house. I'll take some pics and show ya what I got. I promise, oh car gods, I won't buy any more projects...I swear!!
Anyone know the horsepower on these or have any pics of your's to post. Any help or suggestions will be appreciated. When was the last FH offered by Ford?
The books will say anywhere from 90hp to 100hp for a 239cid, and 110hp to 125hp for a 255cid Merc. The flathead was last made in 1954 in Canada, 1953 in the States. It'd be a great engine for your A, but you have to decide how original you want to keep the truck Tough choice! Flatman
That motor would push the "A" around a lot better than that truck! You can just about put any later drive-train in the truck and have a great daily, and a tow vehicle when needed.
The heads should have 8RT or 8BA cast into them. You guys didn't have Merc trucks down there, so it's probably a 239cid unless someone has played with it in the past. Does it run? Count on around 100hp, you'll be somewhere in that ballpark. Flatman
It doesn't run but turns and appears to have most of the parts. The seller bought it as a project but didn't get past pulling the radiator, water pumps and other stuff so it's pretty much complete. Body is fair with the norman red stuff. I don't think he was a flathead kinda guy. Windows are broke out but are flat and don't look hard to replace. Drivetrain is complete. Tail gate with Ford script in laying in the bed. Everything underneath looked good, just has the usual rust and dirt but is complete. He put a set of wheels and tires on it and they where inflated. I'm going to trailer it home this evening and as soon as possible, I'll get some pics up. They're pretty cool little trucks. My son is talking 460 followed by a badass drivetrain. This should be fun. You can't have too many trucks in your yard.
Thanks Mike, this isn't the first flatty I've found but, it's the first one I've found that the owner wanted to sell so I jumped on it. The owner told me that he thought the flatty had a bend valve. He said it would turn so far and stop. That could mean alot of things I guess. When I started the A build I really wanted a flatty but couldn't find one anywhere so I installed a SBC and 700R4. I'm doing the wiring now on the A and already have a new Walker radiator I paid a fortune for. Now this is a tough call. I know where there is an A pickup for sale and was thinking about putting this flatty in it for my youngest son. He has wanted that pick up for a while and the flatty would be cool in it. Back to the flatty, someone had it out at one time so it's suspect. The oil looks good and black but I'm worried about the internals. Does anyone have some ideas to throw me on checking out the motor. I plan on pulling it out in the near future but what can I check now? Thanks everyone for your help!
You might get the flathead to run, but chances are, it needs to be rebuilt anyway. By the time you check it out in detail, you have it disassembled far enough to keep going on a rebuild........ By the way, I think the remark that the flatty will propel a Model A better than a pickup is right on, but keep in mind that if you keep changing your mind, the A will NEVER see the street.
Good point AA, I'm too far into the A now to turn around and I want to have this baby at the Round up next year no matter what motor it has. I guess I'll shelf the flatty until the next project comes along. I've got so many projects now that I'll stay busy until I retire.